election fraud

How to Stop and Prevent GOP Election Theft Forever

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Len Hart

Even prominent Republicans now concede that George W. Bush presided over the destruction of America, the subversion of the Constitution, defiance of the rule of law. Bush did this by way of two stolen elections. This article reveals how they did it and proposes a ‘fool proof’ method by which elections can be made theft proof! Princeton University has demonstrated how easily the GOP may ‘hack’ voting machines in key precincts, how simple it is to upload malicious code that turns votes for Democrats into votes for the GOP! It not enough to simply make this conduct punishable as ‘high treason’. It can be prevented –thus sparing a guilty gopper hard time in a GOP ‘corporate’ prison guarded by Blackwater.

A team from Princeton University set out to prove once and for all the Diebold voting machines could be hacked easily. Not only did they prove this to be a fact, they created a Diebold specific virus that spreads from voting machine to voting machine.

You can find out more information about the work they did and download a full PDF report on the security vulnerability at this link http://itpolicy.princeton.edu/voting/ This video just reinforces exactly how vulnerable these machines are, and once you take into consideration the fact that these machines are effectively controlling the American Election, it looks even more scary! As always, for the latest news from the world of technology, gadgets, electronics and hacking visit: HACK
With eight days to go before the presidential election, a report has been released by Princeton University and other groups that sharply criticizes the e-voting machines used in New Jersey and elsewhere as unreliable and potentially prone to hacking.The 158-page report, which was ordered by a New Jersey judge as part of an ongoing four-year legal fight over the machines, says the e-voting machines can be “easily hacked” in about seven minutes by anyone with basic computer knowledge. Such hacking activity could enable fraudulent firmware to steal votes from one candidate and give them to another, the report said.The controversy involves the Sequoia AVC Advantage 9.00H direct-recording electronic (DRE) touch-screen voting machines made by Oakland, Calif.-based Sequoia Voting Systems.The report comes amid news stories in at least three states — West Virginia, Texas and Tennessee — where voters have told local election officials that they believe the e-voting machines they used tried to “flip” their votes to other candidates.The AVC machines can be hacked by installing fraudulent software contained in a replacement chip that can be installed on the main circuit board, according to the report. Such a part replacement is very difficult to detect, it noted.Andrew Appel, a Princeton University computer science professor who is one of the authors of the report, said that such security vulnerabilities cause doubts about the accuracy and reliability of the machines.

Princeton Report Rips N.J. E-voting Machines as Easily Hackable

A permanent fix must be written into US Federal law. Such a law would not merely establish penalties for the guilty GOPPERS who have indulged this practice to the utter destruction of Democracy itself. Federal law should prescribe a ‘hack’ proof system with checks and balances. In other words, we must run ‘hack proof’ elections. Here’s how it works:

  • When a citizen records a vote, the machine spits out TWO identical paper receipts indicating how the citizen voted.
  • The citizen looks over the receipt while STILL in the booth; if everything is OK, he presses the final SUBMIT key/button on the voting machine itself! If everything is NOT ok, he protests the result and threatens to call the ‘election cops’ if nothing is done.
  • The voter now has TWO IDENTICAL RECEIPTS! He/she leaves one behind in a big ‘lock box’ designed to receive all paper ballots, i.e, one of the two identical receipts.
  • The VOTER retains the second receipt against the eventuality that the election is challenged.
  • If the election is contested, a hand count is conducted of all deposited ‘receipts’ left behind in the big lock box.

It is unlikely, that the voter would be required to supply the final receipt. Any discrepancy between the paper ballots and the machine means one thing and one thing only: the machine was ‘hacked’.

It is conceivable that the ‘receipt’ be machine readable. In that case, a hand count of all receipts would be mandatory if the results of the machine do not match the count of deposited receipts left in a ‘lock box’.

A final point: a new federal law should prescribe the above remedy as a standard in all federal elections. US Codes should create the crime of ‘election fraud’ to be defined in numerous clauses and specifically mandating the above procedure. The ‘hacking’ of any machine utilized in a national election should be addressed in the law which would make such ‘hacking’ a federal offense with severe mandatory hard jail time!

In the meantime, John McCain is predicting he will win the election by winning Pennsylvania! This tells me that McCain is planning to steal the election just as Bush stole Ohio.

Did Tom Brokaw accidentally spill the beans about the vote-rigging in 2004 in Ohio?

On Meet the Press, Brokaw interviewed McCain, and shared this rather suspicious memory:

Brokaw: “Four years ago, I interviewed President Bush at a time when it looked like he may be in trouble against John Kerry — the final weekend of the campaign. I showed him a map. He said, ‘Oh, I just don’t do that. Karl Rove does that.’ As soon as the interview was over, he said, ‘I’ll win here,’ and pointed to southeastern Ohio. Where will you win, if you win?

Why was Bush so convinced he was going to win Ohio? Even though he was down in all the polls, and was way down in all the exit polling on Election Day?And, more to the point, why is McCain still pouring so many resources and so much time into Pennsylvania? —Daily Kos

With any luck, McCain will be sorely disappointed. It may no longer be possible to win the White House by winning –or stealing –a couple of the so-called ‘battleground’ states –Ohio, Pennsylvania or Florida. Because Obama has many more ways than Kerry to get to 270, the outright theft of the election also becomes increasingly problematic for the GOP.

We can only hope that Obama will have his ‘detectives’ out in force. Support efforts to round up and imprison GOP vote cheats, frauds and other criminals! Take back America!

Source: http://existentialistcowboy.blogspot.com/2008/10/how-to-stop-and-prevent-gop-election.html

My One And Only Post About Electoral Reform

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Winter Patriot

It’s brilliant and stupid at the same time. It’s so practical, it’s practically perfect; but it’s also ludicrous, and it’s impossible to imagine that it could ever be implemented. Welcome to my one and only post about electoral reform.

Electoral reform is, of course, a chicken-and-egg problem. In order for us — We The People, remember us? — to reform the system, we would have to control it. But in order to control it, we would have to reform it.

And it’s not only a chicken-and-egg problem, but it’s also an impossible one, because we don’t have any chickens or any eggs.

But who cares? We’re knee-deep in campaign propaganda anyway, so we might as well fantasize about something else for a minute. And as I’ve promised, this will be my only post on the subject.


IF — and that’s a huge IF — it were my job to reform the electoral system, I would reinstate some of the time-honored details of democracy which we have lost. We would have paper ballots; they would be counted by hand in public; and anyone who wanted to watch could do so.

But I would discard one principle of ancient democracy which seems very dangerous to me in these modern times. Perhaps there was a reason for it in the old days, when the citizens were a privileged few, and all of them were active in politics. But today, as I see it, there is no justification for the notion that all the votes should be counted equally.

If you don’t believe me, consider the exit polls from the 2004 presidential election. Huge numbers of the people who voted for George Bush thought that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and that Saddam Hussein had been responsible for the attacks of 9/11.

If they didn’t know the difference between the accelerator and the brake, they wouldn’t be allowed to drive a car. So why should they be allowed to drive our country?

If it were up to me, your ballot would start with a quiz. There would be questions about how the government is structured and how it is supposed to function. There would also be questions about recent history and current events. And the more questions you answered correctly, the more your vote would count.

I have no problem with voters expressing their opinions, as long as those opinions are based on knowledge. Under my system, if you knew what was going on, your vote would be fully counted. But if you knew nothing, your vote would count for nothing.


Some critics may charge that my idea for reform is too complicated. I agree. If punching a hole in a machine-readable card is too complicated, all thoughts of reform are ludicrous. And I’ve already said this was a ludicrous idea.

Some may say my plan is elitist and anti-democratic. I agree that it’s elitist. But under my system, the “elite” would not be the few whose families have too much money, but the many voters who make an effort to educate themselves. So anyone who wanted to join the “elite” could do so. And that’s not so anti-democratic after all, is it?

So much for the critics. The benefits would start flowing immediately, in incentives working on the politicians, the media, and the voters themselves.

If deluding supporters meant their votes would become worthless, there would be no reason for any party or any politician to do it — and those who did so would lose.

Any news provider that persisted in lying about the government and the world would effectively be disenfranchising its subscribers. So deceit would be counterproductive to the media as well.

If learning about the basics of government and keeping an eye on the news of the world meant that their votes would become relatively more valuable, some people would certainly start paying more attention. And those who prefer to sit back and slurp the propaganda would become irrelevant.


Does it sound too good to be true? That’s because it is. We don’t have any chickens, and we don’t have any eggs, either. We can’t reform the system without controlling it. And we can’t control the system without reforming it. So I won’t say anything more about reforming this broken system…

But I might suggest that this post be viewed not as a ludicrous proposal for reform, but as a serious comment on why our country’s experiment with democratic government has failed so dismally: for decade after decade, the world’s most powerful democracy has been driven by people who didn’t know the gas from the brakes. And every one of their votes counted just as much as yours.

Source: http://winterpatriot.blogspot.com/2008/10/my-one-and-only-post-about-electoral.html

Votes Flipped in Tennessee

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There is no law in Tennessee against taking into the polling place cameras, still or video, and using them. Encourage everyone you know who will vote to be very diligent in confirming their vote. Any problems should be documented and uploaded to the web. An important thing to consider is to be very nice to the poll workers as long as they are also nice and helpful. Many of these people are clueless to the blatant vote fraud that may occur with the electronic machines and have a very ‘trusting’ attitude toward the government voting process.


by Mary Mancini


This political season, more than any other in recent memory, is irony-filled. So why this incident involving my friend and the wife of UNCOUNTED filmmaker, David Earnhardt, surprises me, I can’t tell you.

My wife, Patricia Earnhardt, had an early voting experience here in Nashville, Tennessee, where she saw her vote momentarily flip from Barack Obama to Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney. She voted on a touch-screen paperless machine. Here is her story:

“A poll worker directed me to a touch screen voting machine & instructed me how to use it. I touched “Obama” for president & nothing lit up. I touched 2 or 3 more times & still nothing lit up. I called the poll worker back over to tell him I was having a problem. He said I just needed to touch it more lightly. I tried it 2 or 3 more times more lightly with the poll worker watching & still nothing lit up. The poll worker then touched it for me twice — nothing lit up. The third time he touched the Obama button, the Cynthia McKinney space lit up! The McKinney button was located five rows below the Obama button. The poll worker just kind of laughed and cancelled the vote. He hit the Obama button again & it finally lit up. I continued on to cast the rest of my votes. After completing the process & reviewing my votes, I went to the VOTE page, hit the VOTE button & nothing happened. Again after several tries, I called the poll worker over & he finally got the machine to register my votes.” Patricia Earnhardt – Friday, Oct. 17 – Howard School Building – Nashville, Tennessee

I also had similar problems with the machine I was voting on that same day, although no vote flipping. I would touch the screen numerous times before I could get my various candidate choices to light up. It was strange and very frustrating. When I finally got through my slate of candidate choices, I could not get the VOTE button to light up when I touched it. I finally called over a poll worker and he told me that I needed to touch lightly. I touched the VOTE button more lightly, but was only able to get it to work after several more failed attempts.

David Earnhardt
Producer/director/writer, “Uncounted”

Need more sad irony? The machines David and Patricia voted on in Davidson County, TN – ES&S iVotronic – are the same machines used in the West Virginia counties (Putnam & Jackson).

