
Selective Censorship

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Thanks to andie and w, we learn that google is rolling out its selective censorship program. Not being evil now means that upon request by intelligence services and law enforcement in a particular country, a blogspot  may be blocked from that specific country while being left open to others.

Where this will lead is anyone’s guess but it seems to be just another day at the office towards repressing the semi-free internet as we know it.

As blogger’s new comment word verification system with its often illegible secret words makes it difficult to post replies, I disabled the WV and what do I get? Foreign based spam bots are having a field day trying to infiltrate the comment section with their sales pitches for Viagra and knock-off watches. Over 50 of them the last three days and most not even in English. Many will suggest moving away from google but aren’t all the ‘free’ but not really free blogging platforms going in the same direction; data mining, advertising and spooks keeping an eye on you? They don’t call it Zio-blogger for nothing.

Apparently google, facebook and other major sites outsource much of their content moderation to low wage third world countries and are providing psychological counseling to workers traumatized by what they are seeing being uploaded. Internet and media users traumatized by the preponderance of political, social and economic lies are left to their own devices to try and cope.

When Gannett, the nation’s largest newspaper publisher, mandated a Facebook account to post comments on all of their 80 community sites, we didn’t think it could get much worse. Comments went down by over 90% and almost all of the most entertaining and enlightening commentors dropped out.

Now Gannett has announced that by the end of the year all but their national daily USA Today will go to a ‘pay per view’ model restricting some access to non-subscribers. Do they really think very many will actually pay for their already limited highly propagandized ‘news?’ I’ll admit to looking at a couple of their local sites daily, occasionally there’s something of interest but it’s rare.Corrupt capitalism is bringing itself down.

An international conspiracy to stop the information we need? No doubt it’s heading that way.There still may be some time to stop it don’t you think? 

Self-censorship is one of the goals.

Don’t even think about researching and writing (or speaking) about a topic that some group or prominent individual declares insensitive and offensive.  It will only get you in trouble.

That is a trap. A mind trap where we question ourselves and the results are paralysis. We all know who benefits the most from this self-censorship. Let’s not speak their names. Let’s not talk about of what tribe they may be. Let’s not wonder about the crimes past and in progress. Let’s be silent … and complicit ……
 or maybe not.

Another blog censored? ~ Ziofascism

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Canadian blogger ‘anachore’ may have had his “Ziofacism” site shut down again.

How many times has this happened before, 3 or more?

Google cache still has the site here so that could mean there is a technical issue and it will be back soon … or maybe not.

ZionistGoldReport reported on ‘anachore’ being taken down a couple of days ago.

Now please before anyone wants to comment and tries to tell us something they think we don’t already know about anachore’ … we’ll just say that in comments on other sites he was sometimes perceived as an arrogant pain in the butt prone to arguing/debating. He often called out others as ‘hasbara’ and he got the same accusations in return. Personally there was never a problem. Relatively speaking his blog never seemed all that ‘dangerous’ but some in Canada may have thought otherwise.  Perhaps some in the U.S. didn’t like the Edgar J. Steele saga reports he had lately? Maybe it’s something altogether different.

Censorship of free speech remains a top shelf issue with the internet as a battlefield. The snipers are out. The psyops is to sometimes go for just a wound, other times it’s for the kill.

Censorship of blogs continues

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 This time it’s Incogman ….
This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
Now I know that some will say “good riddance” or it was a “hasbara nest” or “racist” or a “psyops operation” or whatever. I’ve even taken flack for linking him on my blog roll. The bottom line is that no one was ever forced to go there and freedom always means taking or leaving whatever you please.

One question that came up several times was “why is this blog or that one taken down but Incogman remains?” That was never answered. Maybe IP’s were being tracked, who knows.

When someone like Alex Jones gets something censored as what happened lately with his video ‘Obama Deception,’ I think “was this done to give credence to him, a part of the social engineering plan of deception?”
Maybe, maybe not.

What we do know is that there is sure a lot of talk about censoring the internet. Dual citizen traitors like Joe Lieberman are pushing for it. Some are even suggesting that we need a major false flag to get the ball rolling towards total control of what can or cannot be said in a public forum.
The powers that be want us to fear. They want us divided. They want us to be silent.

