hillary clinton


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Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, along with Hillary Clinton, spoke at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Center for Middle East Policy’s seventh annual forum in Washington, December 10, 2010. – Photo by Reuters.

You might think that if the organizers had a need for a backdrop to the speakers at a think tank forum for the Israeli/Palestinian peace process it would also include the Palestinian flag. Of course that might send the wrong signal implying that the talks would be fair and equitable and we know that will never be the case.

Since the Vietnam war the burning of the ‘sacred’ symbol of America, the flag, has been viewed by many as traitorous and a desecration. In my opinion the above image is a much worse desecration but there will not be a debate in the main stream media on this inappropriate use of our flag.

We may as well go ahead and incorporate the USraeli flag as our new national symbol. At least we could say that it was the most honest thing our government has done in a long long time.

Hillary Clinton at the Brookings Institution … Part 1, 2, 3

Hillary at AIPAC

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I pledge allegiance to Israel …..

 video part 12345

Hillary Clinton’s traitor tour reaches new lows

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“What the prime minister has offered in specifics of a restraint on the policy of settlements… is unprecedented,” Clinton said at Saturday’s press conference, adding that “there has never been a pre-condition, it’s always been an issue within negotiations.”

It marked a sharp easing of tone on the thorny issue. In May, following US President Barack Obama’s first meeting with Netanyahu, Clinton had said that Obama “wants to see a stop to settlements. Not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exceptions.”

Israeli analysts said the change of tone came after Washington realised that its main ally would just not give in on settlements, supported by the vast majority of the electorate of Netanyahu’s right-leaning government.

“The Obama administration has proven once again that it is no different from previous administrations, because it will support whatever Israel accepts and will not support what Israel does not accept.”

Continued theft is what the U.S. will accept…

Clinton: "Iran does not have a right to nuclear military capacity "

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“But Israel does because they are our best friend and if I say anything against them they will come after me. Bill and I both learned our lesson. Blackmail, extortion and exposure work.


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After tripping over her lies for so long, Hillary Clinton is reported to have physically tripped and fell, breaking her elbow while on the way to the White House.

Unconfirmed rumors are she fell off of her broom.

Shouldn’t her bodyguards or secret service escorts be holding her arm as she walks? She has so much on her mind.

Like meeting with CFR member Angelina Jolie on World Refugee Day which unfortunately she has had to cancel.

I’m sure Bill would be glad to fill in for her. They can talk tattoos.

https://i0.wp.com/ianundercover.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/angelina-jolie-and-clinton.jpg https://i0.wp.com/www.accesshollywood.com/content/images/93/0x600/93600_angelina-jolie-heads-out-after-brads-inglourious-basterds-premiere-at-cannes-may-20-2009.jpg

The merging of politics, the media and entertainment. The dumb star struck public loves it.

Hurry and get well Hillary, you might miss something.

Say it ain’t so Bo

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Barack Obama (Bo as I call him) will most likely continue with the Clintonization of the new administration with……a Clinton.

The Guardian appears to be the first to go out on limb and state this.

Shills for the Clintons and their criminal regime who set the stage for the Bush boys and girls to plunder the nation will no doubt applaud this as progress and hope.

I call it two steps backwards, no steps forward.

Those who will work on Clinton’s staff had better take care. Just ask Vince Foster.

Hillary has those qualities that should make her follow up to Condi Rice a smooth transition.

She’s a good liar, knows how to keep her detractors at bay, is beholden to all the big money interests, definitely a good friend to Israel and never met a war she did not love.

She and her husband also have more than a few skeletons in their closet so that if she steps out of line….. let the blackmail begin.

Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton. On and on. Those born after 1980 have never known anything different if you count the Reagan figurehead years.

Is this a republic or an oligarchy?

Watch your back fellows, Hillary is 4th in line.

Fox News pushes Biden quiting story

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Stan Honda/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Former President Bill Clinton, watching Senator Barack Obama address attendees on Thursday at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting in New York. Mr. Clinton introduced Mr. Obama warmly.

