
Month: January 2008

"Cyber Storm" Pegs Bloggers, Reporters as Terrorists

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“Cyber Storm” Pegs Bloggers, Reporters as Terrorists

Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
January 31, 2008


In heavily redacted documents released by the Ministry of Homeland Security, we learn that the State Department, Pentagon, Justice Department, CIA, National Security Agency and other leviathan agencies consider “hackers, bloggers and even reporters” a threat to national security.

In “dozens of detailed, mock disasters,” the Associated Press reports, these “villains” launch “electronic attacks” against “computers at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.” Adding to the treason, a “major news network” refuses to air its sources when reporting the fictional attacks, as of course we know the media is expected to serve the state. In the real, non-Bushzarro world, of course, the corporate media would never run such a story, but never mind, the Ministry would have us believe it is the 1970s, back when newspapers on occasion ran investigative journalism.

“The $3 million, invitation-only war game simulated what the U.S. described as plausible attacks over five days in February 2006 against the technology industry, transportation lines and energy utilities by anti-globalization hackers,” the Associated Press continues. In other words, as the Ministry would have it, “plausible attacks” come not from an imaginary al-Qaeda, the CIA created terror group, but rather from people opposed to the globalist plan to turn the world into a slave plantation based on the China model.

Other enemies are likely enumerated in the document, not that we will ever know because the “government censored most of the 328 pages it turned over.”

On the other hand, the government wants you to know bloggers are suspect and would “reveal locations of railcars with hazardous materials,” while reporters can be easily “duped into spreading ‘believable but misleading’ information” that would lead to “confusing the public and financial markets.”

All the more reason to destroy what’s left of the Constitution and impose martial law, no doubt.

Kurt Nimmo’s myspace blog


Michael Shermer, the Self-Described Skeptic Turns Gullible on 911

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Michael Shermer, the Self-Described Skeptic Turns Gullible on 911


Michael Shermer, of Skeptic Magazine, claims to have debunked the 911 Truth Movement. In fact, he doesn’t understand it. Shermer tars the movement with a broad and fallacious brush, absurdly comparing the 911 truth movement with Holocaust denial, a fallacious smear that misstates the 911 position. Holocaust deniers, in fact, have more in common with Bush and his defenders: both deny the nature and the scope of the crime of 911.

No holes, no Holocaust. No melted steel, no Al-Qaeda attack. The parallels are equal, and equally flawed. And just as I never imagined that Holocaust denial would wend its way into the mainstream press (Irving’s trial was front page news for months), after my above conversation with the filmmaker I never imagined that 9/11 denial would get media legs. But now it has legs for days, and so we have been forced to provide a public response. To read our complete analysis of the claims of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists, go here.

Michael Shermer, 9/11 “Truthers” a Pack of Liars

At the very outset, Shermer’s misstatement of fact discredits his article. Knowledgeable “truthers” have not denied the existence of “molten steel”. It is the existing video tapes of molten steel that, in themselves, utterly disprove the official conspiracy theory of George W. Bush and those who would continue to cover up this crime. Steel melts at much higher temperatures that could possibly have been reached in the brief and relatively cool fires in all of the towers that fell that day. Additionally, Shermer’s analogy collapses. Bush himself, the architect of what will ultimately prove to be the biggest cover up in history is more to be compared with holocaust deniers than are the growing legion who demand that the 911 white wash be ended now! Bush defenders likewise persist in a common fallacy, labeling those who demand an investigation as “conspiracy theorists”. Rather, the only theory that has been forward is the outlandish and absurdly improbable “official conspiracy” put forward by George W. Bush. Until recently, Shermer had played the role of the great skeptic. We can now put that to rest. No one who buys into the official 911 conspiracy theory could possibly be a skeptic. The better word is: Gullible. The dictum of a true skeptic is this:


Shermer would have us ignore this important and prudent dictum. Bush and his partisans put forward a “theory”, an “official conspiracy theory” for which there is not a shred of hard evidence in support of it –let alone a proof. The burden of proving –at least supporting –Bush’s idiotic theory rests with Bush. Shermer, a self-professed “skeptic” should know that. He is no skeptic.
Bush has opposed a Congressional investigation and when the 911 commission was created Bush tried to interfere with it.

(CBS) President Bush took a few minutes during his trip to Europe Thursday to voice his opposition to establishing a special commission to probe how the government dealt with terror warnings before Sept. 11.Mr. Bush said the matter should be dealt with by congressional intelligence committeees.CBS News Correspondent Bill Plante reports that Mr. Bush said the investigation should be confined to Congress because it deals with sensitive information that could reveal sources and methods of intelligence. Therefore, he said, the congressional investigation is “the best place” to probe the events leading up to the terrorist attacks.

CBS News: Bush Opposes 9/11 Query Panel

Just recently, it has been learned that former 9/11 Commission executive director Philip Zelikow interfered with the 9/11 report, now eschewed by the co-chairs of the committee.

According to the book, Zelikow had failed to inform the commission at the time he was hired that he was instrumental in helping Condoleezza Rice set up Bush’s National Security Council in 2001. Some panel staffers believe Zelikow stopped them from submitting a report depicting Rice’s performance prior to 9/11 as “amount[ing] to incompetence.”

In his book, Shenon also says that while working for the panel, Zelikow appears to have had private conversations with former White House political director Karl Rove, despite a ban on such communication, according to Holland. Shenon reports that Zelikow later ordered his assistant to stop keeping a log of his calls, although the commission’s general counsel overruled him, Holland wrote.

Key 9/11 Commission Staffer Held Secret Meetings With Rove, Scaled Back Criticisms of White House

Earlier, evidence from the crime scenes in New York and the Pentagon was hauled off and disposed of. Last time I checked –the destruction of evidence was a felony.