When Good Sites Censor

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One of my favorite sites is Daily Paul. It’s been an open forum and a very large one for those who appreciate freedom of speech. Always lots to agree and disagree with, just as open communication should  be.

But lately a couple of subjects have been seen to be divisive to the dialog. The owner of DP, Michael Nystrom, thinks it is in the best interests of his site to censor some of the most interesting and thought provoking posts concerning 9/11 and Israel.

To me these two issues, the false flag 9/11 and Israel’s actions and influences, lie at the root of many of our current problems. Obviously many others at DP think so too judging by the threads there.  

Yeah, trolls/provocateurs are a problem at DP but that’s everywhere and I’ve found if you just ignore them they’ll go away. And if people don’t like certain topics, well … just ignore those too. It really should be a case of  ‘we’re all on the same side here and no need to agonize over minor differences.’

What made DP relevant was it’s diversity of topics and not being afraid to go down some less traveled paths as I thought the Paul message did.

Two of those paths are now seen to be divisive and not worthy of ‘safe’ consideration.

Sort of …. ‘Gotta get our side’s politicians elected and be more mainstream. Otherwise the big media may call us kooks and alienate potential voters. The political system can still work if we all agree.’

I’m not all that sure that tactic will work. All the truth as we know it at this moment should be told and debated.

Here’s the latest DP thread on the topic of censoring.

Warning! Censoring topics will cause harm to the site and Movement.

Dear Michael,

There are uncountable number of throlls all over the internet whose job is to disrupt blogs and other websites, and get websites to censor themselves for negative mentions of Israel.

It is not easy to maintain the integrity of a site and still allow free discourse; I know that the throlls and shills will play both sides of the game to cause disruption till they cause the break of integrity and achieve censorship.

The Daily Paul already has good posting rules in place and only needs to enforce to ensure proper discussion of any topic. It does not need to censor negative discussion of just one county. Just imagine what doing that means!

The negative aspects of targeting just one country for censorship, are too many to mention. But from my experience there will be great disruptions to the site if you decide to unjustly target just one country.

The comments are varied  and telling. Mr. Nystrom responds:

Censoring is necessary in order to remain focused.

The mission of this site is to promote Ron Paul and his ideas.

Among these ideas are individual liberty.

911, and related topics tend to be divisive and take the community off message. 

Nystrom has all the right in the world to control his site as he wants. I just happen to think it’s not in either his or the truth movement’s best interests to limit the discourse. The Daily Paul should not be a garden variety alternative site to say, the Huffington Post. They censor the same topics there don’t they.


Here’s an article that was linked at the DP Sunday that got a lot of people going, both those sincere and the trolls. I guess it got a little too heavy and was censored. It may have been the so called ‘straw that broke the camel’s back.’

Israel Did 9/11, All the Proof You Need

ADL – The Dark Side of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith

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Seems to be censored by youtube. 8-2-09
An 8 part playlist. The dark history of the ADL.

Under the guise of fighting “antisemitism” the ADL is out to remove channels on youtube not just videos but channels for speaking out against Israel. You so much as show a picture in war it’s removed under the gross clause, you use music the wrong way its removed for that, you get flagged enough even for no reason at all and they remove it for that. And there are groups that just mass email one another and go around and flag videos that criticize Israel. The ones they leave alone are actual racist because it only helps their cause. Meanwhile they can support racial cleansing and colonization as Zionism because you see it’s OK to be racist so long at it’s your religion.
from wrh and anti-neocons

From youtube itself


Beating youtube at Its Game of Censorship

Round ’em up

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Free speech is still in effect in this country and some use it for agendas that would eliminate the free speech of those with whom they don’t agree.


Round up ‘hate speech’ promoters?

by David Codrea

CBS News and U.S. News have posted a stunning, disturbing opinion piece by Bonnie Erbe. Here’s who she is, for those of you who may not be familiar with her work:

Bonnie Erbe is a contributing editor at U.S. News & World Report and hosts PBS’s weekly news analysis program, To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe. She also writes a weekly syndicated newspaper column for Scripps Howard News Service.

Top credentials. Her voice is loud and reaches far. Here’s what it’s saying:

Round Up Hate-Promoters Now, Before Any More Holocaust Museum Attacks

Erbe takes her lead from a statement made by Playwright Janet Langhart Cohen on CNN following the Holocaust Museum shooting:

She said something must be done about ridding the Internet and the public dialogue of hate speech. I agree.