The propagandist whores a Fox News this morning are pushing the story that Biden may soon quit and be replaced by Hillary. They are also big on Bill’s recent praise of McCain.

It’s probably more bullshit but you never know. Deception is the rule in this game of criminal politics as it is now being played out.

It certainly would be a giant diversion away from the economic scams now being enabled by Paulson, Bernanke, et al.

Biden quitting? BS alert!

Fact or Fiction: Will Joe Biden Really Quit as Barack Obama’s Veep?

Primary Season Over, Barack Channels Hillary

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by Dave Lindorff
Hillary Clinton races Barack Obama
Photo illustration by Darrow.

Now that the primary season is over, we can see that the clear winner was Hillary Clinton.

Oh, I know. Barack Obama got the most votes and the most delegates, and he’ll be the Democratic presidential nominee this August, but increasingly, it’s becoming obvious that he’s just a pretty wrapper. Sneak a peak inside the wrapper and you’ll find Hillary Clinton inside.

Look at the facts.

No sooner did the last votes get counted in Montana, than Obama hied himself off to Washington to show his fealty to the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), where he promised to do whatever Israel wanted. You would have thought he was Bush or Hillary, so fulsome was his promise to unquestioningly back the worst policies and actions of Israel’s criminally insane right-wing government. Claim all of Jerusalem for the Jewish state? Fine by him. Starve and terrorize a million people in Gaza? No problemo. Attack Iran to prevent a merely suspected nuclear program from eventually producing a possible bomb? Okay. Negotiate with Hamas? Never.

Then there was the FISA and Fourth Amendment-violating campaign of spying by the National Security Agency. Some members of Congress and the courts have been trying for years to find out what Bush and Cheney have really been up to with this program, but they’ve been stymied by the administration’s insistence that the phone companies, who enabled most of the spying, are immune from prosecution and don’t have to surrender records of, or talk about what they actually did. Congress, with the help of a spineless Democratic majority in both houses, came up in June with a bill that endorses the spying and gives retroactive immunity to the phone companies. 15 Senators—all Democrats– opposed that wretched sell-out of the Constitution and the American people. Sen. Obama supported it, just like Clinton.

When the Supreme Court, in a rare exception to a rash of reactionary rulings in the past few weeks, overturned a state law authorizing the death penalty for the rape of a child, Obama stood up for the death penalty, saying that he thought states should have the right to kill anyone who would sexually abuse a child. I guess he must think the states should be able to kill people convicted of killing someone too, since murder has to be at least as nasty as child rape. Another Clinton position. Never mind that most of the people who get the death penalty are persons of color, and that almost all the 4000 people on America’s bulging death rows are either poor, desperately poor, retarded or simply insane. Never mind that rape is one of the most likely crimes to lead to wrongful convictions.

Barack was out there dissing black dads, too, charging them, as a class, with abandonment of their children, even though studies show that black fathers are no less likely to abandon their kids than are white dads. Okay, that’s not really a Hillary position. It’s more akin to Bill Clinton’s attacks on prominent blacks like Jesse Jackson or Sister Soulja during his campaigns for higher office.

It’s getting harder and harder to see any light between Obama’s and Hillary’s positions on the Iraq War too, what with Obama backing away from his earlier campaign pledge to end the war within 16 months of taking office and saying instead that he would “listen to the generals” and that withdrawal would depend upon the situation on the ground.

Finally, Obama, after showing a remarkable ability to inspire tons of small donations and support from individuals, and to fund a huge national campaign without much in the way of corporate support, is greedily slurping from Hillary’s cesspool of corporate backers, now that she’s out of the way. Soon, he’ll be wallowing in tainted cash from Wall Street commercial and investment banks and hedge funds, telecom companies, defense contractors, Big Pharma companies, the HMO industry, and the entertainment industry. He’ll be owned like just about every other politician in Washington.

The transmogrification of an upstart people’s candidate for “change” into just another front man for the corporatocracy will be complete.

Hillary will have won, but in the corporal form of Barack Obama.

The joke, of course, is that this evocation by Obama of his inner Clinton is not going to win him many votes, and may in fact lose him far more than he gains. Being Clinton, after all, didn’t win it for Hillary Clinton. It was Obama’s differences from Clinton that won him the primary votes.

