hate crime scam

We’re always being set up

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Brigitte Gabriel

“When you find issues/controversies which people love to debate endlessly, which are emotionally inflammatory and which divide the masses into oppositional stances/groups – it is a pretty strong possibility that the controlling elites might be busy behind the scenes, fomenting these quarrels and keeping them alive.”
                       a comment from here

There are numerous ways in which we are being set up for purposes of control and some of the main ones are the old divide and conquer techniques.

Nowhere is that more apparent than in our own middle Tennessee area where the building of mosques, lawsuits against them and anti-shariah conferences get not only a ton of local publicity but national as well.

The latest ‘event’ took place over this past weekend as the Constitution or Sharia Conference. Kicked out from a local hotel the organizers had previously booked, they found a sanctuary to hold it in none other than Cornerstone Church, Nashville’s premier Christian zionist stronghold.

This would be the church that found its calling and money when it hired  Pastor Maury Davis, a convicted murderer from Texas. In a state that executes its killers left and right, Davis, who slit the throat of recent widow, a Sunday school teacher, nearly decapitating her for no apparent reason beyond just for the heck of it, walked with barely a slap on the wrist. Davis got lucky when a ‘born again’ confused deranged juror smelled devil possession and convinced the rest of the jury that a charge of manslaughter was sufficient and he was sentenced to 20 years. Lucky Maury was released after 8 1/2 years due to prison overcrowding and the ‘redeemed’ murderer began his path of preaching which eventually led him to Nashville becoming the Cornerstone pastor who built up his flock to over 3,000 attendees a week and with radio and TV shows and the subsequent salesmanship and begging for money that allows Davis to live large.

Not to dismiss the possibility that redemption and forgiveness is not possible in this world but one might think that the direction of this ‘reformed’ killer might be towards peace and brotherhood but it was not to be. Anti-Islam and pro-war with a touch of zionist perversion became the talking points.

Hosting the anti-Shariah conference was not Cornerstone’s first foray with invited faux Christian speakers. Hate and war mongers Geert Wilders, Mike Huckabee and Oliver North were previously welcomed there and Huckabee returned the favor, having Davis on his own neocon, Israel first Fox News show.

Promoters of illegal wars find a place at Cornerstone but rumor has it that a parishioner, a terminally ill man whose doctor had told him it would be fine to smoke marijuana if it eased his pain, was kicked out of the church for doing so. So much for compassion being a virtue.

That’s a little background on the host. We’ll move on to the parasites who feed off the willing host.

The anti-sharia conference was led by Hanah Kahwagi Tudor, aka Brigitte Gabriel, founder of ACT! for America who laid the Islamophobia on thick. Others included Rick Scarborough, founder of Vision America  which seeks to mobilize pastors in the service of promoting ‘Judeo-Christian’ (code for zionism) values, who had another suggestion for the group. “The greatest grassroots opportunity of all is to get your pastor involved,” he said.  Christopher Holton with the Center for Security Policy,  (whose founders include a number of neocon and PNAC figures including Frank GaffneyDouglas Feith and Richard Perle) spoke of legislative efforts in the pipeline including a law that would make it illegal for state pension funds to invest in a foreign company that does business in Iran. Nothing about the Koch Brothers bribery and dealings with Iran though.

Frank Gaffney, in an incredible display of chutzpah, used a Power Point to demonstrate the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood (CIA and MI6 funded/controlled?) into the highest levels of governments. Former FBI agent John Guandolo also presented aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood’s operation of influence on the George W. Bush and Barack Obama Administrations. Guandolo,  who resigned from the FBI when it was discovered that he had been sleeping with a key witness in the corruption case against former Congressman William Jefferson, also said regarding local mosques, “They do not have a First Amendment right to do anything.” and  “They exist to break the law.”   

ThinkProgress even had reporters in Nashville where they interviewed State representative Rick Womick, wild eyed republican from Murfreesboro, who called for all Muslims to be forced out of the U.S. military.