And what is that “something”?

Isn’t it time we started rounding up promoters of hate before they kill?

I don’t know, Bonnie, is it? Who is going to determine who the haters are? And without a Department of PreCrime, who can determine when one of them will kill? Who is going to be doing the round up? Are we going to maybe house them at Gitmo now that we’re clearing that place out? Any trials planned in your little fantasy?

And what do you suggest “we” do if some decide to resist the “round ups”?

Why is it your “Final Solution”…I mean, “Last Roundup” to oppose neo-Nazism sounds just like something the Nazis would do, Bonnie?

I saw this coming when I wrote “Holocaust Museum shooting must not be exploited to erode liberty” the other day, citing a blogger on a popular left-wing site and expressing concern that it represented the tip of an iceberg. As we can see, it hasn’t taken long for mainstream “authorized journalists” to take up the cause.

I note the chilling Ms. Erbe is affiliated with the Thomas Jefferson Street blog. I can’t help but wonder what she’d have to say about an extreme insurrectionist promulgating violent views like this:

the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.

If Ms. Erbe and those like her get their wish, we will find out how deep that tree’s roots go, how wide its branches spread.

So who am I siding with, the haters?

From where I sit, that designation belongs to Ms. Erbe. And as far a neo-Nazis go, I can’t help but notice many of her political sympathies appear both national and socialist in scope.

My friend and colleague Mike Vanderboegh has sized things up well in his open letter to Erbe:

You wish to sweep away those that you find “hateful.” Have you ever considered that there are many who find your ideas “hateful?”

Most of the Founders understood that you should never pass a law that you wouldn’t be willing to see enforced upon you by your own worst enemy. (John Adams didn’t, but then he and his party were swept from power by the reaction to the Alien and Sedition Acts.) If you really believe what you wrote, and worse, get what you ask for, the resulting armed resistance to such a tyrannical proposal would sweep away the safe, mythical cocoon within which you seem to live.

And if you think that tyranny and civil war cannot come to this country, as divided ideologically and morally as we presently are, you are whistling past the graveyard of history.

A government that would do what Bonnie Erbe demands is the very reason Thomas Jefferson wrote:

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

“Throw off.”

And how would they do that?

{source – Examiner}

Also see David Codrea’s Prior restraints on speech and guns enable tyranny

Global warming ‘deniers’ have also been verbally threatened.

Environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in 2007 declared that skeptics of global warming hysteria are guilty of “treason.”

Then NASA’s James Hansen said climate skeptics should be put on trial for “high crimes against humanity.”

And Kennedy recently called coal companies “criminal enterprises” and said their CEO’s should be jailed “for all of eternity.”

Now a global warming alarmist has taken the vitriol to new heights, calling for the execution of global warming deniers.

“At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers? . . . {more}

The root of all ‘hate crime’ laws lies in the protection of zionist interests. Free speech extermination is simmering in the US controlled media and in the so called left wing progressive arena.

Obama has already warned against free speech concerning challenging the ‘official’ 9/11 story and holocaust ‘denial.’ Do you think he wouldn’t sign into law bills to criminalize free speech and inquiry into the ‘sacred’ propaganda of the ruling elite?

Can’t happen here? The US assisted in the kidnapping of a free speech dissenter, Ernst Zundel. Disagreement with an individual’s opinions does not give any government the right to imprison them, or worse?

Who Is Ernst Zündel, And Why Is He In Jail?

By Mark Weber

For two years, Ernst Zundel was held without charge in solitary confinement in Canada on the pretext that he was a threat to national security. On March 1, 2005, he was moved in a charter plane to Germany, where he wads subjected to a Stalinist-type show trial and sentenced to five years in prison – for “Holocaust Denial.” A defense based on forensic and documentary evidence was not allowed – and for good measure, even his defense attorney, Sylvia Stolz, was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison for offering materials in his defense!

Who is this “dangerous” activist that so much effort has been expended for decades to speak his truth – as he knows it?

This 69-year-old German-born writer, publisher and civil rights activist is a political prisoner and a victim of great injustice.

Who is this man, and why is his case so important?


Zundel was arrested at his home in Tennessee on Feb. 5, where he had been living peacefully with his wife, Ingrid Rimland, on the pretext that he missed an interview date with immigration authorities. Two weeks later he was deported to Canada, even though his wife is an American citizen.