WHAT YOU CAN DO: Please, if you experience anything unusual, stay at your polling place, ask to speak with the supervisor, call the election commission (they will have the number), and insist that the machine be quarantined until it can be examined.

Source: http://www.opednews.com/articles/Votes-Flipped-in-Tennessee-by-Mary-Mancini-081020-554.html


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That’s a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Twilight Zone!

By: Devvy Kidd
October 13, 2008

© 2008 – NewsWithViews.com

My last column on hold your nose and vote brought a ton of email. Americans are clearly going ballistic over McCain and Obama being their ‘only choices’. Some people sent mail accusing me of trying to get Obama elected by promoting a write in effort for Ron Paul, i.e.,: “Devvy, you write a good argument against McCain and Obama but your answer to vote for a write in does not cut it.”

What did I say about a write in which appeared at the very end of my column? “Americans who intend to vote for Chuck Baldwin or write in Ron Paul’s name are being called traitors by their fellow Americans.” Somehow in Linda’s mind, my answer to the hold your nose and vote trap is a write in campaign, which I never wrote. What I pointed out is that Americans who choose to vote their conscience are called traitors. How American is that? This is reminiscent of a blasting, thousand word email I received from a woman who accused me of being a bigot for “slamming” Sarah Palin’s religion. What have I written about Palin’s religion? One sentence: “This is a short video of Palin’s speech and those statements at her former church; I believe its called Pentecostal Fundamentalist.” This apparently constitutes bigotry.

Others were incensed and accused me of trying to split the vote by encouraging people to vote for a third party which would hand the election to Obama. For this, I was branded traitor in those emails. No where in my column did I encourage anyone to do anything with their vote. This reminds me of Rod Serling’s classic, You are now entering the Twilight Zone. I suppose I will be blamed for McCain’s bizarre behavior and his campaign sinking this past week faster than Wall Street.

The point of my column was that here we are again four years later singing the same refrain: hold your nose and vote. The question is: how did America end up with Obama and McCain? Top of the list is ignorant voters. These are Americans who have zero understanding of the issues, the constitution or the founding of this nation. If you watch this short video, you will see how ordinary Americans explain why they’re voting for a particular candidate. It goes without saying that I think Howard Stern is a a foul mouthed individual of the first order, but listen to this brief audio of interviews conducted in Harlem. Do sit down or you’re likely to fall down in shock.

If you think these examples are an anomaly, you would be dead wrong. How can the American people be so uninformed, so accepting of the propaganda being shoved down their throats by politicians and blindly begging for totalitarian government? The public indoctrination centers called schools. For forty years, America’s children have been so dumbed down and bred to cattle mentality, they know nothing about the issues, only sound bites and what their party “leadership” tells them. Point the herd in the desired direction, apply the prod and get the desired results.

Today these products of the dumbing down system are voting along with huge numbers of illegal aliens. Millions of Americans listen to talk show hosts who don’t know what they’re talking about; left or right, they simply shill for their party. People like shallow Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Rachel Maddow are dangerous because their agenda is party driven while the law of the land is completely ignored.

It will be a great tragedy beyond measure for this country if Obama is put in the White House. It will only be slightly less tragic if it’s Juan McCain. With voter registration fraud, illegals voting and high tech fraud, no one really knows who won the primaries or who the shadow government will pick next month.

Besides the ignorance of voters who represent the mob with their hands out to mother government, and voting based on skin color, the number one problem is vote fraud, an issue I have been writing and speaking about since 1993. For the past week, the airwaves and radio talk shows have been charged with all the information coming out about ACORN and voter registration. In my last column, I provided links to many of them; the new ones are below. There can be no question that voter registration fraud played a major role in the primaries as well as electronic voting machines and scanners.

Obama came out of nowhere to suddenly become the front runner for the Democrats along side Hillary Clinton. The field started out with many like Biden, Byah, Edwards and others; the puppet masters ultimately decided on two candidates who promote the same agenda and non solutions. Hillary for the women and sissy men’s vote, Obama for the Negro vote and caucasians who suffer from “white guilt.” Allegedly, those two garnered almost 35 million votes, split almost even.

On the Republican side, the mix was something for everyone: Brother Huckabee, Flip Romney, the laid back, Fred Thompson, gangster money man, Rudy Julie Annie and a few others. Ron Paul, of course, was never considered a candidate by his own party. Then we have Juan McCain who was written off as comatose and no chance in Hell of winning anything more than one or two primaries much less the nomination. By July 2007, McCain’s campaign manager was working without pay and McCain’s campaign was cash broke. April 15, 2008, his campaign was still running on empty, even though Super Tuesday and most primaries were over, McCain’s “popularity” didn’t open wallets.

Out of no where, McCain became the easiest fake conservative to sell even though the Republican base clearly did not want him. Go look at all the press coverage about his campaign from summer 2007 right through the primaries. No one wanted McCain, primarily because of his relentless support of the illegals invasion and advocating endless “wars for peace and democracy.” He couldn’t beg a dime on a street corner, but he supposedly got the majority of the votes:

Clinton and Obama allegedly received 35 million votes between them; the three establishment favorites for the Republicans about 18 1/2 million votes. Republicans were so excited about the choice of candidates, they stayed away from the primaries by the millions.

We know for a fact at this point that ACORN (unconstitutionally funded by the sweat of your labor thanks to the incumbents in Congress) was hired by Obama’s campaign to the tune of $800,000 to do voter registration. To sweeten the pot, in 2007, Obama promises to give ACORN a role in shaping his presidential agenda (2:36 video) He’s also indicated he would throw McCain a job in his administration – a position that would be the biggest slap in the face to vets since McCain sold out our POW/MIAs.

Ohio has been allowing people to register and vote without “meeting the state’s minimum registration requirements.” What a sickening joke. With “quickie” voter registration, the potential for fraud is unlimited, never mind the ignorance of the voters. This one I caught on a boob tube interview from a female college student: “I’ve never voted before. I mean, this is cool. If we can get Obama to win in Ohio, that will be awesome.” Last week, a federal judge stepped in and told the Democrat Secretary of State of Ohio, Jennifer Brunner, that she had to comply with federal law verifying voter registrations.

Too little, too late. ACORN has registered about one million “voters.” Eleven states started voting more than a week before the ACORN blow out. It appears the FBI is now investigating ACORN under the RICO statutes, but it won’t stop the votes already cast from these phony registrations from being counted. Notice the ACORN cheats are in all the big “swing states.”

Those following the primaries closely know vote fraud via electronic machines and/or scanners used in 24 states (proof – short video) and corrupt state officials (New Hampshire) understand why we have no idea who legally won these primaries for Congress, president, state legislatures. It is why we will have no idea who legally wins the White House next month; the same applies to Congress and the state houses. If the electoral college comes out a tie, it goes to the House of Representatives: “As directed by the 12th Amendment, the 435 — many of them brand new — members of the House of Representatives would find as their first official duty the selection of the next President of the United States.”

There’s also the matter of Obama not being eligible because of citizenship requirements. The lawsuit filed by Phil Berg is so hot, the DNC and FEC are doing everything in their power with big money and big gun attorneys to get it thrown out of court instead of supplying a verifiable birth certificate.

There is no time left to purge the voter rolls in the 50 states, verify that voter registrations are valid, and as long as the machines and scanners count the votes in half the states, the upcoming election is nothing but one big fraud.

2008 Presidential Election: Macabre

1 – Lawsuit: Berg v Obama, DNC, FEC
2 – Document showing Obama as an Indonesian citizen, Muslim

How the American people have been played:

1 – Planned disintegration (Note the date)
2 – Behind the panic: Financial warfare over the future of global bank power: (“..have deliberately triggered bank panics behind the scenes in order to consolidate their grip on US banking)

Short Videos:

1 – Phil Berg: The October Surprise (11 minutes that could change the election if not for vote fraud and a corrupt media monopoly)
2 – Princeton scientists Hack Diebold (short video shows how votes stolen)
3 – Lou Dobbs, short video, chaos on election day
4 – UNCOUNTED: The movie
5 – How To Rig An Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative

Stolen primaries, stolen election

1 – UC Computer Scientists Release Video on How to Hack a Sequoia Touch-Screen Voting Machine Experts from CA’s ‘Top-to-Bottom Review’ of E-Voting Systems Demonstrate How to Insert Virus, Access Machines Without Disturbing ‘Security Seals’ in Hack Which Would Not Be Discovered Even in 100% Audit of ‘Paper Trails’ Single Malicious Individual Shown
Flipping Entire ‘Touch-Screen w/ Paper-Trail’ Election in Seconds
2 – Fraud Potential Impacted by Early Voting
3 – Cyber Security Expert: Hackers Planning To Steal Election For McCain
4 – Over 1/2 of ACORN applications in Indiana county ‘no good
5 – Connecticut looking into voter cards submitted by ACORN
6 – Missouri officials suspect fraud
7 – Alleging fraud, authorities raid ACORN in Vegas; canvassers filled out forms with fake names
8 – Voter Registration Fraud In Florida
9 – Democrats hunt for voters among bars, homeless
10 – Thousands Of Dead People On Connecticut’s Voter Rolls
11 – Dead voters casting ballots from the grave in New York
12 – ACORN in Ohio: Voter registration can’t be totally fraud free
13 – OH Secretary of State fooling around with GOP absentee ballots
14 – Hijacked election
15 – Employing convicts to register voters!
16 – Voter Database Glitches Could Disenfranchise Thousands
17 – Obama campaign voter fraud, Obama delegate fraudulent,
Nazi Brownshirt tactics, Obama thugs, Obama voter fraud, Texas voter fraud.

© 2008 – NewsWithViews.com – All Rights Reserved

Source: http://www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd402.htm

Without a Trace: The Smokeless Gun of Flagrant Election Fixing

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https://i0.wp.com/images-2.redbubble.net/img/art/size:large/view:main/803632-2-the-camera-lied-her-youth-had-died.jpg Artist: laurenrabbit

Written by Chris Floyd
The idea of “victimless crimes” has been around for a long time, but the ultra-modern 21st century has given us a bold new concept: perpetratorless crimes.

This is by now a familiar dynamic: Outright, undeniable crimes are committed, often very heinous ones — mass murder, military aggression, torture, vast financial corruption and fraud, warrantless spying, egregious violations of the Constitution — but somehow, no one is actually responsible for them. They just sort of, you know, happened, all by themselves.

The most we can possibly do about these crimes is to conduct a non-binding “investigation” — preferably by a committee of “serious” Establishment figures — who will then offer suggestions on how to avoid such unseemly situations in the future. Of course, most of the time it would be too “divisive,” too “partisan,” to do even that much. But in any case, you certainly can’t prosecute anyone for these crimes.

(This innovative concept only covers crimes in which powerful people might be involved, of course. Any ordinary person remains subject to the full weight of the increasingly draconian law — although, if said ordinary person was commiting crimes at the behest of powerful people, the application of the law can suddenly become miraculously light, or even non-existent.)

The New York Times points us to yet another of these perpetratorless crimes. In fact, the venerable Gray Goose — sorry, Gray Lady — of American journalism acts as close accomplice of a crime wave that seems to strike nationwide every two to four years: the deliberate and illegal disenfranchisement of millions of citizens, almost all of them the poorest and most marginalized in American society.