Personally, I don’t trust one Muslim in our military, because they’re commanded to lie to us through the term called taqiyya. And if they truly are a devout Muslim and follow the Koran and the Sunnah, then I feel threatened because they’re commanded to kill me.”

Womick certainly has the terms down pat in order to make himself look educated in Islamic teachings instead of the hick pseudo politician that he is.

There was an out of state anti-zionist and anti-war Christian group, Strait Gate, who came to Nashville for a protest/educational vigil outside Cornerstone church. Their message of  “Choose Life, Not War”and “Who Would Jesus Bomb” stands in stark contrast to those at the conference. You can read a summary of their visit and confrontation with Pastor Maury Davis here.

The local news sites had a number of articles on the conference. There were hundreds and hundreds of comments posted.  A great number of anti-sharia sympathizers of course chimed in and were countered by many opposed to their bigotry but most of their arguments centered on first amendment rights and religious freedom. True in the constitutional sense and relevant although very very few mentioned that this was basically about divide and conquer. While ‘Christians’ argued about Muslims and with other ‘Christians’ and atheists complained about all religions, I saw no one who had anything to say about this all being a set up, years in the making.

Tennessee is a designated refugee relocation area with one of the largest Muslim populations in the country. We are not refugee bashers, many of our ancestors came to this land as refugees, and it would be hypocritical. to deny others the same opportunity but the question has to be asked. Why this area? I don’t know for sure but there is a built in bigot population and a great number of folks whose only education on Muslims comes from their teevee screen, right wing talk radio and sometimes their pulpit and repetition is a major aspect of mind control. Were we set up to become a simmering pot of hatred, stirred as needed and used for control and diversions? A centralized location that puts a more rural face on the issue in contrast to urban areas like NY City? It sure seems like it to me.

There’s a website, Refugee Resettlement Watch, which has a Nashville category. Warning … it is biased and often ugly but includes a lot of links where if one is willing to wade through the muck there is some relevant information to be found. One obvious reason for the refugees in this area was for economic exploitation, specifically Tyson in Shelbyville, where there is another of those Bill Clinton connections. Another connection is with the Catholic Charities of Tennessee, Inc. that receives a ton of money from the federal government and the State of Tennessee for their refugee resettlement programs although it appears local communities and even the state have little say so on what refugees come in or where they go. Is any of this important to the discussion? Well, it does explain the numbers and brings in the role of NGO’s who are an integral part in all kinds of social engineering agendas. Historically, we were warned about NGO’s. The Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations in 1954 gave us a warning on the manipulation of NGO’s, including the Ford Foundation and the ADL, on the education system. Norman Dodd’s interview in 1982 with G. Edward Griffin confirmed it. The call for a permanent watchdog committee to keep an eye on these NGO’s was squashed by the money behind them. Since then these types of organizations have multiplied beyond simple comprehension and are the force behind numerous nefarious activities including the anti-sharia front groups. We have been and are being set up.

The anti-sharia organizations are nothing more than a psyops. Besides American infighting which distracts from the blatant banker and corporate theft, one main purpose is to keep the middle east wars continuing, identify manufactured enemies for expansion of the wars and moving down the path to Eretz Israel. Voters who can’t see through the propaganda put representatives in office who will walk lockstep with the agendas. Two of our own middle Tennessee reps, Diane Black and Marsha Blackburn, are typical examples.

Lastly, I want to point out a very transparent aspect to the Islamophobia talking points. At these conferences and on talk radio these people can go on for hours in their hate fest of Muslims and the rhetoric of Sharia Law coming to take us over. Threats of all sorts are tossed around that never have a chance of taking hold but the one aspect of Sharia that is a real threat to the status quo is never mentioned, never … prohibition of Usury.

