
Who’s Your Enemy?

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Our enemy?

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, it gets worse.

I turned on the radio late last night to hear a little soothing music but … oops wrong station.

This creepy little non-human by the name of Bill Cunningham was taking hate speech to a whole new level. He almost makes Savage and Limbaugh look like choirboys.  In a quick summary here’s what he was saying:

Dresden was good. Hiroshima was double good. If you’re going to fight a war, kill the civilians, burn ’em, they deserve it.

Expanding to Iran he says:

I’d warn the Iranians a few days in advance to get the heck out of Dodge. I would obliterate (a favorite word used at least a dozen times) the 20 largest cities. Women, children, they all need to die. 20 million killed would be a good start. Then we would go in and take all of their resources and bring them back to the US.

Billy boy must have thought we didn’t hear him the first time so he repeats the same thing over and over, all the while on the phone line is some racist self described jew cheering him on and breaking in twice to declare Billy’s sick words as “the greatest rant in the whole history of the world.” Seriously. You just can’t make this sort of thing up.

Billy is brain damaged and senile but I do think I heard him drooling and counting his money in the background. Being bought off is a good gig for the mentally and morally challenged.

In Pax Judaica, formerly the USA, this is what passes for free speech. Broadcasting on over 300 stations and advocating mass murder in a foreign land is AOK. Just don’t talk about overthrowing our criminal syndicate federal government and their media whores.  That will get you thrown into a new American gulag.

Calling out the MSM warmongers is not enough. There are those in the alternative media that deserve a second look.  Via xymphora we find Maidhc Ó Cathail taking on the change of tone at and there’s a comment mention of the same thing at Global Research.  Re-directing attention from Israel? As the old Lenin saying goes … “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Over at Twelfth Bough there is described a development in Chinese and Israeli relations that hints at World Judaica.

“Only recently a large team of Chinese state television employees visited Israel for a period of three weeks, to research the ‘Israeli miracle.’ Now they are visiting several places in the world that used to have large Jewish communities, in order to examine the Jewish community’s influence on its surroundings. Their idea is to try to decipher the secret of the Jews’ success.” 

The Chinese are so adept at copying, stealing and re-engineering that this hook up with the Israelis should be a breeze but of course it would be the jews who expect to profit the most from this ‘learning’ experience.

On Martin Luther King day it’s worth a reminder that he was not killed because of his civil rights endeavors. That was acceptable to the powers that be. The opportunity to divide a population to gain more control is always acceptable to the ruling psychopaths. No, it was when he started speaking out against the war that the decision was made to eliminate that kind of talk. War is a profit center and advocating doing away with the cash cow was not to be tolerated.

From his speech Beyond Vietnam — A Time to Break Silence

Over the past two years, as I have moved to break the betrayal of my own silences and to speak from the burnings of my own heart, as I have called for radical departures from the destruction of Vietnam, many persons have questioned me about the wisdom of my path. At the heart of their concerns this query has often loomed large and loud: “Why are you speaking about the war, Dr. King?” “Why are you joining the voices of dissent?” “Peace and civil rights don’t mix,” they say. “Aren’t you hurting the cause of your people,” they ask? And when I hear them, though I often understand the source of their concern, I am nevertheless greatly saddened, for such questions mean that the inquirers have not really known me, my commitment or my calling. Indeed, their questions suggest that they do not know the world in which they live.

As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfully through nonviolent action. But they ask — and rightly so — what about Vietnam? They ask if our own nation wasn’t using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government. 

Vet’s vent over the ‘event’ of urinating on the dead.

The “irony” is that is is fine for the U.S. to kill civilians, have all kinds of “collateral damage,” and friendly fire events. It is OK to drop “daisy cutter” bombs and kill with unmanned drones. It is OK to hold people for years in close confinement and without charge or trial; engage in “rendition,” or even torture prisoners ourselves. But somehow, urinating on the dead is just a step too far.

Until we address the reality of what we are creating we will continue to allow it to be created. Generation after generation of troops will have to keep the stuff of nightmares bottled up inside, or it will come out in another attack and another prison sentence.

Will soldiers be sufficiently indoctrinated to internalize the children and women of Iran as the ‘enemy?’ I challenge all drone jockeys, bomber pilots and trigger pullers to ask themselves “Is this who I want to kill?”

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Cover My Grave Well

"They threaten anyone who questions the Holocaust and the September 11 event with sanctions and military action"

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Staged protests, walkouts and media lies do not deter the message.