After eight years of a veritable Ossa of evidence of gamed, thrown, fixed and finagled elections, this week the NY Times bestirred itself to notice that something might possibly be amiss in the nation’s electoral process. A headline writer topped the story with weakest possible statement of the undeniable truth: “States’ Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal.” And you can bet your bottom dollar (as it falls through the bottomless pit of the Beltway bailout banditry) that if the New York Times deigns to acknowledge even the “appearance” of some mischance in the divinely ordained machinery of the Establishment, the actual rot is very far gone indeed.

Thus the thoroughgoing disenfranchisement of eligible voters — as many as three million in 2004, as Greg Palast has noted — has finally spilled into the paper’s sacred precincts. The first paragraph puts in plainly:

Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law, according to a review of state records and Social Security data by The New York Times.

Hard to put it more plainly than that: voters in key states are being disenfranchised in violation of federal law. In other words, a very serious crime is being committed, a bloody shiv job to the heart of the democratic process.

Wow! Wonder who could be behind such a brazen and dastardly crime — a crime that benefits very powerful people seeking even greater power? Why, no one, of course! Here’s the very next paragraph of the story:

The actions do not seem to be coordinated by one party or the other, nor do they appear to be the result of election officials intentionally breaking rules, but are apparently the result of mistakes in the handling of the registrations and voter files as the states tried to comply with a 2002 federal law, intended to overhaul the way elections are run.

You see? It just sort of, you know, happened. And even though these open violations of federal law — i.e., crimes — are affecting likely Democratic voters “disproportionately,” the Times says, they are not being directed by anyone toward any particular aim. Nope. It’s just some kind of strange repeat of this really weird thing that happened back in 2004 and 2000, when the same kind of people were tossed from the voting rolls by the multitude.

The paper traces the crimes to the “Help America Vote Act” of 2002. The Times, along with the rest of the corporate media, continues to treat this bill as if it were a serious attempt to address the ludicrously inept and decrepit U.S. electoral process, instead of what it transparently was: an attempt to codify into law the vote-suppression machinery that threw the bollixed 2000 Florida vote into the hands of the partisan extremist faction on the Supreme Court, two of whom had family members pocketing wads of cash from the Bush campaign. HAVA was meant to spread this deliberate chaos throughout the entire country — and it has done so.

But the tender eyes of Times readers must be shielded from such ugly truth. Instead, we get yards and yards of carefully hedged, bled-dry prose, obscurely outlining a pattern of systematic vote suppression in key states but ensuring that, once again, no one can possibly blamed for it — and certainly no one can possibly be charged for it. It’s just some kind of rare and unpleasant natural phenomenon, like, say, a boll weevil infestation. Or the war crime in Iraq. Or the American torture program. Or the destruction of the American economy. And so on.

At the moment, with the McCain campaign cratering like a merchant bank, the disenfranchisement crime wave will probably not be enough to skew the election. Even with a few million voters blocked from the polls, the widespread revulsion toward the ruling party will probably swamp the polls and put the Democrats back in the White House. Whether this result will be an unmitigated joy and genuine change in the nation’s headlong degradation is another matter, one which we’ll be taking up in a later column. The merits, or lack of same, of the contending candidates are not the issue here. The point is that millions of the poorest, most marginalized Americans are being denied their right to vote for whomever they please. This is, as even the New York Times acknowledges, a federal crime. But it is not, however much the Times tries to obsfuscate the issue, a perpetratorless one.

Source: http://www.chris-floyd.com/component/content/article/3/1625-without-a-trace-the-smokeless-gun-of-flagrant-election-fixing.html

When Votes Don’t Count

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Kurita’s win officially voided

Democratic leaders in state Senate district nominate Barnes

By THEO EMERY • Staff Writer • September 18, 2008


Tim Barnes speaks to the crowd Wednesday after being selected as the Democratic nominee for the 22nd District of the state Senate.

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn.Democratic Party officials from Montgomery, Cheatham and Houston counties overwhelmingly handed a primary victory to attorney Tim Barnes on Wednesday evening, overturning Sen. Rosalind Kurita’s 19-vote primary victory for the contested Senate District 22 seat.

The crowd packed into a Clarksville hotel meeting room erupted into applause and cheers as party officials tallied the 61-4 vote of executive committee members from the three counties, making Barnes the nominee for the seat.

Afterward, supporters chanted “Time for Tim!” as they crowded around a podium, waiting for him to make a statement. With an enormous campaign sign behind him, Barnes said the vote was a vindication for his campaign.

“I’m proud of the fact that I’m standing here today because I think this is proof that you can avoid the negative political mudslinging, the political dirty tricks, and you can take the political high road and still succeed, and I think that’s what my being here shows,” he said.

The fight for the seat has seized the state’s political spotlight in large part because of Barnes’ challenge to the nail-biting margin, but also because Kurita played a key role in electing the Republican Senate leadership. Whichever candidate gains the seat could determine that again.

Kurita’s vote last year to hand the speaker’s gavel to Ron Ramsey, a Blountville Republican, earned her deep enmity from Democrats in her district, and that anger was widely seen as fueling Barnes’ run.

Although Kurita was nominated at the Wednesday party gathering, she was not present at the hotel, choosing instead to huddle with supporters at her home. She said she chose not to be at the meeting because “I knew that my being there or not would not make any difference.”

“It is an injustice, and in America, we expect that our elections will not be stolen. I think most people are still in disbelief that this has happened,” she said. “Tonight is chapter two in a sad story.”

Next step pondered

Kurita, who was expecting a lopsided vote by the executive committee members, has refused to give in. On Monday, she declared herself a write-in candidate in the three counties, and is also considering challenging the outcome in federal court, her only legal recourse.

There is no Republican candidate for the seat.

With the primary stretching into a general election fight leading up to Nov. 4, both sides pledged to campaign hard. Kurita, who sent out a fundraising letter this week, said she is “working on giving people in my district who voted for me the opportunity to vote for me again.”

Barnes, for his part, pledged a full-throttle race, saying “I’m going to take about 12 to 14 hours to rest, and then we’ll be back on the campaign trail.”

Many in Nashville’s political establishment saw Barnes’ run as an underdog campaign and expected a handy victory for Kurita. But that calculus apparently failed to account for the anger with Kurita, named speaker pro tem — the number two Senate post — by Ramsey after she threw her vote to him.

After losing by 19 votes, Barnes challenged the outcome, alleging that Kurita won her slim victory because of crossover voting by Republicans, which is legal under the state’s open primary system that allows any voter to cast a ballot in either party’s primary.

Barnes also alleged that Kurita broke state law by entering a polling place — which her attorneys acknowledged but derided as “pottygate” — and used dirty tricks to secure her victory.

Last Saturday, the executive committee of the state party met all day to hear arguments by attorneys on both sides. Executive committee members ended up invalidating the primary result 33-11 as “incurably uncertain” and sent it back to be decided by party officials in the three counties.

State party officials scrambled to set up Wednesday’s meeting, facing a tight deadline to get the nominee onto overseas absentee ballots the state Division of Elections must mail on Saturday under state law.

After the vote, Democratic Party spokesman Wade Munday said that, Kurita’s refusal to quit notwithstanding, “we will support our nominee.”

“We have our nominee, and we’re certainly unified with the overwhelming vote that was cast tonight on behalf of Tim Barnes.”

Meeting was festive

The meeting room began filling long before the start of the convention. In front of the hotel, enormous campaign signs for Barnes flanked the entrance where party executives entered the building. Inside, the atmosphere was more festive than combative in the convention room, where party members chatted and visited as executive committee members arrived.

Unlike last Saturday’s all-day meeting, Wednesday’s vote lasted only about 30 minutes.

When the meeting chairman asked for nominations, Linda Swindle jumped to her feet and nominated Kurita, saying “residents of the district were deprived of the right to have their vote heard.”

Barnes was nominated next. When the chairman called on Kurita to address party executives, he was met with silence, and a murmur swept through the crowd. Barnes then delivered a campaign-type speech.

One by one, the party executives cast their votes. Afterward, one of those who voted for Kurita, Cheatham County Executive Martha Wettemann, said the only way to decide the vote would have been a new primary.

“I don’t think it’s fair not to redo the election,” she said.

But Terry McMoore, a Barnes supporter, was pleased with the outcome. Milling in the crowd of Barnes supporters afterward, he said “never have I seen a process work so well as today.”

“I really think there shouldn’t be any sour grapes. I think she should come on board as a private citizen and support this ticket because that’s what this is all about if she’s the Democrat she claims to be.”

Contact Theo Emery at 615-726-4889 or temery@tennessean.com.

Source: http://tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080918/NEWS0206/809180373

Million Doors For War

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Diary Entry by Mark E. Smith


How do you get people who are opposed to war, to vote for war?

Easy! You just convince them that if they vote for war now, the war might end at some future date.


Imagine that a torturer has your hand in a vise and they’re squeezing it. It hurts really bad and you’re screaming for them to stop.

Now imagine that they are only doing it because they are employed by a government that lets them torture innocent people and that government is up for election. How can they convince you to use your free hand to vote for the government that is allowing them to torture you?

Easy! They just tell you that if you don’t vote for the government, they will never stop torturing you, but that if you vote for the government, they might stop torturing you at some future date.

Of course once you’ve voted for the government, they are authorized to keep torturing you — but you are allowed to keep screaming for them to stop. You are even allowed to believe that if you scream long and hard enough, they might risk their job and their paycheck by stopping, unlikely as that may be.

But if you don’t vote for the government, the government might be discredited, delegitimized, and no longer recognized as a democratically elected government. Unless people vote for it, a government has no claim to legitimacy. So if you don’t vote for the government, it could lose power, your torturer would lose their job, and you would no longer be tortured.

If you vote for the government, on the other hand, it retains power, can even claim that you yourself voted to give it the authority to torture you, and it can renege on its promise to stop torturing you at some future date because you have no way to hold them to that promise. They might never agree on a date. Or, being torturers, they can just laugh at you and admit that they lied in order to get you to vote for them, but since you’ve already voted for them, that’s just too bad.

Million Doors For Peace is going around asking people to sign a petition to their “elected” representatives to support and pass legislation to withdraw troops from Iraq within a year. They are fully aware that the Bush/Cheney plan for Iraq was to privatize the war by withdrawing American troops and using private mercenary companies like Blackwater, Triple Canopy, Aegis, etc., to maintain a permanent U.S. presence (and thus permanent war) in Iraq. They know that that both major party presidential candidates are committed to pursuing the Bush/Cheney plan to privatize the war, so it is actually very likely that the troops may be withdrawn, but since the war would continue to be fought using private military corporations (mercenaries), the war would not end. And they are perfectly aware that both candidates voted to fund the war until 2010, so that even if they wanted to end the war or Congress enacted legislation to end the war, the war could not end because the contracts for the war have already been signed, sealed, and delivered, and the money has already been allocated.

Moreover, those who are old enough to remember Iran-Contra, know that just because Congress declares a war to be illegal and prohibits funds for it, doesn’t mean that the government will stop that war. Besides, private military contractors don’t answer to Congress, or to anyone else but whoever is paying them, for that matter.

So what is the real purpose of Million Doors for Peace? Think of the torturer who has your hand in a vise, telling you that if you want them to stop hurting you, even though they won’t let up the pressure on the vise, you should use your free hand to vote for them in hopes that if you do, at some future date they might stop torturing you. Just give them the authorization to keep torturing you, and hope that even though they won’t stop torturing you now, they might someday. Millions Doors for Peace is focusing on newly registered and infrequent voters, trying to convince those who oppose the war, that there is some hope to end the war within the current system, so that they won’t boycott the election and refuse to vote for one of the two candidates committed to war.