The idea that there could be a world without the slavery of interest on debt is taboo. What would the haters say? That we must protect the bankers? That usury is as American as apple pie? That it’s only the crazy Muslims who would even consider prohibiting interest on loans?  Just to use the word in any kind of context might get some folks wondering what it’s all about and if they find out that throughout most of Christian history usury was banned as the root of most evils it could lead to discussions that the bankers and their lackeys would not like. Alternatives to usury find the churches silent. It is never talked about in the schools and to even meet people who are aware enough to discuss it is rare. Occasionally there are voices that slip through in the media and it’s almost a shock.

Wars are being fought as we speak and rumors of more wars are hyped to make sure usury is maintained. We should think about it. We should talk about it. Doing away with usury is a seed that needs to be planted despite the strong arm of the bankers saying “kill it before it grows.”

Being set up at every turn is what we have to deal with. One advantage we have is that there are many who can see through the lies and have this sense of purpose to spread the word with the belief that it will make a difference. It will …..

International Extortion Remembrance Day

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Bankers fund all sides of conflicts, promote war and people die. An estimated 60 million or more died in WWII alone. There were maybe 160 million killed in wars and genocides in the 20th century although that number is just an educated guess from many sources. One was too many.

For all of this carnage for the profit of an elite few there is only one group of ‘sacrificed’ people who get their own international day of remembrance, the most publicity and funding. There’s only one ‘holocaust’ that really matters and that’s for the ‘chosen ones’ and their magic 6 million number.
The UN designated January 27 as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day  in 2005 “to keep the memory alive in a bid to prevent future acts of genocide.” This was in the middle of the Iraq war genocide of well over a million civilians for the benefit of the U.S. but mainly for Israel. Hypocrisy at best.

There are more ‘holocaust’ museums in the world than I care to count. The one in Washington DC costs taxpayers nearly $50 million a year. Any of those budget/deficit cutting reps in Congress calling to eliminate this? I didn’t think so.

Holocaust education in the public schools of the U.S. is big business.  Some states require it by law, most defer to those who scream 6 million the loudest. The jewish holocaust is a new religion not to be blasphemed against.  No state schoolbook in the country mentions the holocaust of Germans after WWII was over. The holocaust of Native American Indians is not taught as such. The holocausts of Stalin and Mao are glossed over as insignificant compared to that of the jews.

No surprise that  Google has partnered with Israel’s Yad Vashem museum to keep the spin alive as they also appear to be partners with the NSA. Go with the money, eh Google.

Reparation/extortion paid to WWII jews and to Israel estimates vary but I think it’s safe to say that it’s more than all other war time reparations paid to individuals put together. Sort of. Much was stolen and taken by lawyer’s fees.

No other event in history has to have Western world  laws that make it a crime to question the numbers or the details. Ernst Zundel is the most dramatic example of the persecution of this ‘thought crime.’  Even where there are no laws against free speech, groups such as the ADL make it their purpose to demonize those who just ask the questions. If the planned U.S. internet censorship comes to be you can bet holocaust revisionists will be near the top of the list to be banned.

Now it’s becoming slanderous to even use certain words in unacceptable ways. Holocaust and Nazis are nearly trademarked terms that can’t be used to describe anything or anyone else outside the realm of how some jews want them used. Even the degenerate media propagandist Glenn Beck is feeling the wrath of the rabbis for non-kosher use of the words in a $100,000 full page ad in the WSJ calling for his boss Rupert Murdoch to ‘sanction’ him.  This is part of the the continuing attempt to control the words to control the masses.

The days of jews crying victim at every turn and the world nodding in agreement are coming to an end. Many in the world already see through the lies. The extortion racket of international banking and corrupt governments with their wars and genocide and thefts must end.  It’s coming down to us or them. One fact is that we outnumber them by far.

A friend of mine always says “It’s not all jews, it’s the criminal jews.” OK … it’s also the criminals of every race and creed that collaborate to enslave the world and those by their silence and inaction that are complicit. 

Connecting the dots reveals that Zionists, bankers and Nazis worked hand in hand. It’s probably the most taboo tale in the world. It needs to be told.

Ernst Zundel is Finally Free

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“Truth needs no laws to support it.”