Claiming that he is a national security threat, Canadian authorities held him in isolation for two years. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) — something like the American FBI — supported this charge by citing tenuous and years-old ties by Zundel to “white supremacist” groups. While acknowledging that he is not violent himself, CSIS argues that material published by Zundel might cause “like-minded individuals to engage in violence.”

There is absolutely no basis for the “security threat” charge. Zundel’s life is an open book. He is a peaceful man with no record of violence. During the 40 years he lived in Canada, he was never convicted of a crime. In fact, he has himself been a victim of hate and violence. He survived at least three attempts on his life, including a devastating arson attack against his residence.

Jewish groups demanded that Zundel be deported to Germany, where he would face years of imprisonment for the “thought crime” of “denying the Holocaust.” (“Holocaust denial” is against the law in Germany, France, Switzerland and some other European countries.)

Zundel is in prison not because his views are unpopular, or because he’s a “security risk.” He’s in prison because Jewish groups want him there. He’s a prisoner because he promotes views that the Jewish-Zionist lobby considers harmful to its interests.

This lobby is the decisive, critical factor in the decades-old campaign to silence him. The only sustained and institutionalized effort to imprison him has come from this lobby, which includes the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, and the League for Human Rights of B’nai B’rith (with the Anti-Defamation League, its counterpart in the US). {more}

The round up of dissenters considered a threat to the status quo is now a possibility, either through legislation or executive order. That executive order would come quick in the aftermath of a new catastrophic and catalyzing event. The most recent catalyzing event of Sept. 11, 2001 proved that the pursuit of control knows no bounds.

"Terrorist" Threat to Keep Toxic Coal Ash Sites Secret?

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You would think that there is a ‘domestic terrorist’ threat behind every rock by the talk of some government ‘officials.’

This Tennessee disaster may have given ‘terrorists’ ideas.

WASHINGTONThe Tennessean -Dozens of communities nationwide are at risk from a coal ash spill like the one that blanketed a Tennessee neighborhood last year, but the Obama administration has decided not to tell the public about it because of the danger of a terrorist attack.

The Environmental Protection Agency has classified 44 coal ash storage ponds in 26 communities as potential hazards.

The EPA’s attempt to catalog coal ash sites around the country began after the December spill at a coal-fired utility plant near Kingston, Tenn., owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority.

When a retaining wall collapsed, hundreds of acres were covered with coal ash sludge. The grayish, toxic muck destroyed or damaged 40 homes. Cleanup may cost nearly $1 billion.

The agency, which earlier this year pledged to be transparent and carry out its work in the public view, wanted to disclose the information until the Army Corps of Engineers said it shouldn’t because of national security concerns.

The information is now caught in a bureaucratic tussle, with one agency wanting to alert the public to the hazard and another agency fearing that widespread release of the information might, if terrorists got involved, put the public in danger.

Senator wants disclosure

In a letter dated June 4, the Corps told the EPA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency that the federal government should not alert the public to the whereabouts of the sites.

“Uncontrolled or unrestricted release (of the information) may pose a security risk to projects or communities by increasing its attractiveness as a potential target,” Steven L. Stockton, the Army Corps’ director of civil works, wrote in a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

At the same time, the Corps letter says the information should be passed on to state officials or coal plant operators and they should tell nearby communities of the risks.

California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer called Friday for the disclosure of the hazardous coal ash storage sites around the country.

“If these sites are so hazardous, then I believe that it’s essential to let people know,” Boxer said.

“I think secrecy might lead to inaction.”

She said she has written to the three federal agencies asking whether withholding the information is consistent with the way information about other hazardous sites is handled.

Boxer, as chairwoman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, has held several hearings on the issue and has promised more.

Boxer said she was allowed to tell other senators who represent states where the dangerous sites are located, and they have contacted emergency response agencies in those areas.

She said the restriction on disclosing the locations doesn’t make sense to her.
“There is a huge muzzle on me,” she said.

Decision isn’t final

The sites have existed for years with little or no federal regulation. And oversight at the state level varies, with some treating coal ash ponds like dams used for power generation and flood control and others not regulating their construction or siting at all.

The 44 sites were ranked as high hazards, meaning they could cause death and significant property damage if a storm, a terrorist attack or a structural failure caused them to spill into surrounding neighborhoods.