The choice on the ballot is war or war. But both candidates want to privatize the war, so both are open to withdrawing U.S. troops (as long as they can replace them with mercenaries), even though neither one is open to stopping the war.

This is just another petition to Congress. Congress is a bureaucracy. It is a top-down, not a bottom-up system. Nothing happens in Congress without orders from above. Congress copes with constituents in the same way that any bureaucracy does, by avoiding them, stalling them, attempting to placate them, or with other time-honored bureaucratic tricks, but it doesn’t take orders from them because our Constitution did not give citizens any way in which to hold Congress accountable. You can try to vote them out AFTER the damage is done, but while they are doing the damage there is nothing you can do to stop them.

If you don’t like what Congress is doing, and right now it has a lower approval rating than Bush does, it isn’t really a good idea to vote in an election that Congress made sure could be easily rigged when it passed HAVA. Not only does Congress have the sole Constitutional right to remove Members of Congress for violating the Constitution or for other crimes, now Congress can make sure, through the easily hacked voting machines it foisted on the American public, that Congress itself will be the sole determiner of who becomes a Member of Congress. They hire and fire themselves these days, and your vote is likely to go uncounted, be miscounted, or simply be disregarded when one candidate concedes to the other or the Supreme Court intervenes. In both 2000 and 2004 the President of the United States was installed BEFORE the votes were counted. Since our Constitution does not grant citizens the right to vote for President and Vice-President, it really doesn’t matter how you vote or who you vote for. What matters is that you vote so that the government can continue to claim to be a democratically elected government with the consent of its citizens to pursue war crimes and torture. If you insist on having your vote counted, that might be permitted, but only AFTER the President has been sworn in and can no longer be removed from office except by Congress.

In circulating a petition to Congress, Million Doors for Peace is attempting to reinforce the lie that Members of Congress are our representatives. In a democracy or a republic that would be true. But this is not a democracy or a republic. Members of Congress are under no obligation whatsoever to represent their constituents. When Rep. John Olver was presented with petitions from 80% of his constituents asking him to support impeachment, he said, “Spare me! I’m fully aware that the overwhelming majority of my constituents support impeachment. I will not.” The fact is that when you vote, you are voting for which person you trust to rule over you, not for somebody who is obligated to represent you. And since politicians really have been known to lie in order to get elected, it isn’t easy to know if they should be trusted. Nor should free citizens of a free country be ruled by people who do not represent them and have no obligation to represent them. If they have no obligation to represent you, why do you think you have any obligation to vote for them?

I’m an anti-civilizationist and election boycott advocate in San Diego. For reasons not to vote in faith-based elections with secret vote counts for candidates you cannot hold accountable if they fail to represent you, check out the discussions, articles, and videos on my website http://noinnovember.ning.com/

Source: http://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/diarypage.php?did=9386

Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud

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Stephen Lendman

In America and elsewhere, electoral fraud isn’t new nor should anyone be surprised it occurs. But as technology improves, so are better ways found to pre-arrange outcomes. It’s easier than ever today so more time, effort, money and other resources are earmarked for it. The result:

— elections and their run-up are mere kabuki theater; the major media and PR industry play the lead role; everything is pre-scripted;

— secrecy and back room deals substitute for a free, fair and open process;

— candidates are pre-selected;

— big money owns them;

— key outcomes are predetermined;

— both major parties share fault;

— partisan politics serve the privileged;

— they get the best democracy money can buy;

— elections give them cover;

— independents are shut out;

— the media ignore them;

— issues are unaddressed; horse race journalism and trivia substitute;

— voter disenfranchisement is rife; many are peremptorily stricken from the rolls; others are intimidated not to vote or are detered by various illegal practices;

— a little known one is called “vote caging;” it’s to suppress minority voters by delisting them if they fail to answer “do not forward” registered mail sent to homes they’re not living at – because they’re at school, in the military, or away for other reasons;

— 4.5 million or more Americans can’t vote because of past criminal records, or they’re currently part of the largest prison population in the world at 2.3 million; mostly black and Latino; and increasing by around 1000 a week;

— half of eligible voters opt out because their interests go unaddressed;

— elections are privatized; touchscreen electronic machines do our voting; 80% of all 2004 votes were cast and counted on corporate-owned, programmed, and operated ones with no receipts for verification and no vetting of their “trade secret” software; computer professionals knows these machines are notoriously easy to manipulate – to erase votes, make ones for one candidate show up for another, go dead and be inoperable, or control an entire computer network through one machine and be able to change, add or erase votes easily;

— Stephen Spoonamore is a self-described “life-long Republican” and one of the world’s leading cyber crime experts; from a just released October 2006 interview, he explains how the “structures” of Diebold’s machines are inherently flawed and what he considers “IT junk;” regarding the 2000 and 2004 elections, he says: “There is a very strong argument (that they were) electronically stolen, the hanging chads were just a distraction….I think (Diebold machines) are brilliantly designed….to steal elections;” so

— losers are declared winners, and not just for president; as a result, the electoral process assures people lose out, or put another way – operatively, democracy in America is pure fantasy.

Calling it corrupted and needing repair barely explains things. We have a two-party duopoly. Democrats are interchangeable with Republicans. Differences between them are minor. Not a dime’s worth to matter. Both sides support corporate interests, imperial designs, aggressive wars, and the divine right of capital to exploit workers, gain new markets, control the world’s resources, and rule it without challenge. Unconsidered – beneficial social change and real electoral democracy with every US citizen 18 or older eligible to vote as the Twenty Sixth Amendment allows.

Constitutionally Flawed by Design

Ferdinand Lundberg separated myth from reality in his critically important book titled “Cracks in the Constitution.” It masterfully deconstructs what he called “no masterpiece of political architecture,” no “Rock of Ages,” and “the great totempole of American society” that, in fact, is deeply flawed. Duplicitous “wheeler-dealer” politicians and their cronies (what today we call “a Wall Street crowd”) created it for their own self-interest with no consideration whatever for the greater good. “We the people” were nowhere in sight even in the Bill of Rights that was enacted through compromise and solely to benefit wealthy property owners who wanted its protections.

From the beginning, privilege counted most in America, and it’s codified in our most sacred document. It was designed (in Michael Parenti’s words to) “resist the pressure of popular tides (and protect) a rising bourgeoisie’s (freedom to) invest, speculate, trade, and accumulate wealth” the same way things work today. It was so the country could be run the way politician, jurist and first Chief Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, said it should be – for and by “The people who own” it for their self-interest. And to appear nominally democratic “for the defense of the rich against the poor,” according to Adam Smith.

Consider voting rights alone that are reviewed below in detail. The Constitution granted our most fundamental right – what Tom Paine called “the primary right by which all other rights are protected” – to privileged adult white male property owners only – around 15% of the population at the time. Native Americans were being exterminated. Blacks were commodities. Women were just childbearing and homemaking appendages of their husbands, and common ordinary folks were to have no say about how the country should be run.

Over time, constitutional and legislative changes as well as High Court rulings opened the process to everyone 18 or older and allowed states the right to enfranchise younger voters at their discretion. Yet today the system is deeply flawed. Large numbers of eligible voters opt out or are excluded, and a host of ways shut out poor minorities most likely to vote the “wrong” way if they’re enfranchised – so they’re not.

Even though the Constitution, Amendments, other laws and High Court rulings prohibit voting discrimination, violations, in fact, are common and abusive. In addition, no law ensures the universal right to vote under one uniform standard the way it is in most countries. States instead can set their own procedures and norms as long as they set don’t conflict with federal laws, but this created a patchwork of 50 different systems no democracy should tolerate.

Proportional Representation v. Winner-Take-All

Most democracies have proportionally representative (PR) government unlike America’s winner-take-all system. PR fairly represents all voters and all political parties or groups proportionally to their electoral strength. Thus if candidates from one party win 30% of the votes, they get 30% of legislative seats so that government represents all segments of society, not a privileged minority the way it works under winner-take-all. It awards 100% of power to a 50.1% majority. Effectively shuts out the other 49.9%, and ends up woefully undemocratic. Combined with a two party duopoly, the power of money, privatized electronic voting, purged unwanted voters, and various other schemes it becomes a process only despots would love and envy because they have no equivalently matching system.

The Electoral College

It’s another systemic flaw, but the term isn’t in the Constitution. And until the early 1800s, it wasn’t in common usage to describe the way presidents and vice-presidents are elected. However, Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 states:

“Each state shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.”

Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 then explained the original way electors chose presidents and vice-presidents: “The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President….after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President.” Today, of course, there’s no separation between the two.

The Framers considered several options in choosing the current one, but clearly their own self-interest came first. One idea was for Congress to choose the president. Another was for state legislatures to do it, and a third was to let the people decide by popular vote. The Founders chose a fourth way – an indirect election by each state’s-appointed Number of Electors. Nearly always they support voter wishes, but they’re free to vote independently if they choose. In the nation’s history, 157 electors did so and went against the will of the majority.

Critics cite many concerns about the Electoral College:

— it’s fundamentally undemocratic in cases where popular vote totals exceed the Electoral College count; case in point – Bush v. Gore in 2000, but there were other examples earlier in 1888, 1876 and 1824 as explained below. In 1800 as well before the 12th Amendment required electors to cast two separate votes – one for president and the other for vice-president, but the idea today is to do it for members of the same party;

— also at issue is whether large or small states gain advantage from the current system; small ones do in having a proportionally large number of electors for their populations; however, large states, by their size, have more electoral votes and thus more influence; it takes lots of small states to equal one California, New York or Texas;

— if no candidate gets a majority of electoral votes, the House chooses the president, the Senate the vice-president, and the public is left out entirely;

— the Electoral College system reinforces a two-party duopoly and shuts out independent opposition; they get unequal exposure, and most voters won’t support candidates who can’t win; and

— 16 times since the Electoral College’s founding (2000 being the most recent), winning presidential candidates won a minority of votes; under a winner-take-all no runoff system, there’s no way to know if the public’s favorite was elected, especially in close races; even worse, when half the electorate opts out, a majority win can be with as little as 25.1% of eligible voters.

Earlier Examples of Electoral Fraud

Much analysis went into showing how the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections were stolen. More on them below, but first some earlier examples.

One was the 1824 election known as the “Corrupt Bargain.” Four major candidates were involved – all from the same Democratic-Republican party, today’s Democrats:

— Secretary of the Treasury William Crawford – President James Monroe’s favorite;

— Speaker of the House Henry Clay;

— Andrew Jackson – a former general and Tennessee senator later elected the nation’s seventh president in 1828; and

— John Quincy Adams – son of John Adams, the nation’s second president.

When votes of the 24 states were tallied, no winner emerged. Jackson led with 42%. Adams trailed with 32%, and Clay and Crawford had 13% each. In the electoral count, Jackson had 99, 32 short of a majority. Adams trailed with 84, Crawford 41 and Clay 37. Under the 12th Amendment, it fell to the House to choose a winner from the top three, so in the run-up to the March inauguration day, lobbying and back room bargaining were furious. In the process, Clay won over western states for Adams even though they voted solidly for Jackson. He even got his own Kentucky home state’s votes where Adams was entirely shut out.