For an event that was wholly created in the poisonous psychological warfare kitchens of the Second World War, run by the ministries of propaganda in many countries, not just by the British or the Americans, but also the Russians and undoubtedly the world Jewish organizations.
Ernst Zundel

Ernst Zundel, Europe’s most famous political Prisoner of Conscience, has been released from Mannheim Prison this morning, March 1st. Here he is with one of his defense attorneys, Dr. Herbert Schaller of Austria, both of them smiling broadly…

Ernst Zundel, a German-born publisher, author and civil rights activist, is a towering figure in the worldwide Holocaust revisionist movement. For over five years he has been held behind bars, first in Canada and now in Germany , solely for the peaceful expression of non-conformist views. 

He is the most prominent political prisoner in the western world today. He is the author of countless booklets, newsletters and essays. He is a prodigious publisher, a one-man public relations firm, and an able public speaker and organizer. Energetic, tenacious and courageous, he is dauntless in struggle against apparently insurmountable odds and seemingly invincible adversaries.
more at RePortersNoteBook 


An Israeli Journalist interviews Ernst Zundel

Just how free Zundel will be remains to be seen.

In an email, Zundel’s wife, Ingrid, told The Associated Press that he was not technically barred from North America but that they “expect huge diplomatic barriers to keep him inside Germany where freedom of speech simply doesn’t exist.”

James Von Brunn has died and the ADL attacks the 2nd amendment

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James Von Brunn, the accused Washington DC Holocaust Museum shooter has died in a prison hospital before ever going to trial. I’m sure the government is glad. There were too many questions about the shooting that they would rather not have brought up in a show trial.

It’s also convenient for the media. They can now spin this story into the recent ‘terrorist’ events and reaffirm the ‘domestic terrorist’ threat.

Right on cue the ADL has a press release

In a brief detailing the “serious threat” of armed violence by extremists and extremist groups, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today urged the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure that states retain the right to reasonably regulate the possession of firearms by those who practice and preach racial and ethnic violence

“We have placed the problem of armed extremism squarely before the high court,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “Racist and anti-government extremists often have an obsessive fascination with firearms and have shown a willingness to engage in acts of shocking and often deadly violence. We urge the Supreme Court to ensure that cities and states retain the latitude they need to keep guns out of the hands of extremists, terrorists, and violent bigots.”

ADL’s “friend of the court” brief in McDonald v. City of Chicago points to the long history of gun violence by anti-government and racist extremists. The brief describes three such examples in detail: the June 2009 shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, by avowed anti-Semite and white supremacist James Von Brunn (an incident which left a security guard dead); the April 2000 shooting spree in Pittsburgh by white supremacist Richard Baumhammers (which left five dead); and the deadly standoffs in Waco, Texas in 1993 and Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992.

McDonald v. City of Chicago focuses on whether the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits most regulation of firearms by cities and states.

ADL has long supported the reasonable regulation of firearms, particularly when it comes to the possession of weapons by extremists.

“Extremists and those who commit hate crimes pose a serious threat to the safety of the general public and, more specifically, to the members of the discrete racial, ethnic and religious groups who often become their targets,” reads the ADL brief. “Armed extremism leads to violent extremism with profoundly unsettling frequency and profoundly tragic results.”

Thought crimes and the disarming of those accused of them legitimized by the high court has long been an ADL objective. In their brief they say ‘those who practice and preach racial and ethnic violence’ but what they really want is the repression of freedom of speech, especially if that free speech is exposing the crimes of Israel and jewish extremists such as the ADL itself.

Also see:

The James Von Brunn Story

The ADL … American Dago Lobby swings into action!

ADL revels in FBI statistics of increase in ‘hate crimes’

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“We must rise up against the haters….

61.1 percent of offenders are white… they are the enemy within.