Steel was the structural material of the buildings. As such it was the most important evidence to preserve in order to puzzle out how the structures held up to the impacts and fires, but then disintegrated into rubble. Since no steel-framed buildings had ever collapsed due to fires, the steel should have been subjected to detailed analysis. So what did the authorities do with this key evidence of the vast crime and unprecedented engineering failure? They recycled it!Some 185,101 tons of structural steel have been hauled away from Ground Zero. Most of the steel has been recycled as per the city’s decision to swiftly send the wreckage to salvage yards in New Jersey. The city’s hasty move has outraged many victims’ families who believe the steel should have been examined more thoroughly. Last month, fire experts told Congress that about 80% of the steel was scrapped without being examined because investigators did not have the authority to preserve the wreckage. 1 The bulk of the steel was apparently shipped to China and India. The Chinese firm Baosteel purchased 50,000 tons at a rate of $120 per ton, compared to an average price of $160 paid by local mills in the previous year.

The Expeditious Destruction of the Evidence at Ground Zero

A real investigation would have admitted this testimony in evidence. Real skeptics believe in the “burden of proof” and the burden of proof has always been on the Bush administration. A true skeptic would demand that this evidence be released immediately. A true skeptic would not have come to a conclusion without this evidence being examined publicly by experts in a way that would allow its public verification.There are, in fact, New York fighters –on video tape –stating: 1) molten steel was found at the base of the collapsed towers; 2) they heard rapid explosions as the towers collapsed in a free fall.

Bush Crimes on Video

Even as forensic evidence was being destroyed, Bush seized the initiative, exploited the shock to ram through congress measures that flout the separation of powers, measures that rescind Due Process of Law, habeas corpus, the presumption of innocence, measures that violate US Constitutional obligations to Geneva, Nuremberg and other principles of International Law.

Our reporters were initially avoided by Moore, but he subsequently decided to approach We Are Change.org/ Infowars.com reporters for a discussion.Moore brought up his lingering questions on 9/11, which are a clear departure from the ‘government negligence’ picture he painted in his film Fahrenheit 9/11, released some three years ago.Moore told reporters, “I’ve had a number of firefighters tell me over the years and since Fahrenheit 9/11 that they heard these explosions– that they believe there’s MUCH more to the story than we’ve been told. I don’t think the official investigations have told us the complete truth– they haven’t even told us half the truth.”

Michael Moore: 9/11 Could Be Inside Job

Moore’s interest in 911 may have been peaked by the established fact: no identifiable airliner wreckage was ever found in the Pentagon debris. Moreover, as I detailed in a previous article, the “official” account of the burials at Arlington National Cemetary is shot through with inaccuracies, internal inconsistencies and inconsistencies with forensic accounts. As far as we know, none of those said to have been buried at Arlington were! Additionally, witnesses described a much smaller aircraft –certainly not an airliner, certainly not Flight 77!

I submit that if Bush and his guilty minions truly want to put this issue to rest they need only release all of the footage from all of the cameras that had been trained on the Pentagon and, in fact, photographed whatever it was that crashed and disappeared into the tiny little hole!

I challenge the Bush administration to release all of that footage! Let us find out –once and for all time –what it was that crashed into the Pentagon. Let us find out if the Bush administration is innocent of mass murder and high treason –capital crimes! If the Bush administration were innocent, it would release every photograph. If the Bush administration were innocent of the capital crimes for which there is probable cause now to try them, it would respond positively to my challenge. It would release all of the footage. It would –if it were innocent –put this issue to rest.The following remarks, I address directly to Mr. Shermer. Mr. Shermer, your analogy is transparently fallacious! You deny the crime of 911, as both Holocaust deniers and minions of the Third Reich denied the crimes of Adolph Hitler.

It is against such a background that these defendants now ask this Tribunal to say that they are not guilty of planning, executing, or conspiring to commit this long list of crimes and wrongs. They stand before the record of this Trial as bloodstained Gloucester stood by the body of his slain king. He begged of the widow, as they beg of you: “Say I slew them not.” And the Queen replied, “Then say they were not slain. But dead they are…” If you were to say of these men that they are not guilty, it would be as true to say that there has been no war, there are no slain, there has been no crime.

–Justice Robert Jackson, Summation for the Prosecution by Justice Robert Jackson

Mr. Shermer, if you subscribe to the official story, if you support Bush’s decision not to investigate, if you dare compare those demanding truth with those who historically sought to cover it up, you become the new Gloucester! You would have us say: there have been no official lies, there are no slain, there has been no crime! Additional resources




Skeptic magazine Volume 13 Number 4 (cover) https://i0.wp.com/www.gwup.org/themen/lesetipps/media/skeptic.jpg

Sending a message – Update on Bush/Cheney indictment for war crimes from BRATTLEBORO, VT

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Sending a message


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Thursday, January 31

It may be a purely symbolic gesture, but the upcoming Town Meeting vote on whether Brattleboro should indict President Bush and Vice President Cheney certainly raised the ire of conservatives all over the country.

The Municipal Center was swamped this week with nasty phone calls and e-mails, many containing language unprintable in this newspaper.

The level of rage from those who still believe that President Bush can do no wrong is astounding to behold. But while we’re surprised there are still that many people in America who support Bush, we understand their rage.

Put yourself in the shoes of a diehard Bush supporter. You believed President Bush would avenge the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, but Osama bin Laden has never been captured and Afghanistan remains a safe haven for al-Qaida.

You believed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq posed a grave threat to America, but the WMDs turned out to have never existed and all the rationales for war turned out to be lies (see www. publicintegrity.org/WarCard for a fully searchable database of hundreds of false statements issued by the Bush administration in the two years after 9/11.

You believed him when President Bush stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003, below a banner that read “Mission Accomplished,” and proclaimed that major combat operations in Iraq were over. Now, nearly 4,000 Americans and about 1 million Iraqis have died in a conflict that was only supposed to last a few weeks and now is about to enter its sixth year.