Eric Halpin, special assistant for dam and levee safety for the Corps of Engineers, said that “we did not direct anyone to withhold or not release information,” but he said federal policy says “you shouldn’t make it easy for the bad guys to do their jobs” by posting lists on the Internet or giving them to the media.

A Homeland Security Department spokeswoman said late Friday that the Corps position was not the final word on the matter and could be reversed. A final recommendation will be made by the FEMA administrator after a review by the National Dam Safety Review Board.

The EPA estimates that about 300 dry landfills and wet storage ponds are used around the country to store ash from coal-fired power plants.

The man-made structures hold a mixture of the noncombustible ingredients of coal and the ash trapped by equipment designed to reduce air pollution from the power plants.

The latest Energy Department data indicate that 721 power plants nationwide produced 95.8 million tons of coal ash in 2005.

The ash can contain heavy metals and other toxic contaminants, but there are no federal regulations or standards that govern its storage or disposal.

source: The Tennessean


Barbara Boxer cares?? She’s more interested in getting the cap and trade bill passed. It’s where the money for a few is to be made at the expense of the people. That’s her caring.

Senate Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-California) has now signaled her panel might act before August.

Boxer for the first time Thursday stated a clear desire to mark up a cap-and-trade bill in her panel before the August recess.

Boxer has waited for House Democratic leaders to act in order to help use their deal-making with an array of Democrats to make it easier for her to get a filibuster-proof 60 votes.

She is not expected to make major changes to the House bill. {source}

Nearer the Silence

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Total control means silencing all dissenters. The mainstream media is doing its job in manipulaing the population through lies and the bloggers of the alternative news and opinion world are doing their best to counter the deceit. It is a struggle. Silence is not golden.

https://i0.wp.com/beinart.org/artists/alejandro-barron/gallery/alejandro-barron-6.jpg art by Alejandro Barron

A Few Angry Men

by Scott Creighton

This is class warfare. Pure and simple. Nothing complicated about it. The war has been going on for quite some time though the vast majority of the population isn’t currently aware of it because the media in this country, like many of our representatives, have picked a side – and it isn’t ours.

In this war, you almost have to become a casualty before you even notice the battle going on all around you. We had better do something about that.

This is the strategy they are using against us; As used in many other nations across the globe, the Chicago School – Milton Friedman economic shock doctrine of “unrestricted free-trade”, the complete deregulation of the markets, and the privatization of the national treasury at the direct cost of the middle, working, and working poor classes of America. Trade unions will be dismantled either bought out, or removed by various other means, access to education will be tightly controlled, dissent will not be tolerated (as we are already seeing), funding for a domestic paramilitary force will increase, and young poor children will be encouraged to “volunteer” for work brigades rather than furthering their education.

We can talk about 9/11 or we can talk about the Federal Reserve till we are blue in the face and it won’t make one iota of difference to the people calling the shots. Not one.

They have been stifling dissent of the questions of the official story of 9/11 for the past 8 years – since they staged the worst single act of false flag terrorism in recorded history. And in the case of the institutional illegality and rampant corruption of the Federal Reserve Bank system, they have been keeping the lid on that since at least the last time they tried to kill Andrew Jackson. If not longer.

But these things we have focused so much time, research, and passionate debate on… they are not the war. They are crimes of war or they are machinations of war; the all important tools of the global raider’s trade. But they are not the war itself. The very knowledge that a war has been ongoing for decades has been carefully kept from the people of this nation, by design and collusion with the media conglomerates, for decades.

Our investigations have reached deep into the heart of the events of 9/11. Quality investigations that have gone far enough so that now millions and millions of good American people, people from all walks of life – rich, poor, educated, working, blue-collar, white-collar, politicians, preachers, pilots, engineers, cooks, ditch-diggers, soldiers, cops, and dreamers – people from every facet of this great nation (though they may disagree on almost every other thing there is to discuss), millions and millions of them, now know that the official story of what happened that day in September, to nearly 3,000 innocent people and countless other since who have suffered and perished from sickness or s the result of illegal wars for empire, … is a lie.

The official story of 9/11 is simply a lie. It could not have happened. It’s just that simple.

And still millions more “know” it, but they just won’t say it.