I’ve been telling you so all along”
Abe Foxman

New York, NY, November 23, 2009 … Reacting to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) annual report documenting hate crimes in America, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called for “a coordinated campaign to prevent, deter, and respond effectively to criminal violence motivated by bigotry and prejudice.” The FBI statistics revealed that reported hate crimes are at their highest level since 2001.
Robert G. Sugarman, ADL National Chair, and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:

Hate violence in America is a serious national problem that shows little sign of slowing. The annual FBI report on hate crime statistics provides a chance to assess the scope of the problem.

It is disturbing that in 2008, as our country elected its first African-American President, the FBI report tallied 7,783 bias-motivated incidents – the highest total since 2001, including the highest number of crimes directed at Blacks, Jews, and gay men and lesbians since 2001.

The report documented more than 1,519 religion-based crimes (also the highest total since 2001), with 1,013 of them – over 66 percent – directed against Jews and Jewish institutions.{more ADL hate talk}

You can go to the FBI’s 2008 hate crime statistics and ponder the meanings of their ‘9 ways from Sunday’ statistics.

One thing I didn’t find was any numbers on Jewish hate crimes. I guess there aren’t any…..

When congress has to slip through a law as the ‘Shepard’ hate crimes law was by attaching it to a defense appropriations bill, well… that seems a little un-American and definitely unconstitutional but it’s just business as usual for traitors.

This crisis of hate this gives the ADL a chance to increase their ‘psychic training classes’ and mold minds to focus on the agenda.

I bet those statistics rise even higher over the next few years. Better training…..

Anti-Defamation League defames by innuendo

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David Codrea and friends take on two of the most racist hate spewing propaganda groups this country has ever seen, ADL and SPLC.

Photo Courtesy Oleg Volk, A Human Right

Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea

We’ve seen how the Southern Poverty Law Center has found smearing Oath Keepers a good tactic to exploit and call attention to themselves, and we’ve seen how some in the media jump at the chance to abet them. No doubt feeling left out on an opportunity for some publicity, the Anti-Defamation League has come out with “Oath Keepers and Three Percenters Part of Growing Anti-Government Movement” as their way of jumping on the bandwagon.

Here’s the thing to keep in mind when ADL spouts off with their fraudulent rhetoric and bluster: It’s not people like us who would deny full enfranchisement of all rights, including the right to keep and bear arms, to racial and religious minorities.

It’s them. The folks with the Orwellian name, who defame their political opponents while pretending to be against the evil practice…

Read the rest: David Codrea – Gun Rights Examiner 

also see: The War on Guns

SPLC vs Vanderbilt black woman professor

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Anytime the hate group SPLC responds to someone challenging their agenda of divide and conquer, you can bet that challenge has merit whether you agree or disagree with all of the points.

Vanderbilt professor slammed for backing film that calls racism a myth

An organization that tracks hate-group activity in the U.S. is accusing Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain, a black scholar known for her conservative stances on race and immigration, of being an apologist for white supremacists.

The incident started last week when the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center posted a blog item critiquing the documentary A Conversation About Race, mentioning that positive comments by Swain lent the film an air of legitimacy.

Swain fired back, making her case against the advocacy group in a blog submitted to the news site The Huffington Post and in a string of messages she sent to followers on her Twitter account.

“There aren’t enough new hate groups 2 keep the #SPLC busy, so they target individuals & conservative organizations 2 raise money,” Swain wrote in a Twitter update Thursday.
Swain, a professor of law and political science, said in an interview with The Tennessean that she feels as if she has “been attacked” by the group.

Mark Potock, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, responded, “If that is what she believes, she is suffering from some sort of low-grade megalomania.”

Potock said the goal of the Hatewatch blog posts about the film was to “spare (Swain) the embarrassment of continuing to endorse the work of a man who has referred to black people — including the president — as monkeys.”

The film in question, A Conversation About Race, opens with a clip of then-Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign speech on race followed by words from the filmmaker, Craig Bodeker.