You believed that President Bush would create a leaner, more efficient government, yet the size of the federal government has expanded and the federal budget surplus he inherited in 2001 is now a $9 trillion deficit.

You believed America would remain the unquestioned No. 1 superpower in the world. Now we’re the No. 1 debtor nation, the dollar is weaker than it has been in decades and our influence on world affairs shrinks by the day.

In the face of all this, some little pipsqueak town in Vermont dares to call your president a war criminal and calls for his indictment and arrest.

We feel your pain. The man you believed was destined for greatness is now headed for the dustbin of history. Future historians will rate George W. Bush as the worst president ever. And the last remnants of the conservative majority you thought would last for decades will likely be swept away in November’s election.

We fully realize that there is absolutely no chance that Brattleboro will indict and arrest Bush and Cheney. But three years ago, impeachment seemed like a crazy idea, too.

Conservatives laughed at Vermont in 2005 when Town Meeting voters around the state approved resolutions calling for Bush’s impeachment. Now, the intransigence of the Democratic Party leadership in Congress is all that’s preventing impeachment from taking place.

Nobody likes to be on the wrong side of history. That’s why we have a certain amount of sympathy for the people who are attacking this town from the safety of their computer keyboards. Everything they believed in has been betrayed by an administration that exploited their trust.

Watching these people reminds us of the late psychologist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ famous “Five Stages of Grief.” They haven’t really dealt with the first stage, denial and isolation (“Is Bush really that bad? It can’t be.”) Judging from the e-mails we’ve seen, they’re very deep into the second stage, anger. They’re entering the third stage, bargaining (“Maybe if we can find a real conservative like Ronald Reagan, everything will be better.”) Stage four, depression, may be starting to sink in as they see that their presidential choices for 2008 are John McCain or Mitt Romney.

We’re not sure if they will get to the final stage, acceptance (“Maybe John McCain isn’t really that bad, after all.”) We hope they do, eventually. If we as a nation are to eventually recover from the long nightmare that has been the Bush presidency, we’ll need the support of those angry letter writers.


Vt. town hammered over petition to arrest, prosecute Bush and Cheney

4e6e1a61cbfa42068ed4f692bc6ce479 Officials in Brattleboro, Vt., have been inundated with e-mails and phone calls since outsiders learned about a petition that calls for local police to arrest President Bush and Vice President Cheney, the Associated Press says.

The town’s Selectboard approved the measure last Friday, meaning that voters in Brattleboro will be asked to vote on the following resolution in early March:

Shall the Selectboard instruct the Town Attorney to draft indictments against President Bush and Vice President Cheney for crimes against our Constitution, and publish said indictments for consideration by other authorities and shall it be the law of the Town of Brattleboro that the Brattleboro Police, pursuant to the above-mentioned indictments, arrest and detain George Bush and Richard Cheney in Brattleboro if they are not duly impeached, and prosecute or extradite them to other authorities that may reasonably contend to prosecute them?

The Rutland Herald reports that town officials stopped answering the phone on Monday because of the “nastiness” of the calls they were receiving from websurfers across the country. “We’re getting e-mails and phone calls, nasty, nasty e-mails, I’ve only a gotten a few,” Town Clerk Annette Cappy tells the paper. “You couldn’t repeat most of those calls, they are nasty and nasty.”

A518330964224f1cb5235aaa558bb71c The whole thing appears to be a waste of time. AP says none of the officials named in the resolution has the authority to arrest, detain or otherwise prosecute to the president and vice president. “It is largely symbolic,” Kurt Daims, the petition’s author, tells the Herald.

The Vermont Cynic, a student newspaper at the University of Vermont, notes in a story about the controversy that “The White House did not comment on the issue.”

Here’s the statement that town officials posted on their website amid all the hullabaloo about the petition:

On January 25 the Town Clerk’s office received a petition from Brattleboro resident Kurt Daims. Per Town Charter, a petition containing signatures from 5% of Brattleboro voters can be placed on the ballot for a Town-wide vote. Mr. Daims’ petition did contain the required number of signatures. At a meeting on January 25, the Brattleboro Selectboard voted 3-2 to place the petition on the ballot. Reasons given by Board members voting in the affirmative centered on the belief that if a petition contained the required signatures, the voters should have the opportunity to vote on the matter. Reasons given by Board members voting on the dissent centered on the belief that articles outside the scope and authority of the Town should not go before the voters of the Town. The Brattleboro Town Attorney has stated that the petition has no legal standing, as the Town Attorney has no authority to write an indictment and the Town Police Department has no authority to attempt an arrest of the President of the United States.

The Town will vote on the article on March 4.

How would you vote if you lived in Brattleboro? Vote here.

(Photo of Selectboard meeting, top, and Daims taken by Zachary P. Stephens,
Brattleboro Reformer via AP.)


Two out of three US Tax dollars go into military spending, that is SICK!

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Death and Taxes 2008 Poster

Click the above link or the picture to see how our illegally obtained taxes are used.

“Death and Taxes” is a large representational graph of the federal budget. It contains over 400 programs and departments and almost every program that receives over 200 million dollars annually. The data is straight from the president’s 2008 budget request and will be debated, amended, and approved by Congress to begin the fiscal year. All of the item circles are proportional in size to their spending totals and the percentage change from 2007 is included to spot trends and disproportion.

A 12-Step Program to Save US Democracy

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A 12-Step Program to Save US Democracy

by Mark Crispin Miller | January 31, 2008


Certainly the outlook for democracy seems pretty bleak-and how could it be otherwise? The surest way to make a problem worse is to pretend it isn’t there, which is exactly what our press and politicians have been doing; and the rest is, unfortunately, history.