Clintonian positions didn’t really win the presidency for Bill Clinton either. It was Ross Perot who won the 1992 election for Clinton, by stealing enough votes from George Bush Sr. to let Clinton win with a mere plurality of the votes cast. There won’t be any Ross Perot this year, though, so Obama can’t hope to squeak by with a minority of the votes cast the way Bill did. In fact there will be at least two candidates—a Green Party one and Ralph Nader–who will be picking off some of the people Obama’s imitation of Clinton will turn off sufficiently for them to abandon him. There will also be a Libertarian candidate running, whose outspoken opposition to the war will attract disillusioned erstwhile Obama backers. Many more voters may just stay home in disgust. (It was also Al Gore’s decision to run a Clintonesque campaign of triangulation and pursuit of those elusive “mainstream” voters that made his run against Bush in 2000 close enough for the election to be stolen.)

Meanwhile, those Hillary primary voters Obama seems so intent on pursuing at the expense of the progressive vote—the pro-Israel hawks in New York and Florida, the “hard-working whites” of the West Virginia hollers, the Pennsylvania hills and the flatlands of Ohio and Indiana—aren’t going to vote for him just because he adopts Hillary’s positions. They’ll want the real deal, not just a front man posing as a front woman, so they’ll go for John McCain (just as they would have in November had Hillary won the nomination).

You gotta ask why a guy who had it all going for him is suddenly making such incredibly bad strategic decisions.

It has to be either that he’s brought on board too many Clinton backers, or that his own strategists have lost confidence in their own game plan. In his bid for Democratic Party “unity” Obama has sold whatever soul he once had.

He has met the enemy, and he has become her.

The pardon of Marc Rich, and the tragedy of Hillary Clinton

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008



Hillary arrived in the Senate in late 2000, helped out by a huge campaign chest and the fact that Giuliani backed out of the race with personal morality issues and a convenient prostrate problem. Her position in the Senate, where she established herself as a member of the More Wars For The Jews Party, was obviously intended to lead to her bid for the Presidency. Bill’s last act as President, before they dragged him kicking and screaming from the White House, was to pardon Jewish Billionaire Marc Rich, a decision later portrayed as a mistake based on having too much to do at the end of his Presidency to realize the enormity of Rich’s crimes (which tellingly in part involved financial dealings with Iran). Bill intends to return to the White House when Hillary becomes President. Was it all part of a deal, that the Jewish Billionaires would obtain the Presidency for Billary on condition that:

  1. Bill pardon one of their own; and
  2. Hillary vote in the Senate, and campaign as a Presidential nominee, as an unmistakable member of the More Wars For The Jews Party?

In return the Jewish Billionaires would:

  1. keep Giuliani out of the Senate race;
  2. fund the Senate race, and the race to be Presidential nominee;
  3. provide the logistics for the race to be nominee;
  4. turn the media coverage of Hillary in their controlled media properties completely around, and portray her as an effective Senator (although she wasn’t) and a sympathetic nominee.

If this was the deal, it has been largely a tragedy for Hillary Clinton. She didn’t need their money. She has been gravely damaged by her Jewish braintrust and their consistently stupid political decisions. While the highly favorable media coverage helped, she could have fought through the alternative, as her supporters would have accepted it as part of the vast right-wing conspiracy against her.

The fatal downside is the requirement of the Jewish Billionaires that she be a committed member of the More Wars For The Jews Party. Had she voted against the attack on Iraq, against the foul Kyl-Lieberman amendment (in retrospect, that was the vote that killed her chances), and against cluster bombs ( a big favorite amongst Jewish Billionaires for dropping on Muslim children), and campaigned as a No More Wars For The Jews Party member, she would have cleaned up on the nomination almost immediately, and people would be saying ‘Obama who?’ Her tragedy is that she didn’t need the Jewish Billionaires, but their political requirements left an opening for a relatively obscure black man to accomplish what should have been impossible.