Excerpts below from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Sept. 22, 2011 speech at the UN.

Full  transcript ….. video

Most nations of the world are unhappy with the current international circumstances. And despite the general longing and aspiration to promote peace, progress, and fraternity, wars, mass-murder, widespread poverty, and socioeconomic and political crises continue to infringe upon the rights and sovereignty of nations, leaving behind irreparable damage worldwide.

What is the justification for the presence of hundreds of US military and intelligence bases in different parts of the world, including 268 bases in Germany, 124 in Japan, 87 in South Korea, 83 in Italy, 45 in the United Kingdom, and 21 in Portugal? Does this mean anything other than military occupation?

Oppressed nations have no hope to restore or protect their legitimate rights against these powers. These powers seek their progress, prosperity and dignity through imposing poverty, humiliation and annihilation to others.

They consider themselves superior to others, enjoying special privileges and concessions. They have no respect for others and easily violate the rights of all nations and governments.

They proclaim themselves as the indisputable custodians of all governments and nations through intimidation, recourse to threat and force, and abuse the international mechanisms. They simply break all the internationally recognized regulations.

They insist on imposing their lifestyle and beliefs on others. They officially support racism. They weaken countries through military intervention, and destroy their infrastructures, in order to plunder their resources by making them all the more dependent.

They sow the seeds of hate and hostility among nations and people of different pursuits, in order to prevent them from fulfilling their goals of development and progress.

All cultures, identities, lives, values and wealth of nations, women, youth, families as well as the wealth of nations are sacrificed to their imperialistic tendencies and their inclination to enslave and captivate others.

Hypocrisy and deceit are allowed in order to secure their interests and imperialistic goals. Drug- trafficking and killing of innocent human beings are also allowed in pursuit of such diabolic goals. Despite NATO’s presence in the occupied Afghanistan, there has been a dramatic increase in the production of illicit drugs there.

They tolerate no question or criticism, and instead of presenting a reason for their violations, they always put themselves in the position of a claimant. By using their imperialistic media network which is under the influence of colonialism they threaten anyone who questions the Holocaust and the September 11 event with sanctions and military action.

I would like to draw your kind attention to the following questions:

Who abducted forcefully tens of millions of people from their homes in Africa and other regions of the world during the dark period of slavery, making them a victim of their materialistic greed?

Who imposed colonialism for over four centuries upon this world?

Who occupied lands and massively plundered resources of other nations, destroyed talents, and alienated languages, cultures and identities of nations?

Who triggered the first and second world wars, that left seventy millions killed and hundreds of millions injured or homeless. Who created the wars in Korean peninsula and in Vietnam?

Who imposed, through deceits and hypocrisy, the Zionism and over sixty years of war, homelessness, terror and mass murder on the Palestinian people and on countries of the region?

Who imposed and supported for decades military dictatorship and totalitarian regimes on Asian, African, and Latin American nations?

Who used nuclear bomb against defenseless people, and stockpiled thousands of warheads in their arsenals?
Whose economies rely on waging wars and selling arms?

Who provoked and encouraged Saddam Hussein to invade and impose an eight-year war on Iran, and who assisted and equipped him to deploy chemical weapons against our cities and our people?

Who used the mysterious September 11 incident as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq, killing, injuring, and displacing millions in two countries with the ultimate goal of bringing into its domination the Middle East and its oil resources?

Who nullified the Breton Woods system by printing trillions of dollars without the backing of gold reserves or equivalent currency? A move that triggered inflation worldwide and was intended to prey on the economic gains of other nations?

Which country’s military spending exceeds annually a thousand billion dollars, more than the military budgets of all countries of the world combined?

Which governments are the most indebted ones in the world?

Who dominates the policy-making establishments of the world economy?

Who are responsible for the world economic recession, and are imposing the consequences on America, Europe and the world in general?

Which governments are always ready to drop thousands of bombs on other countries, but ponder and hesitate to provide aid to famine-stricken people in Somalia or in other places?

Who are the ones dominating the Security Council which is ostensibly responsible for safeguarding the international security?

There exist tens of other similar questions. Of course, the answers are clear.

The majority of nations and governments of the world have had no role in the creation of the current global crises, and as a matter of fact, they were themselves the victims of such policies.

It is as lucid as daylight that the same slave masters and colonial powers that once instigated the two world wars have caused widespread misery and disorder with far-reaching effects across the globe since then.