On February 9, 1825, the House met to vote, and after a month of hard-bargaining, Adams took 13 states or the exact minimum he needed to win. Jackson got 7 and Crawford 4. The House galleries were outraged and with good reason. Deal-makers won out, not voters, and three days later Adams rewarded Clay by nominating him for Secretary of State. Jackson supporters were furious, and Clay was dogged for the rest of his life with charges of having struck a “corrupt bargain.”

The 1876 election was even worse because of its fallout. Democrat Samuel Tilden got today’s equivalent of two million more votes than Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. But in all presidential elections, electoral college votes are decisive. With 20 disputed votes uncounted, Tilden led 184 to 165 so a House committee got to decide. It secretly struck a deal, called the “bargain of 1877,” to abandon Reconstruction and sell out freed blacks:

— Democrats controlled the House;

— they agreed not to obstruct Hayes’ election even though he lost;

— Hayes, in turn, agreed to recognize Democrat control of the disputed southern states;

— railroad interests got federal aid; and

— former slaves were to be guaranteed their rights, but southern Democrats reneged; the era of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and disenfranchisement began and didn’t end until the 1960s civil rights legislation – but not entirely, and today Voting Rights Act provisions no longer protect.

Another example was Lyndon Johnson’s 1948 senatorial primary win – the most blatant example of electoral theft in US history according to some observers. Historian Robert Caro is one of them. He documented it in the second of his planned four-volume study of our 36th President. He noted that ballot fraud was common in parts of Texas at the time, then went into great detail to show how Johnson miraculously overcame a 20,000 vote deficit to pull out an 87 vote victory. In Caro’s words: it wasn’t “the only election….ever stolen, but there was never such brazen thievery.” The Texas Democrat Party’s executive committee upheld the win by a 29 to 28 vote, and Johnson went on to defeat his Republican rival in the general election.

But there was more. The primary result was so disputed that a Federal District Court ordered Johnson’s name off the ballot pending an investigation. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, however, voided the order on a petition from Johnson’s chief lawyer, Abe Fortas. In 1965 as President, Johnson rewarded Fortas by appointing him to the High Court where he served for four years, then resigned under pressure for having accepted a secret $20,000 a year retainer from a Wall Street financier in return for unspecified advice. No mention was made of how he helped launch Johnson’s senatorial career that made him Majority Leader, Vice-President and then President.

Another example involved partisan gerrymandering, not outright fraud, but in the end little different. The process is a form of redistricting that goes back to Elbridge Gerry (one of the Founding Fathers) who as Massachusetts governor in 1812 signed a bill into law that redistricted the state to benefit his Democratic-Republican party, today’s Democrats.

States may redistrict legislative district boundaries to reflect decennial census population changes. But individual ones have latitude under their own standards provided they comply with federal requirements. In addition, municipal governments elected on a district basis, as opposed to at large, go through the same process. Criteria may allow for compact, contiguous districts, keeping political units and communities within a single one, and not drawing boundaries for partisan advantage or incumbent protection. All too often, however, one-party dominated legislatures abuse the process, and in 2003 it happened notoriously in Texas under Tom DeLay’s leadership.

As Republican Majority Leader, he engineered a virtual coup d’etat against Democrats in his home state – one of the most outlandish examples of gerrymandering ever. It gave Republicans more control. They elected additional members to Congress, and thus got a greater majority in Washington.

The essential rules are to redistrict every decade, but DeLay took advantage of Texas law that contains no prohibition against doing it mid-decade. Democrats challenged his action. Took it to the Supreme Court, and on June 28, 2006 the High Court upheld most of what he designed. It rejected Democrat’s contention that the Texas plan was unconstitutional because the legislature redistricted three years after the 2000 census solely to advantage Republicans when they had a voting majority to do it.

Ahead of the Court ruling, Columbia Law School Professor Samuel Issacharoff referred to “a sense of embarrassment about what happened in American politics. The rules of decorum have fallen apart. Voters no longer choose members of the House; the people who draw the lines do,” and when they rig the process democracy becomes fantasy.

That characterized the South post-Reconstruction when Jim Crow laws stripped blacks of their voting rights and gave regional Democrats decades of one-party rule. Then recall the 1960 presidential election that Kennedy won over Nixon in spite of charges of fraud and vote buying. The race was close with Kennedy getting 113,000 more votes than Nixon, and his 303 – 219 electoral vote margin masked the fact that key states like Texas, Illinois and others could have gone either way.

As mayor, Richard J. Daley controlled Chicago politics, and it was widely believed that he turned an election eve Nixon lead into a Kennedy win by holding back a large number of precinct results that coincidentally reported later at the same time for Kennedy. After his inauguration, the DOJ conducted an “inconclusive” investigation. As Attorney General, Bobby Kennedy was in charge at the time.

A Brief History of US Voting Rights

— the 1787 Constitution and 1791 Bill of Rights gave only adult white male property owners (around 15% of the population) the franchise in most states; excluded were men with no property, women, slaves, some free black men, Native Americans, apprentices, laborers, felons and persons considered incompetent for whatever reasons;

— in 1810, the last religious prerequisite was eliminated;

— in 1850, property ownership and tax requirements no longer applied;

— in 1855, Connecticut adopted the first literacy test for voting; Massachusetts followed in 1857; Mississippi and other southern states did as well;

— in 1870, the 15th Amendment gave freed slaves and adult males of all races the right to vote;

— in 1889, Florida adopted a poll tax; 10 other southern states followed;

— in 1913, the 17th Amendment allowed voters to elect senators; previously, state legislatures did it;

— in Guinn v. United (1915), the Supreme Court ruled that grandfather clause exemptions to literacy tests violated the 15th Amendment and were unconstitutional;

— in 1920, the 19th Amendment gave women the franchise;

— in 1924, the Indian Citizenship Act granted all Native Americans citizenship, including the right to vote in federal elections;

— in Smith v. Allwright (1944), the Supreme Court ruled that all white primaries were unconstitutional;

— in 1957, the first voting rights bill since Reconstruction passed – the Civil Rights Act of 1957; because of Democrat opposition, it was largely ineffective;

— in Gormillion v. Lightfoot (1960), the Supreme Court ruled that a gerrymandered Alabama district unconstitutionally disenfranchised blacks;

— in 1961, the 23rd Amendment let District of Columbia voters participate in presidential elections; it didn’t grant statehood or allow representation in Congress;

— in 1964, the 24th Amendment banned poll taxes in federal elections;

— in 1965, the Voting Rights Act protected minority voter rights and banned literacy test requirements;

— in Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections (1966), the Supreme Court banned poll taxes in all elections; the same year, it upheld the Voting Rights Act in South Carolina v. Katzenbach;

— in 1970, the Voting Rights Act renewal banned literacy requirements for five years; at the time, 18 states still had them; in Oregon v. Mitchell, the Court upheld the ban, made permanent in 1975;

— in 1971, the 26th Amendment standardized the minimum voting age at 18 but let states enfranchise younger voters;

— in Dunn v. Blumstein (1972), the Supreme Court ruled that lengthy residence requirements of over 30 – 50 days prior to state and local elections were unconstitutional;

— in 1995, federal “motor voter laws” let prospective voters register when they obtain or renew a driver’s license; and

— in 2003, the Federal Voting Standards and Procedures Act required states to streamline registration, voting, and other election procedures.

Bush v. Gore in Election 2000

On December 12, the Supreme Court hijacked Election 2000 by deciding for George Bush after three days earlier halting the Florida recount on the spurious grounds that it violated the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause. It was the first time ever in US history that the High Court reversed a popular vote (5 – 4) to install its own preferred candidate – and the public has paid dearly ever since.

The High Court settled an election that was deeply flawed and rigged to elect George Bush. The Supreme Court then affirmed it by cutting off debate – most visibly in Florida. For its part, the media cheerled the process and wholeheartedly approved. They, too, got their man in Washington and rallied around him ever since. More on that below.

Election 2000 was rife with fraud, but its outcome hinged on how Florida went. Investigative journalist Greg Palast (and others) uncovered gross irregularities. He documented them in running reports, and published a full account in his 2002 book “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.” He got hold of two CD-ROM disks “right out of the computer offices of Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris” with an evidentiary database of electoral fraud.

In the run-up to November 2000, Harris, “in coordination with Governor Jeb Bush,” ordered 57,700 mostly poor African Americans and Latinos (likely to vote Democratic) removed from voter registries for having been “identified” as ex-felons and thus ineligible to vote under state law. Palast called it as “The Great Florida Ex-Con Game” and cited the use of “scrub lists.” Two of them comprised nearly 1% of Florida’s electorate and almost 3% of its black voters. They were compiled by the DBT Online subsidiary of Atlanta-based Choicepoint, a company with close Republican ties – much the way Diebold is with electronic voting machines.

On close examination, extensive inaccuracies were found in its work:

— Floridians were purged (without verification) because their names, gender, birthplace and race matched countless ex-felons who show up multiple times in state phone directories – like “David Butler” with 77 listings;

— alleged crimes were listed as committed in future years; and

— ex-felons of other states were removed whose voting rights were restored.

Choicepoint vice-president Martin Fagan later admitted that at least 8000 names were incorrectly listed and removed from voter rolls prior to the election. He also said accuracy checks weren’t conducted. That’s for users, like the state of Florida, to do.

On April 17, 2000, at a special Atlanta congressional hearing, Choicepoint vice-president James Lee testified that Florida officials told DBT to purge names matching 80% of ones believed to be ineligible. Acceptable procedure allowed dropping middle initials and suffixes and adding nicknames and aliases. In addition, names could be reversed so Thomas Lee could be removed instead of Lee Thomas.

On February 16, 2001, before the US Civil Rights Commission, Choicepoint senior vice-president George Bruder testified that the company misinformed Florida Supervisors of Elections officials on the issue of race in compiling purge lists. It got Palast to conclude that “An African-American felon named John Doe might wipe out the registration of an innocent African-American Will Whiting, but not the rights of an innocent Caucasian Will Whiting.”

Under orders from Jeb Bush, various other obstructive practices took place before and on election day:

— ballot boxes in African-American districts were missing and uncounted;

— in black precincts, state troopers (near polling sites) intimidated and delayed voters for hours by searching cars and setting up roadblocks;

— some precincts asked for two photo IDs; Florida law requires only one;

— African-American students at schools like Florida A&M signed up in force as first-time voters but faced obstructions at polling stations; they were turned away because they couldn’t show a registration card or drivers license; but Florida law lets eligible residents sign an affidavit (not provided) and swear they hadn’t voted;

— other practices were also revealed – solely in minority districts: voters were turned away and directed to vote elsewhere; they were never mailed registration cards; and they were told they showed up too late and polls were closed;

— in minority districts, requested absentee ballots were never received; and

— alleged forged absentee ballots voted for George Bush.

The 1965 Voting Rights Act bans discriminatory practices that for decades disenfranchised blacks and other minorities. It prohibits states from imposing any “voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or procedure (that may) deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color.” It established various federal oversight procedures for enforcement, but for Election 2000 it hardly mattered. In Florida, abuses were brazen, but Democrats ducked the issue. They ceded the state and election to George Bush even though their candidate Gore won, and by a comfortable margin.