Assassinationgate: The Self-Righteous Hit on Hillary Clinton

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by Chris Floyd
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
The image “https://i0.wp.com/www.deadlinehollywooddaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/hillary_clinton_1984.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

There is of course no point in paying too much attention to the U.S. presidential campaign, which is almost entirely a monstrous excretion of meaningless, bull-roaring noise. True, a few hints of the horrors to come can be gleaned in broad outline — chiefly by following the money behind each candidate, and also noting from which pool of imperial courtiers they draw their top advisors: i.e., the “kill ’em all” neocon crowd, the “more in sorrow than in anger” humanitarian interventionist school, the “let the poor eat dirt until they die” faction, or the “I feel your pain but Wall Street fills my coffers” contingent, etc. But to give more than a passing moment’s heed to the excruciating and tedious minutiae of the horse race is, as the man says, an “expense of spirit in a waste of shame.”

But occasionally the spectacle becomes so obtrusive that you can hardly avoid it. One such occasion was the uproar over Obama’s preacher (which Arthur Silber, for one, has covered in illuminating detail). Another one belched forth from the belly of the beast last week: Hillary Clinton’s “shocking” mention of the assassination of Robert Kennedy in 1968. From the tenor of the reaction to her statement, you would think she had been caught at the cauldron, summoning evil spirits from the deep to strike down the golden hero of the age.

Now anyone who has read even a smidgen of my work knows that I hold no brief for Hillary Clinton. Her presidency would have been a disaster — a confirmation and continuation of the worst elements of the Bush Administration in almost every essential aspect. But the self-righteous vilification that has greeted her remark is truly repulsive — and it bodes very ill, given the likely prospect that the self-righteous vilifiers will soon gain power.

Clinton told some editors in South Dakota that nominating campaigns have often dragged on until June; as examples, she referenced Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign, and noted that RFK was killed in June 1968 — while his race with Hubert Humphrey and Eugene McCarthy was still going on. The interviewers to whom she made the remark say it was clear that the timing was the sole point of her reference to the assassination; i.e., when Kennedy was killed in June, which we all remember, the campaign was still going on; ergo, campaigns do sometimes go on into June, and thus there was no reason for her to drop out before then. Robert Kennedy’s own son said her intent was clear on this point, that there was no unintended — or intended — desire to encourage the idea of Obama’s assassination. She had, in fact, made this same comparison several times before.

Yet oddly enough, those who have long considered Clinton to be Machiavelli reincarnated — a woman of overpowering ambition whose every move, every word, every thought is minutely calibrated to advance her march to power — suddenly seemed to believe that she would be stupid enough to deliberately “let hang in mid-air the prospect that she might just be sticking around in part, just in case the other guy gets shot,” to quote Keith Olbermann’s nostril-quivering denunciation of Clinton’s remark.

Olbermann’s thunderous outrage at this violation of his exquisite sensibilities was fairly typical of the wider reaction. Olbermann declared that any person who could suggest such a thing — i.e., the thing that he himself had wrung out of Clinton’s words — “has no business being, and no capacity to be, the President of the United States.” Well, given the number of mass murderers who have served in the White House over the years, it’s a bit of a stretch to say that someone who suggests bumping off a rival has no capacity to be President of the United States. In fact, I’d say they actually have a leg up on the job. But then, I don’t get all teary-eyed and trembly with respect at the very mention of “the President of the United States,” as Olbermann obviously does. I’m more simpatico with old James Buchanan, who told his successor, “Mister Lincoln, the office of president is not fit for a gentleman to hold.”

But let’s not be too hard on Olbermann and his sensitivities. After all, he is clearly a more tolerant man than I am. Me, I would consider someone unfit to be president of the United States if he or she had, say, promised to obliterate an entire country if that country attacked, er, another country, not even the United States. I think I would have written off a candidate like that long ago. But not Olbermann. He doesn’t even mention Clinton’s apocalyptic threat to annihilate 70 million people in Iran in his long list of her gaffes and misdeeds for which “we have forgiven you.” No, for Olbermann and many others of the freshly outraged, that kind of thing — the calm contemplation of slaughtering millions upon millions of innocent people — is just par for the course, not even worth noting. But a sorta ambiguous statement that, if you squint real hard, could be made to look like an inappropriate reference to a political opponent — now, that’s just going too far!