“I agree with Senator Obama. … I can’t think of another issue facing our country that is more timely or more important today than the issue of racism,” Bodeker says in the film. “I also can’t think of another issue that is more artificial, manufactured and manipulated. … It’s used too often as a tool of intimidation like a hammer against Caucasian whites. “

The Hatewatch blog post described the film as a “a hit among white supremacists looking for a smart-sounding defense of their beliefs. Contrary to its title, A Conversation about Race … (is) a slick 58-minute documentary devoted to proving the thesis that racism is a bogus concept invented to oppress whites.”

Swain sees things differently. If there are going to be conversations about race, she thinks they have to include what the Southern Poverty Law Center may consider extremist or hateful positions.”The new white nationalism that I fear that I see … is not about groups,” Swain said.

“It’s about white people, individuals, thinking that they are under threat and that they have to ban together to protect themselves. My fear is that unless we create forums for people to safely and openly express themselves, then you are going to drive more young people into these extreme groups.”

read the rest at The Tennessean…..also see the great number of comments there

ADL – The Dark Side of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith

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Seems to be censored by youtube. 8-2-09
An 8 part playlist. The dark history of the ADL.

Under the guise of fighting “antisemitism” the ADL is out to remove channels on youtube not just videos but channels for speaking out against Israel. You so much as show a picture in war it’s removed under the gross clause, you use music the wrong way its removed for that, you get flagged enough even for no reason at all and they remove it for that. And there are groups that just mass email one another and go around and flag videos that criticize Israel. The ones they leave alone are actual racist because it only helps their cause. Meanwhile they can support racial cleansing and colonization as Zionism because you see it’s OK to be racist so long at it’s your religion.
from wrh and anti-neocons

From youtube itself


Beating youtube at Its Game of Censorship

Double Standard Senate

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The Democrats blocked a Senate amendment to audit the Fed attached to a spending bill because of what they said was on procedural grounds.

On procedural grounds, the Senate blocked a bid to permit the U.S. comptroller general, who heads the investigative arm of Congress known as the Government Accountability Office, to audit the Federal Reserve system and issue a report.

Democrats who control the Senate blocked the South Carolina Republican’s amendment on the grounds that it violated rules prohibiting legislation attached to spending bills. {more}

And yet the Democrat Senate traitors have attached the Hate Crimes Bill to a military appropriations bill. Talk about a double standard.

This is an outrageous manipulation of Senate rules for just one purpose – to keep the unneeded, indefensible Hate Crimes Law from getting a full and fair hearing!

In essence, Majority Leader Reid is sneaking this bill through as an amendment because he knows opposition is growing fast and he fears the bill could not survive on its own. {more}

I could go along with not attaching unrelated bills to other bills but it needs to be applied evenly across the board. But that’s not how the slime we call our representatives work. This is a classic example of an unconstitutional maneuver to get an unconstitutional law passed.

Sadly, it may be up to the Republican traitors to stop this.

Both the Audit the Fed Bill and the Hate Crimes Bill need to be debated as stand alone legislation with full disclosure to the American people and with votes reflecting the will of the people.

All we can do at this moment is not to ask, but to demand that our Senators remove the Hate Crime bill from the DOD Authorization Act.

While we’re at it, we may as well demand that the DOD receive no funding at all except to bring our troops home and end the illegal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Not much of a chance of that though. The criminal organizations tend to stick together.


Let the Anti-Defamation League teach you how they have saddled 45 states with hate laws capable of persecuting Christians, and spearhead attempts to pass the federal hate crimes bill: http://www.adl.org/99hatecrime/intro.asp.

thanks to The Peoples Voice for the link

Terrorists…High and Low

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Low level terrorist

The US front man for the high level terrorists has a short but ever ongoing history that should be of concern to all Americans.

