alternative media

Silence Is Not Acceptable

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USS Liberty hero dies without seeing justice

No presidential statement, no congressional resolution, no mainstream media coverage, no surprise.

June 8 is the 44th anniversary of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and as usual there’s a few who remember and care and who try to keep the memory alive. From the less well known Manitq al-Tayr, NTS, and Jody to some more ‘prominent’  bloggers such as Eileen Fleming and Paul Craig Roberts, the word is being told.

A few opinion pieces on the Liberty get buried in the Gannett chain of propaganda such as here and here but no major media front page remembrances are to be found. The Jerusalem Post has an article but they still spin the “it was a mistake” angle and only those with anti-Israel sentiments bring up that poor little Israel would have done such a thing deliberately. 

There are people who are anti-Israel or who are on the other side of the Arab-Israeli conflict and because the United States-Israel relationship is so strong and so good they find very few ways to attack it. This is one of the focal points on which they like to aim when they are attempting to attack and destroy that relationship.”

All I can say is that if telling the truth and expressing historically correct facts about a horrendous false flag attack upon Americans by our false ‘friend’ destroys that relationship, it will be better late than never.  

Silence on any subject of importance means complicity. It is not an acceptable option. It is part of our undoing. 

Lying is done with words and also with silence.

False history gets made all day, any day, the truth of the new is never on the news

Merchants of the Myth

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Iranian TV 2006.

An Iranian viewpoint of the ‘holocaust.’ Saved from the soon to be deleted google video. 

For educational and historical purposes only.

 memritv translation. 

Amazing Stories

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Gordon Duff now has ‘sources’ from within the ADL who say;

“If we had Wikileaks up to speed, the Goldstone Report would never have been heard of at all.  There isn’t anything that can’t be covered up by a Julian Assange scandal.  I just hope something doesn’t come up where it gets so serious that Assange will have to be assassinated.  He is really a loveable dupe.”

“I never knew Assange was working for us, not even when he started attacking the 9/11 Truth movement.  I really didn’t know for sure until a couple of days ago.  As for 9/11, that’s something else.  There are a couple of senior guys running around, saying they planned 9/11, not Mossad, military guys.  I don’t know if they are bullshitters or not.  They say it like this…’Of course, we did it, who else?  We don’t care, say whatever you want, who needs to hide anything, we can do whatever we want there”

“I have no idea what they were thinking back in Tel Aviv.  What kind of idiot would try to keep the Wikileaks and Israel thing quiet and then have the ADL run around like maniacs calling people names.  The ADL should keep to spray painting swastika’s on synagogues and sending articles to “Stormfront” and leave the thinking to people better equipped, if there still are people like that around….which I am not so sure of.”

There is a list, the Bush administration’s “working group” that green-lighted 9/11.  Of the five names on it,  three are Jews.  ” (ADL Source)

Wow … truth tellers/leakers within the ADL. Who would have thunk it? Amazing! The internal investigation must have already begun. Better watch the news for an ADL employee suicide or a body found floating in a river.

Just don’t question Gordon on this. He will delete the comments.   

Another blog censored? ~ Ziofascism

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Canadian blogger ‘anachore’ may have had his “Ziofacism” site shut down again.

How many times has this happened before, 3 or more?

Google cache still has the site here so that could mean there is a technical issue and it will be back soon … or maybe not.

ZionistGoldReport reported on ‘anachore’ being taken down a couple of days ago.

Now please before anyone wants to comment and tries to tell us something they think we don’t already know about anachore’ … we’ll just say that in comments on other sites he was sometimes perceived as an arrogant pain in the butt prone to arguing/debating. He often called out others as ‘hasbara’ and he got the same accusations in return. Personally there was never a problem. Relatively speaking his blog never seemed all that ‘dangerous’ but some in Canada may have thought otherwise.  Perhaps some in the U.S. didn’t like the Edgar J. Steele saga reports he had lately? Maybe it’s something altogether different.

Censorship of free speech remains a top shelf issue with the internet as a battlefield. The snipers are out. The psyops is to sometimes go for just a wound, other times it’s for the kill.

Alex Jones Banishes Mike Rivero

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Jones and his handlers decide Michael Rivero must go. Not only from the Jones radio sideshow but from the GCN network as well. AJ waves his ‘magic’ zionist flag and makes things disappear.

Announcement from Mike  …

“I have just been informed by the Alex Jones show that they are canceling my monthly interviews commencing this coming Tuesday. Imagine my shock and disappointment. No, really, just imagine it!”

A little more info from Mike …

WRH: “I have not made a big deal about the reasons for the move, but in a nutshell, GCN is a reflection of Alex Jones’ views of the world, and more and more our points of view regarding Israel are diverging. I get a lot of email asking why I do not challenge Alex on his defense of Israel, or asking why every time I am on his show Alex feels obligated to have a pro-Israel representative on immediately afterwards to counter the points that I made. 

I view the attack by Israel on a US flagged ship and Americans in international waters as an act of war and all who defend said attack as traitors to the USA. Alex holds a different view and I guess the breaking point was his rant in which he said that anyone who is a critic of Israel is a “weak-minded fool”. That made it a personal attack, and I decided it was time to step out of Alex’s shadow and go in a different direction.”

Looks like a good thing to me. Keeping a good distance from AJ will be for the best in the long run. Maybe Mike will quit linking anything from the Jones world. Not to retaliate but just to be on the side of good taste.

I think most of us will have some disagreements with Rivero on certain issues, that’s to be expected when folks are passionate about finding truth, but once again the bottom line is whether one has the courage to challenge Israel, their lobbyists and supporters in the media and both in and out of government  Doing so can be dangerous to your health … both economically and possibly otherwise.