But history can be changed, as We the People have continually learned, from our refusal of colonial subjection, to our (partial) establishment as a democratic republic, to the abolition of slavery, to the enfranchisement of women, to the end of formal segregation and the passage of the Voting Rights Act.

After that, our progress seemed to stop, and it must now resume: for history can be changed, and for the better, but only through our own unbreakable commitment to, and action for, enlightened policies for the renewal of our democracy. Based squarely on America’s first principles, such policies would not be wholly new, however revolutionary they must sound in these bad, backward times. As it was certain policies that got us into this horrific situation, certain other policies can get us out.

The fact is that We the People are in lousy shape, and must get straight as soon as possible. For we are all addicted to the horse race-and we can’t win, because it’s fixed. And so, before we end up losing everything, we need to pull ourselves together, face the music, and then take all necessary steps to change the tune.

A 12-Step Program to Save US Democracy

1. Repeal the Help America Vote Act (HAVA).
This step will inevitably follow an in-depth investigation of how HAVA came to be.

2. Replace all electronic voting with hand-counted paper ballots (HCPB).
Although politicians and the press dismiss this idea as utopian, the people would support it just as overwhelmingly as national health care, strong environmental measures, US withdrawal from Iraq, and other sane ideas.

3. Get rid of computerized voter rolls.
It isn’t just the e-voting machines that are obstructing our self-government. According to USA Today, thousands of Americans have had their names mysteriously purged from the electronic databases now used nationwide as records of our registration.

4. Keep all private vendors out of our elections.
With their commercial interests, trade secrets and unaccountable proceedings, private companies should have no role in the essential process of republican self-government.

5. Make it illegal for the TV networks to declare who won before the vote-count is complete.
Certainly the corporate press will scream about its First Amendment Rights, but they don’t have the right to interfere with our elections. When they declare a winner BEFORE WE even know if the election was legitimate, they PRE-DEFINE all audits, recounts and even first counts of the vote as the mere desperate measures of “sore losers.”

6. Set up an exit polling system, publicly supported, to keep the vote-counts honest.
Only in America are exit poll results not meant to help us gauge the accuracy of the official count. Here they are meant only to allow the media to make its calls.

7. Get rid of voter registration rules, by allowing every citizen to register, at any post office, on his/her 18th birthday.
Either we believe in universal suffrage or we don’t.

8. Ban all state requirements for state-issued ID’s at the polls.
As the Supreme Court smiles on such Jim Crow devices, we need a law, or Constitutional amendment, to forbid them.

9. Put all polling places under video surveillance, to spot voter fraud, monitor election personnel, and track the turnout.
We’re under surveillance everywhere else, so why not?

10. Have Election Day declared a federal holiday,
requiring all employers to allow their workers time to vote.

No citizens of the United States should ever lose the right to vote because they have to go to work.

11. Make it illegal for Secretaries of State to co-chair political campaigns (or otherwise assist or favor them).
Katherine Harris wore both those hats in Florida in 2000, and, four years later, so did Ken Blackwell in Ohio and Jan Brewer in Arizona. Such Republicans should not have been allowed to do it, nor should any Democrats.

12. Make election fraud a major felony, with life imprisonment–and disenfranchisement–for all repeat offenders.
“Three strikes and you’re out” would certainly befit so serious a crime against democracy.


This comes from Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy, 2000-2008, a new collection of writings by the major Election Integrity people, which IG Publishing will be bringing out in early April.
Mark Crispin Miller

About author

Mark Crispin Miller is the author of Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform, which is now out in paperback from Basic Books, with over 100 pages of new material. He may be reached through his blog at markcrispinmiller.com. A movie based on his off-Broadway show, A Patriot Act, is available on DCD at www.patriotnation.us.



My mother and father worked every election for over 40 years in their rural district. Most of those years it was paper ballots. If there were any mistakes made, they were honest. They would spot check and recount on their own as a self audit. Occasionally the counts would go on into the late hours. It worked . We trusted it.

At my last vote, the older gentleman working the election replied when I questioned about the accuracy of the new electronic machines; “We just have to trust that the computers are correct. I wouldn’t do this if I have to count the votes by hand.”

I think we can find enough people in every voting district who care enough to count the paper ballots. Long hours, low pay, no credit, get the blame if something goes wrong. It’s worth it. Kenny

Bill Clinton: Pauperize the Populace to Cure Global Warming – Kurt Nimmo

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Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
January 31, 2008

The image “https://i0.wp.com/www.ldesign.com/Images/Essays/GlobalWarming/Part67/chained.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Bill Clinton wants you to suffer. “We just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions ’cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren,” said Bill.

But not to despair because, as usual, all of this suffering and misery will eventually pay off, according to the Bill-miester.

During a “long, and interesting speech” in Denver, Colorado, stumping for his wife the Bilderberg Queen, writes ABC News “blogger” Jake Tapper, Clinton promised all the suffering and sacrifice “could ultimately increase jobs and raise wages with a good energy plan.”

How many times have politicians told us we must trade suffering and sacrifice for a rainbow and pot of gold down the road? Of course, the pay day never arrives and, in a few months or years, more sacrifice is demanded — ever more, endlessly. Remember back in the early 1990s when Bill told us NAFTA would result in more and better paying jobs? Of course, the exact opposite occurred, as good jobs were shipped off to Mexican maquiladoras and ultimately ended up in China where slaves labor under the sadistic whip of authoritarian bureaucrats for fifty cents an hour, if they’re lucky.

Said Clinton: “And maybe America, and Europe, and Japan, and Canada — the rich counties — would say, ‘OK, we just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions ’cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren.’”