A few Obama war crime and unconstitutional actions have been:

Escalated the war against Afghanistan by ordering an additional 21,000 troops deployed there;

Announced that the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq would be delayed until the end of 2011 (with plenty of loopholes available to extend the occupation indefinitely);

Requested that Congress authorize a new supplemental expenditure of $83 billion to finance the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, after having repeatedly promised not to ask for such supplemental spending;

Intensified the drone bombings of Pakistan resulting in many more civilian deaths;

Publicized plans to enlarge U.S. armed forces by 100,000;

Proposed a budget for the Pentagon that exceeds what Bush was proposing by $23 billion;

Engineered a plan to bail out Wall Street and the banks to the tune of over a trillion dollars while refusing to take decisive measures to bail out workers and low income people, such as a moratorium on all foreclosures;

Endorsed the “race to the bottom” by pressuring UAW autoworkers employed by General Motors and Chrysler to agree to even greater concessions so that their income matches the lower wages and benefits paid by auto company competitors;

Directed government attorneys to oppose habeas corpus rights for detainees, the same as Bush did;

Directed government attorneys to oppose prosecutions and civil suits against those companies and individuals who violated wire tapping laws, the same as Bush did;

Promised not to hold criminally responsible those guilty of committing barbaric acts of torture against detainees, in effect invoking the discredited and rejected
Nuremberg defense, “We were only following orders;” {more}

The catalyst for the high level terrorists was 9/11.

Les Visible continues his analysis of 9/11. It’s basic and still not wanted or understood by those who need it the most.

Hardly a day goes by when I don’t think about 9/11 and the mountain of hard, cold facts that prove beyond question that the official story is a lie. Lately we’ve been treated to a particular insidious morphing of perception. From demagogue Glenn Beck to any number of government and corporate shills we are now hearing that 9/11 truthers are “low level terrorists” and that they would be willing to work with Al Qaeda or any other terror organization that came along. We’ve even got Howdy Doody weighing in on the matter.

I’ve looked for reasons why the whole world isn’t convinced of what actually took place on that day. There are a number of possibilities and when they are combined it’s not hard to see how chicken salad can be turned into chicken shit and served as a global lunch. There is the progressive dumbing down of the population through a violated education system; there’s the junkie fixation on mass media reports, there’s the steroidal entertainment industry and strange compounds in the air, food and water. But,

…the evidence is so damning and comprehensive that even a borderline intellect should be able to see through a plot that is more gossamer than a reality starlets dress. The endless looping of three massive buildings coming down at freefall into their own footprint tells more than enough. It defies the laws of physics. It goes against irrevocable laws of nature and yet… and yet…… mystifying.

It’s not a question of whether there is a conspiracy about the matter. That is a given. It’s not a matter of who was involved. That is a given. All that we lack are the actual details of how and when.

Someone has been directing a heat source at Howdy Doody’s ass. It must be serious because he appears to have gotten a skin graft from Pinocchio. It’s all falling apart though. They are scrambling. When they have to rush through myriad hate legislations whose intent is to curb free speech and …when they have to describe people looking for the truth as terrorists then… there’s trouble behind closed doors.

The majority of truthers just want to focus on a basic conspiracy on the part of the Bush administration. The truth has limits even among truthers. The unfortunate reality though is that when you go looking for the truth you often discover things that carry a heavy price tag for their exposure. I’m in the minority crew who has made the connection to Israel and has no reservations about saying so. {Read the entire essay}

High level terrorism owes much to Israel. They pretty much wrote the book.

State Terrorism

High level economic terrorism finds the intelligence services and Israel intertwined.

Madoff tied to intelligence agencies

State and intelligence services are linked to the Honduran coup. A form of terrorism against a sovereign nation.

CIA Topples Honduran President to Protect Drugs Trade?

Pathetic Progressives Ignore Coup

Domestic ‘terrorist’ organizations are actually state run or sanctioned. Their goal…silence free speech and imprison those who won’t comply.

ADL, DHS & DOJ Form “Thought Criminal” Squad

Congress is a big part of the terrorism against the American people and still there are those who believe in the two party system and justify our ‘representatives’ traitorous actions. The corporate media, left and right, enables the terrorists within our midst.

How Can These Rat-Bastards Get Away With This?

The Mainstream Media is Worthless

So while the security apparatus looks for and tries to label Americans who still value free speech as ‘low level terrorists,’ the terrorists on high continue their rape and plunder.