From a comment at WRH

READER: With all of the “anti-semitic” accusations being thrown around lately, it might be wise to try and define just what “semitism” really is so that we can be sure not to be “anti-semitic”.

1) If “semitism” is stealing your neighbor’s land, destroying his house and imprisoning and torturing his family, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

2) If “semitism” is committing terrible acts of violence and framing someone else for them, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

3) If “semitism” is compromising the USA government through blackmail and other threats, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

4) If “semitism” is imprisoning millions of improvised and brutalized people, cutting off all basic necessities for life, then yes, I am antisemitic.

5) If “semitism” is taking billions in aid from the USA and then murdering Americans with impunity, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

6) If “semitism” is ignoring all UN Resolutions critical of you and then using the same UN to raise trumped-up charges against an INNOCENT nation, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

7) If “semitism” is coercing the USA government and fooling the American people into attacking an INNOCENT nation, costing millions of innocent lives, including American soldiers, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

8) If “semitism” is attacking unarmed humanitarian ships in INTERNATIONAL waters, murdering at least nine people, including an American, shot FOUR times in the head, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

9) If “semitism” is thinking that you are a master and superior race that has to answer to NO one, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

10) If “semitism” is taking American tax dollars and then sptting in America’s face, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

11) If “semitism” is suppressing any and all discussion of high crimes against humanity then yes, I am anti-semitic.

12) If “semitism” is constant lying and deception to achieve a goal that is illegal and immoral then yes, I am anti-semitic.

13) If “semitism” is arming yourself to the teeth, threatening other nations with attack  AND attacking other nations because they are supposedly armed to the teeth and threatening you, then yes, I am anti-semitic.

14) If “semitism” is staging 911 with the help of traitorous Americansin high positions of power, murdering over 3,000 innocent Americans so that the USA will attack your “enemies” blamed for doing 911(and in the process blackmailing those same officials who helped you pull of 911!) then yes, I am anti-semitic.

15) If “semitism” is calling anyone critical of you or revealing of your actions “anti-semitic” then yes. I am anti-semitic.

Of course, these are not the real definitions of semitism, but “semitism” has become the cloak to shield crimes against humanity! But one thing is clear to me- those throwing this accusation around are the ones who are REALLY dragging REAL semtism though the mud! They are the real anti-semites!

also see this rant from a WRH member … i am frigin pissed now really pissed

Gatekeepers Talk

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Democracy Now – July 28, 2010

Gatekeepers Amy Goodman and Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, both of whom are adverse to  discussing the root conspiracy of the current wars – 9/11, talk among themselves about “the leaks.”

Not much here of important interest. Only one thing stood out to me, the idea from Assange that one is a pacifist if they are antiwar. Being against wars based on lies, deceptions and profiteering has nothing to do with being a pacifist. It has everything to do with being anti-criminal.

AMY GOODMAN: And for those who say you’re an antiwar campaigner, and so, though the documents aren’t suspect, because they’re clearly from the US government, your motives are, what is your response?

JULIAN ASSANGE: We have clearly stated motives, but they are not antiwar motives. We are not pacifists. We are transparency activists who understand that transparent government tends to produce just government. And that is our sort of modus operandi behind our whole organization, is to get out suppressed information into the public, where the press and the public and our nation’s politics can work on it to produce better outcomes.  

{more – the transcript and video}

WikiLeaks Works For The CIA and Mossad?

Amy Goodman, Left Gatekeeper

The Real Terrorists

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Corbett Report – 9/11 FOIAs Denied, Economic Realism

What’s missing from the Washington Post’s Top Secret America ‘expose?’ 50,000 intelligence reports are published each year and I’ll bet not a one of them is about the threat of a false flag in our country from our own CIA or the Mossad. None of them are focused on past and present criminals within the government, pentagon and industry concerning the real story of 9/11. They can’t or they would be out of a job or eliminated.

Untold billions spent on ‘intelligence’ and our Secretary of State says bin Laden is still hiding in Pakistan. It’s not even funny anymore.

If we really wanted to end the ‘war on terror’ and have security all we would have to do is round up a few hundred of the real terrorist traitors that are right in our midst, bring all of our troops home and cut off all aid and support to Israel and the world banking system. Shut down the Federal Reserve and their banker/Wall St. allies and we might just be heading on the right track.

Of course I’m dreaming. There’s no one to do this so I suppose we as a nation will just have to wait until the system collapses from the weight of its own corruption, deal with mayhem that will follow and try and survive to pick up a few of the pieces.

It’s coming down to saving ourselves … from ourselves. 

The Wikileaks Video Missing Moments

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The fact that the video was edited doesn’t take away from the evidence of the atrocity. It just brings up more questions as to what is the psyops being played out here and ultimately ‘who benefits.’

The 30-minute gap

Wikileaks left a 30-minute gap in its Iraq slaughter presentation, a gap which contained material somewhat less damning to the Pentagon, leaving a hole right-wingers can drive a propaganda truck through. This gap seems to put Wikileaks back into the category of Pentagon media manipulation tool. {from xymphora}

Update from Gawker

Wikileaks editor Jullian Assange told CNN yesterday that the 39 minute video is “everything we have. It is a continuous take except for one 20 minute interval.” So, Wikileaks did not edit the video themselves—their source did. But the point still stands: both the “edited” and the “full” version appear to have been selectively edited. Why leave in the second attack after the cut? And how can this be called an “uncut” or “unedited” version—the implication being that this video depicts what “really happened”—when 20 minutes of less-incriminating footage was removed? It also deepens the mystery of Wikileak’s military source: Who is so disgruntled as to not only leak the video, but also edit out the slightest bit of redeeming footage? {more}