Rich countries? Actually, the average American’s wage and standard of living has fallen sharply since the 1970s. According to official statistics, as of 2004 there were 37 million people living in poverty in 2004, or 12.7% of the population, up from 12.5% in 2003. “Nationally, the poverty rate leveled off last year at 12.6 percent after increasing every year since the decade began. It was a period when the country went through a recession and an uneven recovery that is still sputtering in parts of the Northeast and Midwest,” CBS reported in 2006, and the 2005 census reveals that 16 million Americans — a 32 year high — are living in extreme poverty, defined as a meager $9,903 a year.

Bill would have those grinding away in poverty earn even less and suffer more — to save the planet, of course, never mind that “global warming” is junk science at best.

But then “global warming” and “climate change” are simply the latest in a series of scams to pauperize the populace, as our rulers have long range plans to reduce the planet to a feudal plantation that will make medieval peasantry bonds of manorialism pale by way of comparison.

It makes sense to enlist Bill and his Bilderberg door-stop wife to push this plan. Strangely and yet predictably, millions of Americans listen to Bill, who is a consummate actor and accomplished liar — as most sociopaths are — and people actually like him, thanks to years of corporate media hype, including his “all too human” moment of weakness with Monica Lewinsky.

Unfortunately, as “Paper Collar Joe” Bessimer famously noted, “there’s a sucker born every minute… and two to take ‘em.”


Check out Bill in a another act of diversion and lies.

There are no words to describe how evil these people are

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

There are no words to describe how evil these people are

Israel continues to refuse to tell international sappers where it dropped its illegal cluster bombs on Lebanon.

Israel admits war crimes
Double Blind

LEBANON: Deminers find new cluster bomb sites without Israeli data

Photo: Hugh Macleod/IRIN
Deminers from MAG scour farmland in the village of Zawtar West in south Lebanon for Israeli-dropped cluster bombs. The UN says an average of 10 newly infected sites are found every month

ZAWTAR WEST, 22 January 2008 (IRIN) – Deminers clearing Israeli-dropped cluster bombs in south Lebanon are turning up an average of 10 new sites per month, while Israel continues to ignore requests for data that would assist clearing the estimated one million unexploded bomblets, which continue to kill and maim civilians and decimate rural livelihoods. A single cluster bomb can disperse hundreds of bomblets.

“All these weapons systems are computerised and grid references are entered before the bombs drop. Not receiving the cluster bomb strike data from the Israelis remains our biggest obstacle to clearance,” Dalya Farran, a spokeswoman for the UN Mine Action Coordination Centre for South Lebanon (MACSL), told IRIN.

The UN estimates that Israel rained down around four million bomblets – most US-supplied – onto south Lebanon in the last three days of its 2006 July war with Hezbollah fighters, when a ceasefire had already been agreed.

Fields of Fire: Cluster bombs in Lebanon

[Arabic] [English]

In a 24 December report last year the Israeli military cleared itself of accusations that it had violated international law in its use of cluster bombs to fight Hezbollah. In a statement, the army said its chief investigator, Maj-Gen Gershon HaCohen, said: “It was clear that the majority of the cluster munitions were fired at open and uninhabited areas, areas from which Hezbollah forces operated and in which no civilians were present.”

Around one million of the bomblets failed to explode on impact, leaving roads, schools, homes and fields littered with lethal explosives that detonate when touched, making them a danger similar to anti-personnel mines.

High failure rates

Cluster bombs, or sub-munitions, are legal, and manufacturers say their failure rates should be between 10-15 percent. The UN estimates in general the weapons fail between 20-30 percent of the time. In south Lebanon MACSL estimates between 30-40 percent of the bombs dropped failed to explode, rising up to 80 percent in some places.

The high failure rate may partly be explained by Israel’s use of Vietnam-war era munitions, such as the M42, M77 and Blue 63, all US or Israeli-made and the MZD2, made in China, many of which MACSL said had gone beyond their expiry date by the time they were dropped on Lebanon.

The Israelis also dropped the new M85 cluster bomb that is designed to self destruct if it fails to explode on impact and which manufacturers say has a 1 percent failure rate. MACSL’s Dalya Farran said they estimate the bomb, used for the first time on battlefields in Lebanon, had a 10 percent failure rate.

“By their nature, cluster bombs are very likely to fail,” said Farran. “They are not accurate and not reliable. When they fail they become more or less like land mines, and actually worse as they are spread over a very large area.” – hm/ar/cb

More strike sites

Initial estimates by MACSL that most of the unexploded munitions would be cleared by the end of last year have been revised to the end of this year.

Since the end of the war, over 30 Lebanese have been killed and over 200 injured, many permanently disabled from the loss of a limb after accidentally triggering an unexploded bomblet. The state provides no direct support for cluster bomb victims.

At the end of October 2006, two months after the end of the war, MACSL recorded 796 individual locations as infected with unexploded ordnance, totalling 32 million square metres of land.

By late last month that figure had risen to 961 strike locations, totalling 38 million square metres. According to MACSL, 137,000 bomblets have so far been safely destroyed, mainly in high priority areas, such as roads, homes and schools.

Farmers risk all

Tens of thousands of the bomblets still lie on farmland, however, making agriculture – the mainstay of the economy in south Lebanon on which 16,000 families depend – a dangerous and increasingly unprofitable pursuit.


In a 6 September 2007 report, Human Rights Watch (HRW) urged the US government to conduct an investigation into what it called “Israel’s use of US-supplied arms, ammunition, and other material in violation of international humanitarian law.”

An initial report by the US State Department last January found the US-made weapons were misused in civilian areas. Israel justified its use of cluster bombs during the war by arguing that all civilians left in south Lebanon were “terrorists related to Hezbollah”.

HRW’s report accused the Israeli military of war crimes: “To the extent such attacks were conducted with knowledge or reckless indifference to the civilian nature of those being attacked, then those who ordered these attacks would have the criminal intent needed for the commission of war crimes as defined by international humanitarian law.”

In the Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I), of 8 June 1977.

Part IV, Chapter II; Article 51; Point 2 says:

“The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited.”