The Federal Reserve Banking system is simply their tool. No different than many other central bank systems set up in democracies that our CIA has helped overthrow over the past 60 years. The privatized central banking system is a key part of the process of bleeding the national wealth out of the target nation as well as serving as a hub for their consolidated power system that will ultimately outlast any “elected” government or revolution. Working in concert with the other privatized central banks and globalist organizations like the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund, these institutions are the conduit from which the Friedman “free-market” virus enters the blood-stream of the infected national economy of any nation, then like a parasite, it drains the host body’s strength, leaving it just strong enough to produce revenue, and not strong enough to resist.

We understand the history and the facts, we know the science and the lies that have been told, then untold. We know all these things… but we will never understand all there is to know.

Though the Audit the Fed Bill should be passed as that it is long overdue that the people of this nation were granted a glimpse into how our economy is manipulated, the fact of the matter remains it would take years for the GAO to conduct the audit, and then it’s ultimate worth is dependent on incorruptible public servants reporting back to us the truth. We have switched one dark hand for the other. Created another 9/11 Truth commission, if you will, where we will gladly wait for years for the “promise” of integrity.

Sometimes understanding the nature of the thing simply doesn’t matter. All that matters is what that thing is doing and how the people feel about it.

Tyrants don’t fear a few intelligent men, but they dread a million angry ones.

read the entire post

also see from Scott Creighton…The Foxification of Op Ed News and other “Progressive” Betrayals

Greg Bacon shows us how millions of people are lost in the haze of TV fog. Truth doesn’t have much meaning to them. Most don’t care. They are already silenced.

Is this why Americans are so damn apathetic and ignorant?/”Working Class Hero”

Television has been turned into one giant “National Enquirer” that our minds absorb like a sponge does water while we sit on our Lazy Boys, scarfing down gobs of potato chips and drinking Diet Pepsi… gotta watch that weight!! {more}

While the MSM is busy building up the ‘domestic extremists and terrorists’ angle and the continual message of ‘all jews are victims,’ Israeli war crimes are silenced.

Israeli War Crimes Against Children During Operation Cast Lead – by Stephen Lendman

Following Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) documented the toll on Gaza’s children and published it in May. It did so “in response to the unprecedented number of children who were killed (and injured) by (the Israeli Defense Forces) during the offensive on Gaza.” {more}

Also see: The Nazis of Israel: Starving Palestine

True history has been silenced for a long while. Look at any kid’s middle or high school books. Without learning the truth, repetition of events is inevitable.

Greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

Stalin’s Jews

Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, “opposition members” who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself. {more}

Even facts about our food supply are being silenced and lied about.

Deadly Lies About Your Food


What if I put poison in your food and told you about it? How would you react? {more}

The drugging of our children is a serious problem. A doped child is a silent child.

FDA Approval of Antipsychotics for Children Mirrors Bayer, AMA Approvals of Heroin as Cough Medicine for Children

(NaturalNews – Mike Adams) Today an FDA advisory panel approved the prescribing of powerful mind-altering chemicals for children. Seroquel, Zyprexa and Goedon have now been approved by the advisory panel to be prescribed to children as young as 10 years old to treat a fictitious disease invented by psychiatrists and given the name “bipolar disorder.” (There is no such thing as a bipolar disorder disease. It is merely a name assigned to children demonstrating the predictable side effects of correctable dietary imbalances.)

In light of this disturbing decision, it is instructive to remember the history of pharmaceutical medicine and children. One hundred and ten years ago, Bayer marketed heroin to children as a non-addictive alternative to morphine. Did I say “non-addictive?” Yes, it’s right from the company’s own marketing materials. It just goes to show you that drug companies have been lying to the public (and poisoning the children) for well over one hundred years. {more}

Will China’s model for internet censorship be implemented here? Our own ruling elite would like to see it.

Beijing recently gave computer manufacturers six weeks’ notice that all new PCs sold in China must have Green Dam software installed on their hard drives. The name for the government-developed filtering program comes from references to a regulated Internet as “green.”

Not only does it do obvious harm to the Chinese, but we in the U.S. also wonder how high a price our own freedom of expression has in the eyes of computer companies.

If U.S. manufacturers install Green Dam for China, they would look criminally out of touch with the information age that the U.S. helped to usher in. Aiding Chinese censors would be a refusal to abide by the principle of net neutrality. Instead of simply moving information, companies would be making decisions about what information to move. No one has the right to do that except the individual—no matter the individual’s country of origin. {more}

The number 1 hazard…the internet.

