Buddy, can you spare an Amero?

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Saturday, May 10, 2008


Firstly, I’m not saying the intentional and pre-planned depreciation of the dollar is NECESSARILY being carried out to facilitate the creation of a North American Union, but it sure is a useful policy plank that could WELL be being pursued for this very reason! Phaedrus feels it’s entirely apposite to point out that what has been going on in the Treasury recently COULD certainly have its roots in the NWO’s quest for a new Union (on the path to eventual World Union) in which three separate and distinct countries become one, with all that entails for us.

We now know without doubt that Bush wants us to submerge our sovereignty with Canada and Mexico and that the resulting political, economic and monetary union will require some significant re-alignment in the values of the three currencies currently in existence. Now, no three separate countries have identical economies, so ‘harmonization’ (nice sounding word for something very unpleasant)in the values of the US and Canadian dollar with the Mexican Peso is something we WILL see starting to occur if we ARE heading down the road to such a full-blown marriage.

How do we know this? From the recent experience of our friends in Europe, of course! The same forces are in the driving seat there as well as here. The bulk of European countries since 2001 have adopted the Euro, which is a complex composite of the various former currencies of those participating countries. In order for them all to be assimilated into one unitary currency, Europe had to go through a lengthy period of economic convergence – as we shall have to here, too, for the plan to work across north America.

It’ll be a simpler matter here, though. Only 3 economies to converge rather than over 20 as was the case of Europe. It can be achieved very much more quickly. It is Mexico’s Peso that is the main problem for Bush & Co. It’s quite far away in terms of value from both the other Dollars. For currency and economic convergence to succeed, one could either somehow strengthen the Peso, or else weaken the other two. Or more subtly perhaps, a bit of both by means of capital transfer payments to Mexico under some pretext or other.

It is manifestly clear that the Fed is sinking the Dollar on purpose, and eventual political Union would be my personal hunch as to the underlying reason. I don’t believe Greenspan’s attempt to get the Arab states to ditch the Dollar recently was him turning traitor against his former masters. He’s still 100% committed to a One World Government just like the rest of his Illuminati brethren. Breaking the Dollar peg with oil and other commodities leading to a crash in the value of our currency is a ‘great strategy’ towards this goal which can hardly fail.

I imagine Americans will be far less opposed to kissing the Dollar goodbye once it’s no longer considered a reserve currency and it becomes worth Jack. That will make pushing through the Union very much easier. And of course this new Superstate will require a new Constitution! It MUST do. Can you take a guess at who’ll be drafting it, my friends? What do you imagine it’s going to say about freedom of speech and the right to keep and bear arms? Do you think your rights and freedoms as a citizen of this brave new land and your family’s quality of life will be enhanced as a result? Well…?

Next week there’ll be a sequel to this item and, we’ll be exploring the ways in which ‘our leaders’ will most likely try to persuade us a Union with Canada and Mexico is not only in our best interest, but absolutely essential for our very survival. Stay tuned to World Peace!

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