On January 6, 2001, a joint session of Congress convened to count the Electoral College votes. In a final humiliation and despite 20 Democrat congressmen objecting, no party senator joined their colleagues to adjourn the session and have it reconvene for separate House and Senate votes as required by an 1887 law. With the Senate divided 50 – 50, Democrats controlled the body since Vice-President Gore had the deciding vote. Even he refused to intervene, but it wasn’t surprising. On December 13, 2000, he conceded the election, the day after the Supreme Court awarded it to George Bush.

Bush v. Kerry in Election 2004

As bad as 2000 was, Election 2004 was worse because technology smoothed the way with electronic ease. Following the 2000 election, the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) passed in 2002 as the first ever comprehensive electoral law designed to facilitate fraud. Hailed as a major advance, it, in fact, corrupts the process because of how it’s abused. It ushered in the age of privatized voting – on touchtone electronic machines owned, programmed, operated and controlled by giant corporations with close Republican ties. Today, over 80% of all votes are cast and counted this way. Most states require no verifiable paper receipts, so it’s easy to manipulate pre-arranged outcomes, and not just for president.

A record 16.8 million new voters registered for Election 2004 – most according to surveys for Kerry making him a heavy favorite when George Bush’s approval rating hovered around 40%, and most voters believed the country was headed in the wrong direction. At the time, Zogby International reported that no president since Harry Truman won a second term with a below-50% rating. Yet (officially) Bush got 11.6 million more votes than in 2000 and beat Kerry by a comfortable three million margin. It was much closer in the Electoral College (286 – 251), and again Florida (and Ohio) made the difference.

As in 2000, extensive fraud explained things with Greg Palast again doing first-rate investigative work. So did activist, media critic and Professor of Media Ecology Mark Crispin Miller in his superb book “Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform.” In 2007, it came out in paperback with 100 new pages for added insight into our electoral problems:

— it exposed denial in the progressive media – publications like The Nation, Mother Jones, TomPaine.com and Salon that saw “no evidence” of electoral fraud when the work of Miller, Palast and others exposed loads of it;

— it showed the 2006 elections were just as fraudulent at a time independent surveys indicated a huge Democrat sweep; yet they only gained 31 House seats for a majority and five in the Senate for a 49 – 49 tie along with two independents – Bernie Sanders allied with Democrats and Joe Lieberman with Republicans plus Vice-President Cheney as tie-breaker if needed;

— it documented how Ohio was stolen much like Florida in 2000 and again in 2004 with electronic voting machine ease plus an array of other practices that betray a rigged process – and that’s Miller’s purpose for his book: a plea for reform with practical ideas like banning electronic voting, returning to verifiable paper ballots, and placing civil servants in charge of elections, not partisan politicians or self-serving corporations. Short of that, future elections will be predictable. “The election of 2008 will be (like) 2004 – and a preview of 2012, 2016, 2020 and every ‘presidential race’ thereafter,” according to Miller. Who can disagree based on clear evidence since 2000 alone.

Post-election, Kerry told Miller he knew that Republicans stole the election and denied him the presidency. He then claimed he never said it, putting him strongly in the business as usual camp with electoral and other progressive reforms off the table. Miller called his response “an irrational refusal to confront, or even to perceive, a clear and present danger to American democracy.” Like Gore in 2000, he quit without a fight but didn’t wait as long to do it. He conceded on November 3, less than 24 hours after the previous day’s election.

Sourcewatch.org documented a sampling of some “deeply troubling” 2004 practices:

— the major media blackout (and too much of it from progressive sources);

— nearly half the six million American voters living or expected to be abroad never received requested absentee ballots, or got them too late; military personnel, likely to vote Republican, had no such problems;

— the Republican National Committee hired consulting firm Sproul & Associates to register voters in six battleground states; they reportedly refused to register Democrats;

— malfunctioning New Mexico voting machines wiped out 20,000 votes to let Bush carry the state by a 5988 margin;

— faulty voting equipment spoiled one million or more ballots; Greg Palast reported “over three million votes cast but never counted” broken down as follows:

(1) rejected provisional ballots (for registered voters unlisted on rolls) – 1,090,729;

(2) rejected spoiled ballots (ones malfunctioning machines didn’t count) – 1,389,231;

(3) uncounted absentee ballots (for minor technical reasons) – 526,420; and

(4) registered voters barred from voting (alleged ex-felons, blacks, Latinos, and others in Democrat counties) – no precise number known nationwide but it was easily in the hundreds of thousands.

Palast also reported that a US Census voter turnout announcement (seven months after the election) confirmed (in a footnote) that 3.4 million fewer votes were cast than the “official” Clerk of the House of Representatives tally – telling evidence of voter disenfranchisement.

Sourcewatch.org further reported:

— exit polls in 30 states deviated from final results by amounts far beyond margins of error; in all but four states, discrepancies favored Bush; it’s widely acknowledged that exit polling is the most reliable predictor of final results; not in 2004 with Ohio Exhibit A:

— tens of thousands of eligible voters were illegally purged from the rolls;

— Democrat registration cards weren’t processed;

— 357,000 voters, overwhelmingly Democrat, were prevented form voting or their votes weren’t counted; Bush’s Ohio “victory” margin was 118,599 – clear proof he lost and Kerry carried the state and the election;

— there were too few Democrat precincts, and they got fewer voting machines than Republican ones;

— as a result, people waited up to 12 hours to vote; some gave up and went home; others were denied and told they were at the wrong precinct;

— evidence that over 80,000 Kerry votes went for Bush, and most disturbing of all that

— one in every four Ohio registrants showing up to vote discovered they weren’t listed on the rolls because of Republican Secretary of State and co-chair of Bush’s re-election committee Kenneth Blackwell’s purging.

These and other practices were rampant in Ohio, Florida and around the country in key battleground and other states:

— the Republican National Committee’s Voter Outreach of America collected thousands of Nevada voter registration forms; Republican ones were turned in to public officials; those for Democrats were destroyed;

— too few voting machines were in Democrat precincts, and many of them malfunctioned or broke down; in Republican precincts, voting went smoothly;

— some Democrat precinct polling stations never opened; others opened late and closed early;

— Republican-funded agitators were deployed in key Democrat precincts; they intimidated voters with unfounded threats of imminent arrest for failure to pay child support, unpaid parking tickets, and other false accusations;

— key Republican counties recorded impossibly high turnouts – up to 98% and in some cases higher than the number of registered voters; in Democrat ones, the reverse was true – as low as 7%;

It showed democracy in America is pure fantasy, but you’d never know it from major media reports and too many others from sources that should know better.

How the Media Cover Presidential Politics

On all vital topics, major media sources produce a daily flow of disinformation masquerading as real news. It’s their role as “Guardians of Power” the way Davids Cromwell and Edwards explained in their powerful critique of professional journalism. They and others show that the media are in crisis, and a free and open society is at risk. Trivia substitutes for substance and fiction for fact. News is carefully filtered, dissent suppressed, and supporting the powerful undermines the public interest.

As a result, wars of aggression are called liberating ones. Civil liberties are denied for our own good. Patriotism means supporting lawless governments, and electoral politics are just kabuki theater and horse race journalism. It shows up noticeably in presidential years as spectacle when saturation coverage goes round the clock. Horse race trivia substitutes for real information, and undisguised partisanship favors Republicans over Democrats mostly getting short shrift or attacked. No wonder the public is uninformed and half of eligible voters opt out. Why bother when their issues go addressed. Cases in point: Elections 2000 and 2004.

In the run-up to Election 2000, it was painful following the one-sided coverage for George Bush – especially on television and right-wing talk radio. But that paled compared to the unprecedented post-election partisanship to halt the Florida recount, ignore the popular will, support an electoral power grab, and back the illegitimacy of an unelected president. Working journalists became tools of power, apologists for their actions, and co-conspiratorially responsible for the outcome.

They cheerled the dismantling of democracy. Supported George Bush’s illegitimacy, and editorialized like The New Times about his “unusual gracious(ness)” post-election, his “hopeful (offer) of conciliation (and) Despite the bitterness of the last five weeks, and indeed the last year, Americans are ready to turn the page. George Walker Bush….must lead the way.” The Washington Post noted that “Mr. Bush achieved his narrow victory in part by putting a softer face on his party – by his promise to be a uniter….We congratulate him on his ‘victory.’ “

Post-election, a consortium of large US news organizations (including The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and others) enlisted the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago to conduct a Florida Ballot Project comprehensive review of all machine-uncounted ballots in Florida, including “undervotes” and “overvotes (175,000 in total).” The former were ballots initially registering no vote while the latter were marked ballots for Bush or Gore with the candidate’s name also written in or circled.

On November 12, 2001 (10 months after Bush took office), they released NORC’s results in an attempt to suppress the truth and boost the administration’s legitimacy. Unsurprisingly, they showed that Bush would have won (Florida) by 493 votes even without the High Court’s intervention. They also claimed he’d have had a 225 vote margin if recounts in four disputed counties had been completed. The New York Times hailed the result as proof that the “Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote,” and the other consortium members went along. But it was false, and they knew it.

Their own study showed that if all Florida “undervotes” and “overvotes” had been counted and added to the final tally, Gore would have won. This was so explosive that a New York Times journalist on the project reportedly told a colleague they’ll be “major trouble for the Bush presidency if this ever gets out.” But it didn’t because consortium member managements quashed it under heavy Bush administration pressure.

Yet not entirely. The NYT went both ways on November 12, but buried the bad news on a back page most readers never saw. Reporters Ford Fessenden and John Broder wrote: “A comprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots reveals that George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court had allowed the statewide manual recount….to go forward.” Then further down they said: examination of all rejected ballots “found that Mr. Gore might have won if the courts had ordered a full statewide recount.” The Times also reported that Bush netted about 290 votes from illegally cast absentee ballots, and the consortium estimated that various disparities cost Gore tens of thousands of Florida votes compared to Bush’s narrow 537 victory margin. Nonetheless, they acquiesced to his power grab and share major responsibility for its fallout.

And it continued during the 2004 campaign, most notably in collaboration with the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Despite their unfounded accusations about John Kerry, the media jumped on them. They left military records and eyewitness accounts unexamined that would have exposed them, and took the lead in spreading spurious disinformation a little checking would have debunked.

Back in 2000 as well as 2004, they also downplayed Bush’s Air National Guard record. His admission of abusing alcohol until age 40. Allegations of drug abuse. His explosive temper, and his unimpressive Yale and Harvard Business School records.

Also his dismal business performance, yet he made a fortune nonetheless. Oil exploration company Arbusto lost money but got millions from family-connected investors to keep it afloat. Then Spectrum 7 Energy bought Arbusto in 1984. In 1986, it was failing when oil prices collapsed. Harken Energy bought out Bush’s equity in exchange for company stock. A 1991 SEC document suggested he violated federal securities law at least four times by selling Harken stock while serving as a director. But GHW Bush was president. The case was quietly dropped, and the media never bothered to expose the kind of shenanigans they’d have jumped on against Democrats.

Nor in 2004 to highlight Bush’s early administration years that coincided with the biggest corporate scandals and bankruptcies since Teapot Dome in the 1920s. It’s no wonder that author Kevin Phillips expressed fears in his new book, “Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism.” He’s worried that we may be on the edge of the abyss because of “three profligate decades,” an orgy of excess under GW Bush, and though he’s not prone to predicting, he leans heavily on an unpleasant outcome. But you’d never know it from the way media touts protect Republicans, including the worst of the current incumbent’s record.