Are we going to allow the voices of reason and truth to be silenced?

"Cyber Czar" – To Protect You From Harm

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In a sobering holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: “We are out of money.”

But obviously not sober enough to pass up on a new ‘czar.’ This time an internet security head with ‘powers’ yet unknown. For the Looming Cybersecurity Emergency Reaction that may be soon needed?

Surveillance and censorship wouldn’t be a big part of the this ‘cyber superman’ scheme, now would it? Nah, it’s to protect government and business as usual.

Who might lead this charge against the hackers?

US Cyber Czar frontrunners revealed

Melissa Hathaway, Rod Beckstrom and Paul Kurtz are the front runners in the race to be the US government’s first ‘Cyber Czar’. So tips Don Adams, the Palo Alto-based Chief Technology Officer, Worldwide, Public Sector for tech giant Tibco.

The Obama administration’s information security chief (a job title has yet to be confirmed) will be tasked to protect the nation’s government-run and private computer networks. He or she will report directly to the President, and possibly to the economic and national security departments.

Melissa Hathaway is the interim White House Cyber Security Adviser and a former intelligence official. Rod Beckstrom served as the former director of the National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) at the US Department of Homeland Security. Paul Kurtz is the former Senior Director for National Security of the Office of Cyberspace Security in the White House’s National Security Council (NSC). {more}

Everyone hates the criminal hackers, scammers, virus and malware spreaders but is this the reason to put the ability to shut down the internet into the hands of the few.

No, the ultimate use would be to keep information, except from government sanctioned sources, from being spread in case of a national ’emergency.’

Like maybe a false flag attack used to manipulate the population into fear and insecurity. We can’t have truthful information and discussion get in the way of new wars and enslavement, now can we. The internet without censorship is a threat to those in power and the lies they tell.

From Michael Gaddy:

Three incidents that created enormous fear of the boogeyman du jour were the Oklahoma City Bombing, TWA 800, and of course, 9/11. I will not discuss the issue of whether the government was involved in either of the above, but there is credible evidence here, here, and here that the government’s version of the events are highly suspect and certainly would not hold up under the scrutiny of a totally independent (non-governmental) investigation.

Many believe the government incapable of conducting, or being involved in, any false-flag operation involving the possible deaths of American citizens. I offer as exhibit (A) Operation Northwoods, and Exhibit (B) evidence from the 1993 WTC bombing.

The state has one powerful tool at its disposal to control the masses: fear. A minority can control and enslave a majority only as long as the majority fears the minority. The state will do whatever it takes to maintain that control. The state lied about the circumstances of the attack on Pearl Harbor; they lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident; they lied about the Oklahoma City bombing; they lied about TWA 800; they lied about Ruby Ridge; they lied about Waco and they lied about 9/11. The very essence of government is fear and the lie.

There will be another event such as those mentioned above when the state feels it is beginning to loose control of Boobus, it needs the premise for a new war, or reason to expand the ones it now has. When it happens, will you run their lies up the flagpole, or demand the truth, refute the lies, and expose the liars? {more}

JIDF hate group attacks free speech

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The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) is a non-violent protest group who share concerns about antisemitic online content, as well as content which promotes terrorism on sites including Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Google Earth, Blogger, and other sites and forums throughout the internet. The JIDF believes in direct action both to eradicate the problems we face online and to create the publicity that will cause those with the power (companies like Facebook and Google) to take the needed action themselves.

A jewish group, the JIDF, taking issue with the jewish internet moguls….yeah right.

Facebook – Mark Zuckerberg

Google, youtube, blogger – Sergey BrinLarry Page

Wikipedia – Jimmy Wales

The enemies huh…

Before you slobber all over yourself, the JIDF can help.



A non-violent protest group…I’ll have to question that. Attacking free speech, creating false history and trolling the internet to censor any criticism of jewish criminals and their allies plus Israeli genocide and war crimes may not be physically violent but it sure as hell is violent against freedom and truth.

“eradicate the problems we face online” means shutting down anyone who would dare to express their first amendment rights.

The JIDF, google, wikipedia, youtube…..

working together to create an antisemitic free internet….. one where the truth has no place.