Merchants of the Myth

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Iranian TV 2006.

An Iranian viewpoint of the ‘holocaust.’ Saved from the soon to be deleted google video. 

For educational and historical purposes only.

 memritv translation. 

No coincidence – Assange and Gadahn’s new "leaks"

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“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way”

Alleged quote by FDR

Adam is looking well for a most wanted man while Julian appears to be feeling the strain of his ‘job.’
If you’ve watched some news today you may have noticed that the Wikileaks story of the release of the Iraq war logs is being followed by the ‘news’ of Adam Pearlman Gadahn‘s latest video.
No coincidence there. The torture, corruption and mayhem of American policy and actions must be countered by the perception of the neverending threat of Muslim jihad. That makes everything we do OK or at least that’s what the pentagon and the compliant media hope we think.  

The UN has asked the US administration
to probe the involvement of American forces’ in human rights abuses, summary executions and war crimes in following the “largest classified military leak” detailing accounts of torture and killing of over 66,000 civilians.

Asking the fox to investigate the chicken house certainly won’t result in any military or government heads rolling but for those who think Wikileaks is working for the CIA or the Mossad, what is planned is that the Wikileaks Propaganda Helps Build A Case for Attacking Iran. With reports like “how Iran devised new suicide vest for al-Qaeda to use in Iraq,” war crimes by the U.S. and/or Israel against Iran can be looked at as justifiable.

The Mossad front SITE institute most likely had the the latest Gadahn video ‘in the can’ and ready for release as soon as Wikileaks gave the world their Iraq ‘leaks.’ 

The timing of the release of both the Wikileaks and SITE ‘reports’ is not coincidental but to be expected. In the intelligence services psyops against  humanity, game planning is essential. Most may not see it but the game is transparent. More folks are realizing that everyday and that’s the edge we have. Now we just have to act on it.

Ahmadinejad In Lebanon: 9-11 an excuse like the Holocaust to occupy the region

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Ahmadinejad keeps pounding the 9/11 issue. And why not? In this case he has the truth on his side.

Israel “Closely Monitoring” Ahmadinejad’s Visit to South Lebanon – Ahmadinejad from Bint Jbeil: Zionists Will Not Last Long!

Ahmadinejad Hails Lebanon, Warns Israel of Any Adventure

Ahmadinejad in Lebanon: Panel investigating truth of 9/11 attacks – Facts Not Fairies

Speaking at a late night rally, he said: “I announce that the formation of an independent and neutral team to examine the facts and discover the truth of the September 11 events is the demand of all the peoples of the region and the world.”

A real investigation? What a novel idea …

The NIST FOIA videos just keep on coming. Perhaps the independent and neutral team will actually use the evidence this time.

9/11 Explosions – American Everyman

WTC2 collapse 1/2 speed, How Towers Fell

folder: \\International_Center_fo­r_911_Studies_NIST_FOIA\Release_14_-_NIS­T_Cumulus_Video_Database

WTC witness Jeremy Fox -WPIX

Explosions …

files WPIX Dub1 95-108.avi joined from folder: \\International_Center_fo­r_911_Studies_NIST_FOIA\Release_14_-_NIS­T_Cumulus_Video_Database\NIST Cumulus Video\WPIX NIST DUB #1

Speculation about explosives, CBS2_clip

9/11 Audible Explosions Before the North Tower Collapse

NIST FOIA Release #14 CBS-Net Dub3. 10:20am West Street at the base of the North Tower across from the World Financial Center. The South Tower facade seen standing came from the other side of the Mariott. Jets fly overhead and explosions heard until the North Tower is demolished.

9/11 Inside WTC 7 Before The North Tower Collapse

9/11 Explosion and Light Flash Eyewitness on 81st Floor South Tower

“That Building Is About To Blow Up”

Just about the only person besides Ahmadinejad getting any 9/11 media time is Jessie Ventura. Now why do that think that might be?

LIHOP Shills: Jesse Ventura’s Fake Truth Kool Aid is Deeee-LI-cious! Drink up!

Anthony Shaffer of Pentagon ‘censorship’ fame also gets some MSM face time and uses the “Able Danger” limited hangout of prior knowledge to call the official story of the 9/11 commission a cover up. This just diverts attention away from the real perps in yet another LIHOP stage show.