In a statement issued on 24 December, the Israeli military cleared itself of illegal use of cluster bombs saying it had used them to target Hezbollah rocket launching sites.

In 1982 the US Reagan administration imposed a six-year ban on sales of cluster bombs to Israel after a Congressional investigation found that Israel had used the weapons in civilian areas during its invasion of Lebanon that year.

A coalition of over 138 nations met in Geneva in December to discuss a draft treaty banning cluster bombs, which have been widely used in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Chechnya. But major weapons producing states including the USA, Russia, Israel and China have opposed the ban, saying they need to keep the option of using the weapons for self-defence.

As of 7 December 2007 there were 94 states that have explicitly endorsed the Oslo Declaration calling for a ban on the use of cluster bombs. The coalition is due to meet in Wellington in New Zealand in February. – hm/ar/cb

A December 2006 report by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) initially found around one quarter of all farmland had been infected, though the UN now estimates the figure is higher, and that nearly US$100 million in crops had been lost, along with 20,000 livestock.

At the Zawtar West site, 12km southwest of provincial capital Nabatiyeh, Lebanese deminers from Mine Action Group (MAG) painstakingly work their way through 70,000 square metres of farmland, cutting back precious olive trees in their search for bomblets.

Head of operations at Zawtar West Ghassan Suleiman said many farmers continue to plough their fields even knowing the land is littered with unexploded ordnance.

“Several farmers could not wait to plant their tobacco and vegetables and so took the risk and ploughed,” Suleiman told IRIN. “Many farmers and shepherds have been injured while sheep and many goats have been killed in the past two months, which represents a big loss for farmers.”

Tobacco crops have been hit particularly hard, with official figures reporting a 20 percent drop in the last harvest. Local farmers say their land has been so badly poisoned by the scorching of explosions that where 20kg of tobacco plant would have grown, today yields on the same soil are just one kilogramme.

Many farmers have been forced to abandon their land and lease non-infected land, adding a further heavy cost and reducing profits for some to less than US$1,000 for the year.

“Worst use”

Zawtar West reveals the extent of the Israeli cluster bomb bombardment, which locals say occurred on 13 and 14 August, the last two days of the war. In this single, small valley MAG deminers have turned up 15 separate strike sites, with each strike site representing up to 650 bomblets.

MACSL’s Farran compared the use of cluster bombs in south Lebanon with their use in Kosovo, an area comparable in size, in which NATO war planes dropped cluster bombs as part of a four-month bombing campaign in 1999 to drive out Serbian troops.

“In a two and a half year programme, UNMAS [Mine Action Service] cleared 25,000 sub-munitions [in Kosovo] and that was 90 percent of the problem,” she said.

“In Lebanon, in a year and a half, we have cleared 137,000 bomblets, plus what have been cleared by the locals [representing just under 14 percent of the problem]. This was unprecedented and one of the worst, if not the worst, use of sub-munitions in history.”



Israel opted for cheaper, unsafe cluster bombs in Lebanon war

An unexploded cluster bomb containing hundreds of bomblets shot in an open field in southern Lebanon last week. (AP) The cluster bombs constitute the number one humanitarian problem facing Lebanon after the war because many of the bomblets remain unexploded and as duds, they have turned into make-shift mines, converting towns, villages and fields into undeclared minefields. Since the cease-fire went into effect on August 14, at least 14 civilians, including many children, have been killed by the unexploded bomblets. – Meron Rapoport

Tuesday – November 14, 2006 2006http://www.worldproutassembly.org/archives/2006/11/israel_opted_fo.html

Video: Ron Paul Slams Republican Warmongers

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Video: Ron Paul Slams Republican Warmongers

Two out of three US Tax dollars go into military spending

Ron Paul responds to McCain’s “100 years in Iraq” statement in the Jan. 30 debate on CNN.

Added: January 30, 2008



Ron Paul Cheated Again During CNN “Debate”

Corporate media engages in mass public deception as Congressman receives just a third of the questions given to Romney and McCain

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, January 31, 2008

digg_title = ‘Ron Paul Cheated Again During CNN “Debate”‘; digg_bodytext = ‘Ron Paul was cheated for the umpteenth time last night, this time by CNN, as the corporate media once again engaged in mass public deception by advertising their spectacle as a “debate” when in fact it was nothing more than a staged punch and judy show.’;

Ron Paul was cheated for the umpteenth time last night, this time by CNN, as the corporate media once again engaged in mass public deception by advertising their spectacle as a “debate” when in fact it was nothing more than a staged punch and judy show.

CIA trainee Anderson Cooper directed just five questions at Congressman Paul as well as two half-questions, the answers to which he interrupted on both occasions.

In comparison, Mitt Romney fielded 17 questions and John McCain got 15, not including the time the two spent bickering with each other about their past statements.

Again, just as with the previous MSNBC debate and numerous others before it, Ron Paul was given less than a third of the questions as the other candidates.

The primary definition of a debate is, “A discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints.”

Since Ron Paul is the only candidate expressing opposing viewpoints, the corporate media’s deliberate ploy to relegate, marginalize and restrict his opportunities to speak amounts to overt public deception. These farces should not be referred to as debates because they are merely PR stunts that are conducted with a deep-seated bias towards the establishment candidates.

As we have repeatedly emphasized, this is how frontrunners are created, this is how the establishment promotes its own candidates at the expense of others. The only solution is to continue to strike at the root of America’s corporate media monopoly by creating our own forms of media and eventually eclipsing their influence which, slowly but surely, is beginning to happen with the aid of the Internet.

Here’s the breakdown of Paul’s participation time courtesy of the Lew Rockwell blog.