Well into Election 2008, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting notes that the same 2000/2004 script is in play in its May/June and July/August issues. They feature stories about “The Press Corps’ Unshakeable Crush on McCain” and “Obama’s Elitism.” Here’s a sampling of what Professor Henry Higgins called “(quotes) that would make (an honest observer) blush.”

On McCain:

— MSNBC host Chris Mathews – “The press loves (him). We’re his base.”

— Newsweek’s Howard Fineman – “McCain(‘s) as joyously combative as Popeye and as earnestly confessional as Oprah.”

— Charles Lane in the New Republic – “I’m falling for John McCain.”

— CBS 60 Minutes host Mike Wallace – so enamored with McCain that “I’m thinking I may quit my job if he gets the nomination.”

— CBS host Bob Schieffer – (McCain’s the) most famous maverick of the last half of the 20th century,”

— the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank – “He’s the bravest candidate in the presidential race. While his rivals pander to primary constituencies, the former prisoner of war gives audiences a piece of his mind.”

— Time magazine Michael Scherer – McCain’s nomination will transform the GOP and “shift its priorities on key domestic issues ranging from global warming to the cheap importation of prescription drugs. Does this sound too good to be true?” Not according to Scherer.

— The New York Times David Brooks – McCain is allergic to blind party discipline and builds radically different coalitions depending on his views on each issue.”

— The New York Times “liberal” columnist Frank Rich – “Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of themselves for libeling John McCain,” in reference to their comments on McCain saying it’s “fine with me” if US troops stay in Iraq for 100 years.

— The Washington Post’s David Broder (on Meet the Press) after the Caucasus crisis erupted: this was “particularly a moment where John McCain can claim to have been prescient, because….he draws a very sharp line when it comes to Russia.” In contrast, “Obama’s basic message on foreign policy is it’s better to talk to our enemies than to get ready to fight them. And here’s a case where, clearly, talking did not dissuade Russia from this act of violence,” and

— the major media response to McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate; pundits and reporters hailed it as proof of his “maverick” nature; reclaiming it; asserting it; recapturing it; a reference to a “maverick” choosing a “maverick;” and McCain returning “to the original John McCain.;” not a hint that it was done to placate the most extremists Republican elements.

On Obama:

At the start of his campaign, “whispers about his religious beliefs,” questions about his patriotism, and “Is he one of us” came up. Then there were days of controversy over Rev. Wright and whether Obama still belonged to his church. Back in 2000, it was Gore the exaggerator v. Bush the uniter and compassionate conservative. In 2004, it was Kerry’s “flip-flops,” his “distorted” war record, stiffness, unlikability and inability to “connect” with voters.

Now it’s Obama the elitist or snob with AP reporter Ron Fournier warning that he had “better watch his step (since he’s) bordering on arrogance (and) can be a little too cocky for his own good.” He and his wife “ooze entitlement.”

— MSNBC’s Chris Mathews (again) in an obvious racial slur – “the fact that’s he’s good at basketball doesn’t surprise anybody, but the fact that he’s terrible at bowling does make you wonder.” He also questioned Obama’s choice of beverage at an Indiana campaign stop; orange juice over coffee he called “weird.”

— the New York Times Maureen Dowd contrasted her just-plain folks upbringing with Obama’s “detached egghead quality.” She also characterizes him the way she went at Gore and Kerry by calling them “girlie men” and equating Democrats with “desperate housewives perceived as the party in skirts.”

— the New York Times David Brooks (again) – does Obama “really get the way we live? Voters want a president who shares their values and life experiences,” implying Obama doesn’t so why vote for him.

— numerous media outlets attacked Michelle Obama on not being patriotic, and CNN and others characterized her husband the same way and accused him of having a “cultish following.”

Slate’s John Dickerson has had enough of Obama’s euphoria – “Isn’t there a natural limit to our enthusiasm for this kind of sweeping phenomenon.”

— the Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan called the Obamas self-centered “snobs” who can’t relate to “normal Americans.”

— The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol echoed the theme.

— Time.com’s Ana Marie Cox played up the liberal media bias by reporting that McCain’s camp is complaining that the media are being too easy on Obama.

— The National Review’s Lisa Schiffren argued that Obama’s mixed-race parents had communist leanings because back then that’s the only reason blacks and whites married.

— Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid – “Obama admitted (a) relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA.”

— CNN’s Carol Costello suggesting that an audience at an Obama rally was “a scene some increasingly find not inspirational, but creepy,” while the on-screen graphics read: “OBAMA-MANIA BACKLASH (and) PASSION CULT-LIKE TO SOME,” and

— commentators, reporters and pundits ranging from ABC’s Charles Gibson, MSNBC’s Chris Mathews, PBS News Hour’s Mark Shields, NPR’s Scott Simon, the Washington Post’s David Broder and others misrepresenting Obama’s pledge to take public financing when, in fact, they knew he made no such unconditional promise.

Sum it up and there’s no surprise about the media’s one-sided loyalty. Their bias for Republicans over Democrats, and their willingness to shape stories for their own self-interest. Regardless of the campaign’s outcome, reporting is deplorable because of today’s professional journalism. Media giants are dominant. Bottom-line considerations are primary, and what passes for news, information and campaign coverage is shaped by commercial considerations. Republicans are seen as more accommodative so full-court press coverage backs them. But if elections aren’t legitimate and working journalists aren’t for truth, what good are they? As “Guardians of Power” not much.

Electoral Reform – Reviving Democracy Depends on It

Democracy in America is pure fantasy. Electoral fraud is Exhibit A. Reviving the republic starts off with reforming how we elect public officials. Short of that, darker days are ahead. Lots of ideas are around, and here’s a few:

— enfranchise all US citizens automatically at birth (like in Venezuela) under one uniform national law for all elections – federal, state and local; do it by constitutional amendment if necessary;

— affirm one national minimum voting age; under the 26th Amendment it’s 18, but states have latitude to lower it;

— remove all prohibitions against voting, including for ex-felons and current inmates, most of whom are imprisoned for non-violent offenses such as illicit drug possession; the US is the only democracy that denies ex-felons the right to vote; overall it’s in the bottom rankings of world electoral democracy and with good reason;

— de-privatize elections; let only (federal, state and local) unelected civil servants run them under a nonpartisan election commission; keep politicians and business interests out of them;

— repeal the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and expose its scheme to let private corporations run elections using easily rigged touchscreen electronic voting machines;

— prohibit electronic voting; mandate hand-counted (and easily verifiable) paper ballots for all elections – federal, state and local; by constitutional amendment if necessary to encompass other reform provisions;

— end the Electoral College for presidential elections – again by constitutional amendment; democracy means rule by the people; elections should be solely by popular vote;

— adopt proportionally representative governance in place of winner-take-all;

–move to instant runoff voting (IRV) under which voters rank candidates by order of preference; as many or as few as they wish with lower ranking ones not counting against higher ones; then count first choices; candidates with a majority of them win; otherwise, candidates with the fewest first choices are eliminated; votes for them then go for voters’ second choices; the process continues until one candidate gets a majority and wins, and there’s no need for expensive and time-consuming second rounds when they’re held;

— publicly fund elections and prohibit all private contributions; democracy can’t work based on one dollar equals one vote;

— prohibit paid political advertising; require all broadcasters to allocate enough free time to all candidates ahead of elections as a requirement for using the public airwaves; begin weeks, not months, ahead of election day;

— prohibit computerized voter registries to eliminate the possibility of mysterious purging;

— prohibit gerrymandering practices; allow only decennial redistricting to account for population changes, not to work for partisan advantage or to favor incumbents;

— publicly fund independent exit polling and keep commercial interests out of it; allow no results to be released until all polling stations are closed nationwide;

— let international and independent observers monitor polling sites;

— make election day a federal holiday and require employers to allow enough time to vote with no docking of pay to do it.

These and other reforms will go a long way toward fixing a broken system. Rigged for the powerful, and returning the most fundamental of all democratic rights to the people – where it belongs. Short of that, darker times are ahead, as if they’re not bad enough already.


Posted on: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9609 September 15, 2008. Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at: lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net Visit his blog site at sj.lendman.blogspot.com, and listen to The Global Research News Hour Mondays on http://www.RepublicBroadcasting.org from 11AM – 1PM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions of world and natio

Post by way of: The Peoples Voice

Rove intimidating Republicans into silence

Posted on Updated on

August 23, 2008

By Wayne Madsen

(WMR) — Buoyed by an ineffective House Judiciary Committee under the control of gatekeeping staffers working for committee Chairman John Conyers, Karl Rove has effectively curtailed any effective investigation of past election fraud, including the 2004 presidential election, as a result of threats and intimidations directed against potential Republican Party witnesses.

WMR has learned from informed sources in Ohio and Alabama, that Rove is concerned that a huge GOP technical election “flipping” operation will be revealed that will result in a series of prosecutions and at least one impeachment of a federal judge, a political ally of Rove.

Rove, according to our sources, has threatened Republican Party official Mike Connell and his wife Heather if Connell testifies about GOP computerized vote-rigging. Connell has been a top technical wizard for Republican web-based campaign operations, including the firms GovTech Solutions and New Media Communications. WMR has learned from knowledgeable sources in Ohio that Connell and GOP cyber-security expert Stephen Spoonamore were approached by the White House to delete “smoking gun” emails from the White House system that revealed a conspiracy by the Bush administration to fire several U.S. attorneys after the 2004 election.

Spoonamore, a GOP supporter of John McCain and CEO of the computer security firm Cybrinth, has confirmed that Rove and the White House conspired to rob 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry of Ohio, thus ensuring George W. Bush’s “re-election.” According to our Ohio sources, Spoonamore directed attention to 12 Ohio counties where Kerry received fewer votes than down-ticket Democratic candidates.

WMR has also learned that in the extremely close 2000 election between Bush and Al Gore, the use of faulty punch cards ensured Bush’s election. The punch card problems ensured states would opt for the similarly-flawed touch screen voting systems, which were used to commit fraud in state and federal elections in 2002, especially in the Alabama gubernatorial race; and 2004.

Spoonamore has revealed that Diebold voting machines were “designed for fraud” and that this editor’s revelations that elements of “The Fellowship,” including the Rapp family that owns the election machine firm Triad GSI of Ohio, were instrumental in illegally engineering the 2004 election for Bush.

WMR has also learned of the presence of a GOP “boiler shop” in Enterprise, Alabama, that effectively oversaw the fraudulent vote recording and tabulation around the nation in 2000, 2002, and 2004. WMR has learned that this same operation is poised to commit the same type of election fraud this year in order to ensure the election of John McCain as president.

Conyers’ staff, WMR is told, is not at all interested in hearing the testimony of GOP whistleblowers in the repeated cases of election fraud. Conyers’ chief gatekeepers include House Judiciary Committee senior counsel, Keenan Keller, and Conyers’ chief investigator, Elliot Mintzberg. Another GOP whistleblower, Alabama attorney Dana Jill Simpson, has testified before Conyers’ staff but little has been done to investigate senior Bush administration officials, including Rove, for the political prosecution of Alabama’s former Democratic Governor Don Siegelman, denied re-election in 2002 because of the election fraud committed by the Republicans and Rove, information that Spoonamore and Connell have offered to Conyers without even so much as a whimper in response from the chairman and his committee staff.