To its enormous credit, the Obama campaign has taken the high road in the controversy, with the candidate publicly “taking Senator Clinton at her word” that she meant no harm by the reference — while his staff privately blankets the media with transcripts of Olbermann’s tongue-lashing and other harsh commentaries on Clinton’s “inflammatory” remarks. Oh, it does one’s heart good to see how the very nature of politics is being transformed before our eyes by this unique and transcendent campaign.

Of course, the possibility that Obama will be assassinated is very real. Yet, remarkably, Olbermann, who has built a considerable and not entirely undeserved reputation as a bold truth-teller, insists — or rather, gives a direct order — that no one even mention assassination in the context of American politics: “You cannot and must not invoke that imagery! Anywhere! At any time!” Because, presumably, if we close our eyes and shut our mouths and pretend that such things don’t happen, they won’t happen. Of course, Olbermann issues his grave injunction immediately after “invoking the imagery” of every major assassination and assassination attempt in American history. But logical consistency is often cast aside when a righteous prophet dons his robes.

I’m no prophet, but I tend to think that Obama probably won’t be assassinated, because he is not really a genuine threat to the elites who command most of the power in our society. He seems, by all appearances and by his past record, to be eager enough to serve their interests. (And it will be almost impossible for a random “lone gunman” to penetrate the phalanx of security around Obama, which is far more extensive than the amateur protection that Bobby Kennedy had.)

Then again, one should never underestimate the anxiety of our elites, who tend to regard even the mildest hint at the most cosmetic change as a dire threat to their power and privilege. And even though Obama has loudly announced his intention to increase the size of the war machine and keep “all options on the table” — including the option of nuclear obliteration — in any number of conflicts with recalcitrant client states and rivals to the empire, he does talk a good game on “change” and “reform,” and has obviously inspired millions who take him at his word — and might try to hold him to it. So the risk of assassination remains substantial.

There is of course a great deal of intractable racism in the country that can always be drawn upon if the need arises. Although, if the blow comes, I imagine the chosen patsy will not be an angry Appalachian but some sort of “Muslim terrorist.” We might be seeing some groundwork for this scenario being laid in the recent spate of articles and talking-head “concern” about angry Muslims wanting to kill Obama because he is supposedly an “apostate” from Islam, due to his father’s abandonment of the faith. As Juan Cole points out, this is simply bullshit from the point of view of Islamic law — but who will care about the facts after a “crazed terrorist” has struck at the very heart of our electoral process?

So here we are. Forty years after Kennedy and Martin Luther King were cut down in a single season, assassination is still very much in the American air. The fact that it is simply considered a given that a black man running for president is at high risk of being killed says far more about the true nature of our society than a thousand “inappropriate” remarks by some politician on the make. But how likely is it that those prone to hair-trigger outbursts of nostril-quivering self-righteousness over each passing gob of pointless campaign spit will ever be able to see and think clearly enough to address this genuinely tragic and shameful reality?

(There is a postscript after the jump.)


Postscript: Actually, if there was any subliminal message in Clinton’s remark at all, it was probably an attempt to associate herself with the glamor and pity of the martyred Kennedy. After all, she has been one of the most hated and vilified figures in American public life for years, subject of repeated death wishes for her and her family voiced by some of the most prominent members of the political and media establishments.

When she was first elected to the Senate, then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott “joked” that “maybe lightning will strike” to kill her before she could take her seat, as the Washington Post reported. High-profile conservative windbag John Derbyshire once “joked” that Chelsea Clinton should be put to death, as Stalin and Hitler killed the children of “enemies of the people,” because she “bears the taint,” the “vile genetic inheritance” of Clintonism. As I wrote way back in early 2001:

Take, for example, Bush supporter Brian Buckley, attorney for the powerful right-wing Web site FreeRepublic.com, and nephew of William Buckley, the renowned “father of modern conservatism.” While the vitriolic morons on the left indulge in childish shouting matches against their enemies, Buckley, in a recent posting, offers this tempered, Christian view of the former president and his wife:

“Even after [the Clintons] are dead, I say we stuff their bodies, fix them in some kind of preservative, and display them at county fairs across the nation, where the citizenry can have fun putting cow dung on them. Or if that’s not in good taste, their bodies should be flattened as thin as possible, again fixed in some kind of preservative and then hoisted up a flagpole to flap in the wind. I’m sure others could come up with some additional ideas, but the point is we all need to spend every waking moment for the rest of our lives – even after the Clintons are dead dead dead – reminding people that the Clintons were bad bad bad. And if we can figure out how to do this in our non-waking moments, we need to act on that too.”

No vitriol or imbalance there, then. Buckley’s non-partisan approach finds an echo in his uncle’s august journal, National Review, where columnist John Derbyshire dipped his toe into the water of fairness with this recent piece, “I Hate Chelsea Clinton.”

Chelsea is a Clinton. She bears the taint, and though not prosecutable in law, in custom and nature the taint cannot be ignored. All the great despotisms of the past recognized that the families of objectionable citizens were a continuing threat. In Stalin’s penal code it was a crime to be the wife or child of an ‘enemy of the people.’ The Nazis used the same principle, which they called Sippenhaft, ‘clan liability.’ In Imperial China, enemies of the state were punished ‘to the ninth degree’: that is, everyone in the offender’s own generation would be killed, and everyone related via four generations up, to the great-great-grandparents, and four generations down, to the great-great-grandchildren, would also be killed. (This sounds complicated, but in practice what usually happened was that a battalion of soldiers was sent to the offender’s hometown, where they killed everybody they could find, on the principle neca eos omnes, deus suos agnoscet – ‘let God sort ’em out.’)

…Not to be pedantic or anything, but as a service to readers we should point out that Mr. Derbyshire is perhaps incorrect in his attribution of the principle neca eos omnes, deus suos agnoscet to the ancient Chinese. Far be it from us to accuse Mr. Derbyshire – or indeed, any acolyte of the famously erudite Yale alumnus William Buckley – of being a pig-ignorant poseur or anything of the sort; and certainly, if Mr. Buckley and Mr. Derbyshire believe the ancient Chinese spoke Latin, why then, who are we to say otherwise?

However, in the interest of balance and fairness, we should note that most historians attribute the saying – which indeed may be apocryphal – to Arnold Amaury, a monk in the service of the Catholic crusaders who destroyed the Cathar heresy in southern France in the 13th century. Amaury was the spiritual guide of the troops besieging the town of Beziers in 1209. As the soldiers prepared for their final attack, they asked Amaury how to distinguish the good Catholics of the town from the despised Cathars. Amaury supposedly replied with the aforementioned expression of militant faith.

Again, not to be controversial in any way, nor to denigrate Mr. Derbyshire’s considerable achievement in researching the many ways that “great despotisms” have dealt with their ungrateful dissidents, we would also gently note that most reputable historians translate the phrase not in Mr. Derbyshire’s somewhat jocular manner but more straightforwardly and – dare we say it? – correctly as: “Kill them all; God will know His own.” And that’s just what they did, of course; the faith-based Crusaders slaughtered almost 20,000 people in Beziers that day.

This was in March 2001, before all the little Michael Savages and Glenn Becks and Ann Coulters of the world were hauled out from under numerous rocks in the post-9/11 era and given gargantuan, corporate-funded media platforms from which to spew their psychosexual hatred of Hillary. She has lived with the very real threat of assassination — and ceaseless, gleeful public talk of her violent demise — for a lot longer than Obama has.

Again, this is not a defense of Clinton’s candidacy, or even of her remark, which was not only clumsy but entirely irrelevant to the question of why she was continuing her campaign in the specific conditions pertaining to the 2008 race, which have nothing to do with the particular dynamics of the 1992 and 1968 campaigns. But her answer was no more witless or meaningless or dangerous than anything else we’ve heard on the campaign trail this year. And she is just as threatened by the invocation of assassination imagery as any other candidate.