Question 1 on the economy: 1:19 minutes

Question 4 on the environment: 0:41 minutes, because Anderson cut him short and assured him “2 minutes, in 2 minutes we have a question for you. I promise”

Question 5 on income tax rebates and “make work” schemes: 0:49 minutes
Question 11 on Sandra Day O’Conner: 0:09 minutes, I kid you not. Cut short by Anderson

Question 15* on McCain’s “100 years in Iraq” statement: 1:39 minutes (only question directly asked to Dr. Paul)

Question 18* on how X would handle the military as commander in chief: 1:50 minutes

Question 19* on a Reagan endorsement: 0:46 minutes

The highlight of the night came when Ron Paul slammed the punch and judy spat between McCain and Romney over Iraq, both of whom fully support endless occupation, with the Senator making it clear this week that a McCain presidency would mean more wars.


January 2008: Two 9/11 Drama Movies Premiering

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January 2008: Two 9/11 Drama Movies Premiering

Daan de Wit
Atlantic Free Press

Able Danger and The Reflecting Pool, two separate motion pictures based on the non-official version of what happened on 9/11, will be premiering this January. The two independently made drama films confront the viewer with the facts that 9/11 could not have been perpetrated by the 19 hijackers and deal with the question who might be behind the crime of the century. Able Danger premiers Monday 28 January at the Rotterdam Film Festival in the Netherlands. The Reflecting Pool will premiere on 31 January in the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, USA. – Watch the trailers at the bottom of this article.

Able Danger

Able Danger is a movie based on the fact of an official unit called Able Danger, comprised of United States intelligence personnel. The unit observed ringleader Mohammed Atta and his hijackers, but was not allowed to provide the FBI and later the 9/11 Commission with their data. More than a year before the attacks on 11 September 2001 it destroyed the gathered information, worth 2,5 terabytes, equal to one fourth of the printed books in the Library of Congress. In reality, says Webster Tarpley, author of Synthetic Terror – Made in USA, Able Danger took care of the hijackers in order for the group to be the real life cover story for 9/11. Watch Tarpley explain the system behind the hijackers and the controllers. Watch news clips about Able Danger.

In a reaction Tarpley writes to me: ‘In my analysis, Able Danger were terrorist controllers and terrorist monitors who observed carefully what the various patsies were doing in order to check up on them and make sure they were following orders and conforming to the strateghy set by the rogue network. The obvious problem of Agentenfuehrung is to make sure such criminal types do what you want, not what they may want. They have to be supervised by case officers directly, and also constantly observed. Able Danger did the observing part. Door Hop Galley is another unit inside Able Danger which has never been explained. Congressman Weldon thought he could use Able Danger against the Kean-Hamilton commission and the Democrats, but he was meddling in something much more explosive, so he was politically and personally destroyed’.

Eventhough the voice of Tarpley features prominently in the trailer (see below) of the movie Able Danger, he is not part of it. The movie is about a character called Thomas Flynn, who is the quixotic publisher of a hard-hitting 9/11 conspiracy expose, implicated in the murder of his friend and employee. At the same time he finds himself entangled with a mysterious Eastern European beauty, Kasia. As it turns out, Kasia possesses the smoking gun that proves the identities and methods of the real architects of 9/11, and Thomas willing to risk everything to expose the truth.

Movie director Paul Krik writes: ‘DeepJournal, it seems to me, lives in the film noir perspective. You look at the news events and see beyond its news spin to its true cause. My story is about someone like you, who lives in Brooklyn and runs a cafe and publishes alternative media. But the movie begins when a femme fatale out of a 40s noir movie who works for the ’shadow government’ enters his cafe … The movie is fiction!’

Able Danger premiers Monday 28 January at the Rotterdam Film Festival in the Netherlands, (Pathé 7, 21.45 hrs). Writer/director Paul Krik will be present and lead actress Elina Löwensohn. Press and industry can watch it the previous day, (Cinerama 2, 22.30 hrs). Additional public screenings on Tuesday 29 (Cinerama 7, 20.00 hrs) and on Friday 1 February (Pathé 7, 19.15 hrs).

The Reflecting Pool

The fictional movie The Reflecting Pool, announced earlier by DeepJournal, is about a successful journalist called Alex Prokop, who receives a rare 9/11 videotape revealing new information on the attacks. The footage was sent by a driven researcher by the name of Paul Cooper, whose daughter died on 9/11. Sensing a good story, Prokop travels with Cooper to New York and Washington, DC, where they uncover suppressed information about the attacks. As Cooper introduces Prokop to key eyewitnesses, the façade of the “official story” begins to crumble.

Prokop hears accounts of underground explosions in the Twin Towers moments before their collapse, and discovers that a firm run by the President’s brother provided security for WTC.

We follow Alex and Cooper as they investigate the inexplicable collapse of the 47-story WTC Building Seven, disprove the implausible airliner “attack” on the Pentagon, and uncover the illegal destruction of physical evidence from Ground Zero. Alex’s search for the truth leads to a dangerous and shocking realization.

The Reflecting Pool premiers Thursday 31 January at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, California, USA (19.30 hrs), followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. Next is the opening on Saturday 2 February in the Laemmle’s Monica 4-plex, Santa Monica



The Reflecting Pool- Media Coverage, Update, LA Premiere


Joseph Culp: Rebel Without a Budget

Joseph Culp

Published in the Santa Monica Mirror

by Lee Michael Cohn, Mirror Contributing Writer

About a year ago, the Mirror ran a book review of Roger Corman: Metaphysics on a Shoestring, a delightful overview of the local maverick filmmaker’s long and varied career. Corman’s legacy might be summed up with this simple idea: YOU CAN MAKE YOUR MOVIE. Although much different in his artistic sensibilities, longtime Santa Monica resident Joseph Culp has clearly embraced The King of The B’s do-it-yourself philosophy.