The multiple confirmations that Enterprise, Alabama is the major home of the GOP election engineering operation is significant. Enterprise is the home of US Judge for the Middle District of Alabama Mark Fuller, the judge who tried and sentenced Siegelman to prison amid charges of a political prosecution and judicial malfeasance. Fuller was an assistant district attorney in Enterprise while serving as a partner with the law firm of Cassady, Fuller & Marsh. He also served as CEO of Doss Aviation while assistant district attorney and later as district attorney for the Twelfth Judicial Circuit of Alabama.

In an egregious example of an impeachable conflict-of-interest, Fuller serves on the federal bench while raking in millions of dollars in government contracts through his Doss Aviation firm. One of Doss’ contracts is to refuel Air Force One, President George W. Bush’s plane.

On September 10, 2007, WMR reported Fuller’s interest in the company Oceaneering International, a firm associated with George H. W. Bush and covert CIA operations. The nexus of Oceaneering and a GOP election engineering boiler shop in Fuller’s hometown of Enterprise is more than coincidental. On September 14, 2007, WMR reported that

“Fuller, the federal judge who sentenced Siegelman to over seven years in prison, listed Oceaneering, Incorporated on his financial disclosure form as a firm for which he had a vested interest. Oceaneering, prime Navy contractor used for salvaging ships and aircraft like Korean Air Lines 007 and the space shuttle Challenger, has one interesting past connection: a firm known as Zapata Offshore. It was the George H. W. Bush CIA proprietary firm that provided naval support for the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.”

On August 21, 2005, WMR reported on the connection between Bush off-shore money tranches and the buying of the 2004 election:

“Bin Laden and Bush money are held in some of the same financial tranches in Switzerland, the Isle of Man, and the Bahamas (see following story). The Bush family off-shore money tranches originated with gold bars and jewels spirited out of the Philippines upon the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986. The Marcos fortune was the price exacted by Vice President Bush for his being granted asylum in Hawaii. The gold bars were transported from the Philippines to the International Diamond Exchange Vaults near Rockefeller Center.

A CIA proprietary firm called Oceaneering International of Houston procured barges to move some of the gold from secured warehouses to a specially-configured Boeing 747 which then flew the cargo to New York. Oceaneering sealifted the remaining gold to Oregon. After George W. Bush’s victory in 2000, the last of the gold and jewels stored in New York was moved to UBS Bank in Zurich. Marcos and Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi set about to create Five Star Trust in 1983 as a means to create a vehicle to use the Philippine wealth to create and funnel fungible assets abroad. In 1989, Five Star Trust was officially established in the Isle of Man by a Houston-based attorney who was a close friend of the Bush family.”

Also, on August 21, 2005, WMR reported:

French law enforcement authorities who are investigating a major international fraud scheme involving bribes paid to Nigerian officials by Halliburton’s Kellogg, Brown and Root subsidiary (while Dick Cheney was President and CEO) and its TSKJ business partners in return for a Nigerian liquefied natural gas contract, have confirmed that Five Star Trust, an off-shore entity with a presence in the Bahamas and the Isle of Man, and which is linked to the Bush family, is the subject of a major international criminal investigation. The scandal, known as the Technip Affair in France, involves French, American, British, Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese criminal investigations. As reported by the editor after the 2004 election, Five Star Trust funds were moved illegally into the United States from Nigeria and other off-shore locations through the use of counterfeit “markers” used to secretly transfer large sums of money outside normal (and surveilled) banking networks like SWIFT.”

It was such a counterfeit marker, a money order from Canada’s Laurentian Bank, that was used to entice programmers to work on the 2004 election fraud. Republican election fraud headquarters, according to GOP sources, was and remains centered in Enterprise, Alabama, the home of Fuller, a principal of Oceaneering, the very same firm that moved Marcos’ gold that would eventually end up in Five Star off-shore accounts.

And the intrigue does not end with Fuller and Bush. In the late 1980s, Oceaneering needed to come up with some capital. A New York financial investment manager named James Marquez steered investors into stocks of Oceaneering. He also pushed for Halliburton. Marquez happened to be a money manager for the Soros Fund, of global financial predator George Soros. Marquez and his partner Samuel Israel II would later establish the Bayou Management hedge fund. In December 2006, Marquez pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit fraud with Israel and was later sentenced to 51 months in prison. In June of this year Israel faked his own suicide in New York but turned himself in to federal law enforcement last month. Israel is serving a 20-year prison sentence for investment fraud.

Soros’ network of “progressive” journalists swooped in on Alabama to cover the Siegelman prosecution. However, they practiced a vicious form of gatekeeping anytime the business activities of Fuller arose. It now is apparent why there was an attempt to hold the line on investigating the Siegelman prosecution in Alabama. A close look at Fuller and Oceaneering reveals the early investment of Soros money into Fuller’s company Oceaneering. And for someone like Soros, who likens himself as a modern-day Robin Hood, doling out funds to progressive movements from Wall Street coffers, the reason for his “interest” in “progressive” journalism becomes readily apparent. In reality, Soros is nothing more than a modern-day Howard Hughes, up to his eyeballs in dubious business deals with those he professes to loathe.

Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.

Authors Website: http://www.waynemadsenreport.com

Post by way of: http://www.opednews.com/articles/Rove-intimidating-Republic-by-Wayne-Madsen-080823-763.html

Fastened To A Dying Animal—

Posted on

April 27th, 2008

McCain and Lieberman
The US political classes have much to be thankful for, starting with a public overwhelmingly idiotized by the corporate media.

A short jeremiad regarding that affront to the nation’s dignity known as the US election process

By Phil Rockstroh

Here in this crumbling empire once known as the American republic, here in a nation that, at present, for all practical purposes, only produces Cheetos and killer drones, whose architecture is being winnowed down to thriving rural meth houses and foreclosed upon suburban mchouses, whose corrupt corporate culture has bequeathed upon our suffering planet dying oceans and the hyper-caffeinated tsunami of Red Bull Capitalism– the essential question confronts us — how does one retain (not retail) one’s humanity amid the catastrophic machinery and inane accouterment of our age?

“Show your wounds,” exhorted the late 20th Century artist Joseph Boyce. The wound becomes the womb, poets tell us. Out of painful truth, beauty is born. But, antithetical to the orthodoxies of consumer capitalism, there are no shortcuts. According to legend, Faust sold his soul for a glimpse of eternal beauty and the hidden knowledge of the world. Sadly, we’ve done likewise (but worse, pathetically) for a glimpse of Paris Hilton’s privileged (but hardly gated and guarded) cooter.

Here, now, sprawled upon the detritus of our dignity, we are confronted by the exponential dynamics of decay known as the US Presidential Election cycle. In this, all three corporate candidates are of little use to us. Although all three have done very well for themselves by the present and prevailing arrangement known as Disaster Capitalism.

What motivation do they have to change the system by which they’ve thrived? McCain, Clinton, and Obama must serve the interests of the corrupt corporate class – or else they would be marginalized. Paradoxically, as we have witnessed, as of late, if they make even the most minute rumblings to the contrary — as for example, blundering into a steaming pile of the obvious such as the observation that the battered laboring class of the nation might be embittered by their lot — they risk political immolation by being labeled an elitist.

Of course, Obama is an elitist. (As are Clinton and McCain.) And he has been put on notice by the Powers That Be that they have no problem with him being among their ranks, as long as he doesn’t go rattling off at the mouth about those the rigged system benefits and those it kicks daily in the gut. Because in a political culture as far down the rabbit hole as is this one, the surest way to be branded an elitist is to refuse to serve the elite. (Not that Obama threatened any such thing.) This is the modus operandi of the lacquered, autoerotic dudes and dolls of the corporate media and the K Street cash-flushed phonies of the American political classes: Pose as protecters of the beer-bleary multitudes, as, all the while, carrying vintage Cabernet for a privileged few.

This is not a situation fraught with layers of ambiguity in which any deeper meaning can be mined: Below the corporate media’s electronic cloud of nebulous phoniness lies a dense core of calcified phoniness. Thus it is difficult not to harbor contempt for this cartel of narcissistic strivers who have networked the nation into a perpetual state of cataclysmic ignorance. Seemingly, their creed is: Let the ignorant multitudes languish on the low nutrient, junk news we serve them from the drive thru windows of our corporate media outlets, while the political and business elite cannibalize what is left of the republic.

The ongoing tragedy in Iraq and the ecological and economic turmoil roiling the globe are consequences of the domination-driven mindset that the mainstream media protects. Ergo, increasingly violent responses from outside forces, both of the human and natural variety, are rising across the planet. America, many shocks and sorrows are coming soon (probably sooner than you think) to that vacuous bubble known as “your way of life.”

It should be increasingly clear to see that the corporate media’s job has never been to be unbiased chroniclers of the events and circumstances of a free republic. Rather, they are active agents serving to protect and promulgate the pernicious myths of free market capitalism. And they are a highly partisan lot.

Moreover, they have been highly successful in their mission. Hence, our lives, both inner and outer, have been conquered and colonized by the corporate empire, and a resultant forced occupation dominates our days determining the trajectory of our brief lives upon this earth.

“[S]ick with desire And fastened to a dying animal It knows not what it is; and gather me Into the artifice of eternity.” – W.B. Yeats

Yet, we, against all evidence, believe we are free actors in a spontaneous, unfolding democratic drama. When, in reality, we have been cast as dehumanized supernumeraries in a lethal farce that renders all concerned both oppressor and oppressed. This is the central paradox that binds us. And it is why the average American cannot see our imperial occupation of Iraq and our increasingly dangerous belligerence towards Iran for what it is. How can we have a modicum of empathy for the people of Iraq when we refuse to even glimpse our own degraded condition and our complicity therein?

“God Damn America,” the people of Sadr City must rage, as the bombs shake their homes and tear the flesh from their friends and family. “God Damn, America,” I mutter, echoing the good Reverend Wright, as I witness the indifference of the American people to the war crimes committed by our nation’s leaders.

By the insidious technique of propaganda by omission, the public has been manipulated into a state approaching criminal obliviousness. “What is this crazy talk about the calamity of class stratification that defines and divides the nation, and what sort of demented, leftist loser would even raise the topic among decent company?” our present mandarins of media scoff when the topic of class inequity is broached.

Add to that, the ongoing ruse of the ceaseless dissemination of fear perfected by the right-wing media noise machine and then parroted in the mainstream media that goes something like the following: “There are evil entities afoot in the nation known as radical liberals who scheme to take away your guns and give them to islamofascist terrorists so that those agents of Satan over at Planned Parenthood will be free to rip fetuses from their mothers wombs in order to expose the unborn to porn.”

This is the reason for the cacophony of inanity that dominates the coverage of the political events of our time: It serves as white noise that drowns out unpleasant truths. It is the mood music piped into our national bubble. Accordingly, trivial and specious narratives drive and dominate our national political debate and it has, as a consequence, rendered the nation’s public too shallow to even apprehend the extent of the damage inflicted by official treachery, professional cupidity, and the degree of their own degradation therein.

Otherwise, the collective psyche of the nation would be shaken to the core. Tragically, there is no longer any core to be found. There is merely the surface sheen of the American bubblescape … its surface taut with inner tension as it is stretched to its limits, as, all the while, reality bristles ever closer to its over-stretched skin.

Phil Rockstroh, a self-described, auto-didactic, gasbag monologist, is a poet, lyricist and philosopher bard living in New York City. He may be contacted at phil@philrockstroh.com Visit Phil’s website, http://philrockstroh.com/