Something that should be blatantly obvious: to define the crime of our government officials as specifically “allowing arab muslim hijackers to attack America” when there is no credible evidence that that is what happened, and much reason to suppose that it did not, is a truly pointless diversion with which a certain small but noisy contingent of truth police seem intent to use for hijacking the truth movement into a dead end. (Keenan at WTC Demolition)

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates have delivered a stark public warning against major cuts in the British defense budget, suggesting that they would undermine Nato and strain the Special Relationship.

The ‘special relationship’ includes Israel and their desire for the U.S. and Britain to fight wars for them. Shutting Ahmedinejad up will take a lot of cash.

A Change in the Weather

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The Children of Iran.

As the decibel level of the drumbeats of war increase day by day, let’s ask this question. Are we willing to victimize the youth of Iran as we have with Iraq and Afghanistan? Iran is a nation with which we have no legitimate quarrel.

Are these the kids you are willing to sacrifice for Israel and war profiteers?

Music by the late great Nashville/Murfreesboro TN band “Freedom of Expression”

From their early 80’s LP “For Lack of a Better Word”

Photos from here and here.

Ahmadinejad: They’re finished, the Zionist regime is finished.

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ABC news spins an interview with Ahmadinejad. Bin Laden lives in DC? There’s always some interesting dialog when the Iranian leader meets the mainstream media.

George Stephanopoulos Interviews Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Ahmadinejad: Bin Laden Lives in DC

Burning Dreams

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We the American people are the only ones who can stop the madness that is leading us to ruin. The question is if we will or just watch as it happens.

It has now become evident to a critical mass that the Republican and Democratic parties, along with all three branches of our government, have been bought off by a well-organized Economic Elite who are tactically destroying our way of life. The harsh truth is that 99% of the US population no longer has political representation. The US economy, government and tax system is now blatantly rigged against us.Current statistical societal indicators clearly demonstrate that a strategic attack has been launched and an analysis of current governmental policies prove that conditions for 99% of Americans will continue to deteriorate. The Economic Elite have engineered a financial coup and have brought war to our doorstep. . . and make no mistake, they have launched a war to eliminate the US middle class.”   more

War with Iran could well be the total breaking point for what is left of middle America. The U.S. has no quarrel with Iran. They are not our enemy. A war will only be because of the blackmail and control Israel holds over a relative few in our government. Perhaps the rumblings are just threats and rhetoric.  But the bottom line is that Israel is psychopathic and by extension so is anyone who goes along with them.

Is war just around the corner? While in theory it would make perfect sense to distract Americans from the long road to US insolvency, and other more pressing issues such as the endless criminality all around us, in practice we have so far heard merely rumors. The Herald of Scotland, however, may have credible proof that a US-led attack on Iran approaches and could be just  days away. The newspaper has procured proof of an arms shipment to Diego Garcia, which consists of “of 195 smart, guided, Blu-110 bombs and 192 massive 2000lb Blu-117 bombs…put in place for an assault on Iran’s controversial nuclear facilities.” Additional insight comes from Dan Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at the University of London: “They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran. US bombers are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in Iran in a few hours.” Is war imminent? 

Why is my country preparing to commit another crime against humanity? 

Traitors McCain & Lieberman Rush To Israel’s Defense– March 15 –  Part 1 ** Part 2

Ron Paul “Once You Allow A Secret Bank To Create Money Out Of Thin Air You Allow Wars! 

The War on Terrorism is a Racket!

by Len Hart
At the beginning of every fiscal year, the U.S. makes a lump sum payment of cold hard cash to Israel, a procedure not duplicated for any other nation receiving U.S. ‘aid’. It looks like a payoff in response to a shakedown because that’s what it is! What leverage, we wonder, is used by Israel on the U.S? The Carvellian quick response: terrorism! Terrorism is a racket! Israel exploits ‘terrorism’ to shake down the U.S. tax payer. Now we know why Israelis danced on 911.

Israel is among the world’s richest nations. Nevertheless, Israel receives more U.S. tax payer money than any other ‘single recipient’ of what is euphemistically called ‘U.S. aid’, more, in fact, than all of Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa combined. Though Israel is barely larger in population than metropolitan Los Angeles, Chicago or Houston, it receives more aid than two continents. Those areas include some of the poorest regions which receive much less U.S. aid than does wealthy Israel who clearly does not need it.

Then what does U.S. aid to Israel consist of? At the top of the list is, of course, the aforementioned cold, hard cash. Other ‘aid’ includes the weapons of war themselves. more