Culp, an award-winning actor whose many credits include leading roles in Alan J. Pakula’s Dream Lover, Monte Hellman’s Iguana, and a recent guest-starring role on the hit TV drama Mad Men, now finds himself wearing an additional professional hat – independent film producer. Indeed, the three micro-budget films Culp has produced and starred in arguably place him in the vanguard of “art house” independent filmmaking.

Culp won critical acclaim at the San Francisco Independent Film Festival for his performance in Hunger, an adaptation of Nobel Prize-winner Knut Hamsun’s novel, which he produced with writer-director Maria Giese and which featured his father, veteran actor Robert Culp (I Spy, The Greatest American Hero). Updated to modern Hollywood, Joseph plays a kind-hearted but struggling screenwriter set adrift on the mean streets of Tinseltown. Shot “guerrilla style,” director Giese opts for a grainy, nearly monochromatic patina that highlights both the vérité quality of the story and Culp’s fine performance as the desperate, self-deluded writer slowly losing his grip on reality. Shot entirely on location in Los Angeles, Hunger won Best Feature at the 2007 Moondance Film Festival, besting several films that clearly spent more on a day’s worth of craft service than Hunger spent on its entire shoot. And despite the fact that the film took years to find the resources to finish post-production, Culp’s desire to continue making small, personal films was fueled by his experience on Hunger.

Culp’s current project, The Reflecting Pool, incorporates many of his skills and passions in a project that has the potential to stir an international controversy. Completed last summer, Culp and writer-director-co-star Jarek Kupsc began developing the material in the Walking Theatre Group, a workshop integrating theatre, film, and transpersonal work for actors, writers, and directors that Culp has run for over 10 years at the Electric Lodge performance space and gallery in Venice. As the script took shape, Kupsc and Culp developed a close working relationship, so collaborating on the film was a natural outgrowth of the creative partnership that began in Culp’s workshop. The film, although ambitious and far-reaching in its socio-political agenda, is indeed the product of local artists working in close communal collaboration.

The Reflecting Pool follows an investigation by a Russian-American journalist and the father of a 9/11 victim into the labyrinth of suppressed facts and anomalies surrounding the tragedy. The investigation eventually yields striking revelations that have a devastating personal effect on both men. The mind-boggling array of secrets, lies, contradictions, and cover-ups the main characters discover collectively suggest that the 9/11 attacks could not have occurred without some level of complicity from our government. Although a fictionalized “docudrama,” the film is based entirely on verifiable facts, all readily available to the public in print and on the Internet.

Culp explains that within the “9/11 Truth Movement” there are essentially two schools of thought: LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) and MIHOP (Make It Happen On Purpose). The film makes a very persuasive case that the American people must consider both possibilities, or at the very least, strongly question the official version of the 9/11 attacks.

Culp feels that The Reflecting Pool has come along at just the right time. Says Culp: “It’s time to tell a story like this; the initial shock of the tragedy and the co-opted invasion of Iraq made it taboo for many to even question what really happened. But now, after nearly five years of controversial war, we have gained new perspective and can ask hard questions.”

The film was basically made by three people: Culp, Kupsc, and co-producer/cinematographer Jodie Baltazar (who also happens to be Kupsc’s wife). Culp smilingly recalls shooting a scene at the Electric Lodge where for several hours he would touch up the actors’ make-up, unplug a large industrial fan, go grab the boom mike and hold it for the duration of the take, re-plug the fan, and then repeat the process with each new take. He muses on the fact that even though it’s nice to work with a full crew and trucks full of grip and electrical equipment, at the end of the day three industrious individuals will do just fine.

Culp believes that this is an exciting time for independent filmmakers, due to the affordability of professional gear and the opportunities afforded by the Internet for alternative distribution (a clip of TRP posted on YouTube has already garnered over 35,000 hits and thousands of requests to purchase the DVD). “It’s an exciting time for making independent film because the technology is such that you really can get a good digital camera and editing and sound software and go make your film. It still remains for you to have some skill and vision in your ability to tell a story, but it’s marvelous that it’s become more possible to make your own films,” he enthused.

American Cinematheque presents the Los Angeles premiere of The Reflecting Pool at the Aero Theatre on Thursday, January 31, at 7:30 p.m., followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. The Reflecting Pool opens theatrically at Laemmle’s Monica 4-plex on February 2. For more information about the film, go to reflectingpoolfilm.com. To learn more about Joe Culp and his current projects, go to josephculp.com.

WHEN: Thursday, January 31 , 2008, 7:30 PM
WHERE: Aero Theatre, 1328 Montana Avenue, Santa Monica, CA.
TICKETS $10.00 at door or Fandango.com
There will be a Q & A with the filmmakers following the AERO PREMIERE on January 31. A perfect way to kick off the 2008 election year! .

1332 2nd Street
Santa Monica, 90401

SCREENING TIMES: Saturdays/Sundays at 11 AM – Starts February 2, 2008.

Trailer at http://youtube.com/watch?v=32b-e-xwuB8

Note to 9/11 Truth Activists from Carol Brouillet

    We premiered the film in September 2006 in Oakland, California and many researchers gave some harsh criticism about aspects of the film which they felt distracted from our best evidence and for omitting some of the latest revelations. The filmmakers took the criticism to heart and have deleted some scenes and added news ones to strengthen the film.

Jarek Kupsc wrote this recently:

    Out of respect for the 9/11 researchers, and after several test
    screenings, I decided to go back to the drawing board and eliminate
    those elements in the movie that struck some viewers as
    “misinformation.” The movie in its final form contains no references
    to “flashes of light or pods on the planes.” We added two new scenes
    featuring Building Seven, making it the focus of the movie’s

    In addition, the DVD of “The Reflecting Pool” features an audio
    commentary track revealing all sources used in making the movie.

    The DVD is recorder in All Regions (NTSC), and should work on most dvd
    players around the world.

    You can pre-order you DVD now at: