
Ken O’Keefe Exposes BBC Gaza Flotilla Propaganda ‘Show’

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 by Ken O’Keefe

If you haven’t seen it, look for BBC Panorama’s “Death in the Med” program online, you will be treated to first class propaganda as only the BBC can deliver.

I am one of the passengers/witnesses interviewed for this program and I am very much aware of BBC’s role in justifying war and covering up Israeli crimes.  I am in no way naive about this; to the contrary my motivation for the interview lay largely in the all too likely opportunity to expose the BBC.  A relevant job considering the BBC’s role in the slaughter of over one million Iraqi’s, a direct role by virtue of the war they justified.  BBC from start to present, justifying Iraq, a massive war crime and crime against humanity based entirely on lies (propagated intensely by the BBC).  The British Broadcasting Corporation, synonymous with millions of orphans and refugees and countless lives destroyed in Iraq, beating the drums of war without pause, the ultimate prostitutes of propaganda. {more}

Here’s the BBC ‘show’ which includes some of the faked IDF video.

Stranded in Babylon

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The children of Gaza

Music by the late great Nashville/Murfreesboro TN band “Freedom of Expression”

From their early 80’s LP “For Lack of a Better Word”


Cristina Ruiz Cortina

Gaza War: The Innocent Victims

In Pictures: The slaughter of Gazan children

"They were kicking my wounds and strapping me up"

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Very brave Australian Ahmed Luqman speaks about his treatment by Israeli troops after being shot during last week’s raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. 

h/t xymphora

Medals and Money for Pirates

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Unconfirmed reports the the Israeli sharpshooter (i.e. one that can hit their target in the head and back with automatic gunfire from within two feet) who shot dead several activists on a Gaza-bound international aid convoy may receive a medal of valor.

Rumors are that this and all future ‘medals of valor’ given to those who murder U.S. citizens and peace supporters will be made from stolen U.S. gold reserves pirated to Israel.

“That we use America’s own gold seems fitting. I may even name this medal after myself,”  Netanyahu was reported to have whispered to his agent Rahm Emanuel.   

Back home, AIPAC has released its list of American congressional pirates (i.e. those that subvert the constitution and U.S. laws and put Israel above all other interests of the American people).

Donors (bribers) now have this handy dandy guide, complete with repeatable comments, to show where to funnel their blood money.

At the same time this somewhat incomplete list gives the rest of us a focal point for who need to get their butts not only thrown out of office but imprisoned for treason.

Joe Meadors Interviews

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Joe Meadors was on the same Free Gaza boat that Israel seized in the Mediterranean on Monday. He is also a survivor of the 1967 attack by Israel on the US military ship the USS Liberty. Meadors says that the attack on the flotilla was illegal and that Israel needs to be held accountable for its actions.

Designated Dissenters and Traitors

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4 shots to the head and 19 year old U.S. citizen Furkan Dogan becomes another footnote in the history of the psychotic actions of Israel and the U.S.

The zionist media is making sure we know he has been  living in Turkey since he was 2 and is a dual citizen to lessen the idea that he was a ‘real American.’

We all know that there is only one kind of dual citizen that matters.

I often talk about our two allowable ‘designated dissenters’ in the House, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, who sometimes manage to get an opposing viewpoint into congressional debate and the media but who never go far enough and we accept their limitations as ‘the best we’ve got.’

Kucinich (D-OH) is today beginning to circulate to colleagues the following letter concerning the commando raid by Israel upon a Turkish ship in international waters:

Dear Mr. President,

Israeli commandos, acting at the direction of the State of Israel, attacked and seized a Turkish ship in international waters, in the Mediterranean Sea.

At least nine were killed in the incident aboard the Mavi Marmara. Hundreds of civilians were taken into custody and goods were confiscated. Since the United States considers Israel our most important ally in the region, whose survival is a of primary concern, it is incumbent upon the Commander in Chief to call Israel to an accounting for its conduct in planning and executing the deadly military attack in international waters upon a peaceful flotilla carrying citizens from over 50 countries.

The State of Israel’s conduct, attacking a Turkish ship in international waters, constitutes an act of belligerence against Turkey, which at one time Israel considered an important ally. It also undermines United States’ troops efforts in Iraq, since your administration’s efforts to achieve stability in the region and to withdraw troops from Iraq has depended upon Turkey’s cooperation through use of its air bases.

In its violent commando raid on the Mavi Marmara, the government of Israel showed no concern as to how its conduct may affect the lives of defenseless, innocent people, its friends and allies, and in particular the United States. The United States must remind Israel as well as all of our other friends and allies:

It is not acceptable to repeatedly violate international law.

It is not acceptable to shoot and kill innocent civilians.

It is not acceptable to commit an act of aggression against another U.S. ally.

It is not acceptable to continue a blockade which denies humanitarian relief.

It is not acceptable to heighten tensions in a region while the United States continues to put so much blood and treasure on the line.

The State of Israel’s action necessitates that the United States, which is Israel’s partner in the region, begin to redefine its relationship and to establish such boundaries and conditions which are sufficient for mutual respect and cooperation.

It is incumbent upon Israeli officials to bring forth the truth about the planning for and the attack upon the Mavi Marmara.

No one questions the right of Israel to defend its border, but that defense does not extend to shooting innocent civilians anywhere in the world, anytime it pleases.

Israel must account for our support, for the lives of our soldiers, for the investment of billions from our taxpayers. Israel owes the United States more than reckless, pre-meditated violence waged against innocent people.

The attack on the Mavi Marmara requires consequences for the Netanyahu Administration and for the State of Israel. Those consequences must be dealt by the United States. They must be diplomatic and they must be financial. The U.S. can begin by calling for an independent international inquiry of the Mavi Marmara incident. The integrity of such inquiry necessitates that it not be led by the nation whose conduct is under scrutiny. If our nation fails to act in any substantive way, the United States licenses the violence and we are complicit in it and our own citizens will be forced to pay the consequences.

We the undersigned deeply regret the loss of life. We are also fully aware of the dangers to world security which exist in the region, which is why the United States has been unstinting it its defense of Israel. We have a right to expect that Israel not add to those dangers with military conduct which all people of good will know is neither defensible nor moral. There must be consequences for such conduct. We await your response.

Not bad but that part about Israel’s right to defend its border doesn’t take into account that Israel refuses to define their borders as they ever seek the expansion of ‘greater Israel.’

Paul goes on, of all places, the Don Imus show on Fox to give his first statements on the Israeli massacre. He could have done better.

Moving on to one of the most overt traitors  in our sordid history, John “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, not a settlement” McCain, the designated loser in the 2008 ‘race’ against Obama and Vietnam POW/MIA cover up front man. He will always back up Israel because he is a blackmailed degenerate puppet.

Of course McCain comes by his traitorous nature just as a nut doesn’t fall far from the tree. His old man was a traitor too and an Israel firster.

In 2008 Ralph Nader reminded us about McCain’s father and his role in the cover up of Israel’s 1967 attack on the USS Liberty. Nader says Israel attacked the Liberty because the spy ship was intercepting Israeli communications but I think it goes deeper than that. Israel wants the US to fight its wars for them. It did in ’67 and continues to today.

Arguably the worst of the worst traitors in Congress, Joe Lieberman gives a SOP response. No surprise here.

“We should be very clear about who is responsible for the unfortunate loss of life in the attempt to break the blockade in Gaza,” Lieberman said. “Hamas and its allies are the responsible parties for the recent violence and the continued difficulties for the people of Gaza. Israel exercised her legitimate right of self defense.”

Truth, justice and the American way.

2010 style …..

The Rachel Corrie to be quietly allowed to dock?

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Ask any number of average Americans who Rachel Corrie was and few will know.

As the Gaza aid ship of the same name nears its destination, Israel and the US media want to keep her story as hidden as possible.

Haaratz reports:

A diplomatic solution seems imminent to allow the humanitarian aid vessel the Rachel Corrie to dock without incident at the Ashdod Port. According to European diplomats and senior Foreign Ministry officials in Jerusalem, quiet messages have been exchanged over the past few days between Israel and the group operating the ship, to allow it to dock.{more}

Reports are the Corrie was sabotaged by Israeli intelligence. As the lead ship in the flotilla, the name itself was viewed by Israel as a potential PR nightmare. Every US main stream media report I have seen on the ship heading to Gaza does not mention its name, only that it is Irish. No need to stir up old wounds or some may begin to question why the media has buried the Rachel Corrie story for so long and why Hollywood has not made the movie.

On the same note, ask Americans about the USS Liberty. Again few will know. The MSM has done its job on that story too.

Joe Meadors was not only a survivor of the Israeli attack on the Liberty but also made it through unharmed from the attack on the Gaza flotilla.

Early reports of Meadors’ first comments …

“There is no doubt that the Israelis were committing piracy on the high seas against the Freedom Flotilla and used deadly force against unarmed humanitarians whose only crime was defending themselves against a sea and airborne invasion by heavily armed aggressors.”

“As a survivor of the June 8, 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty,” Meadors said, “I am fully aware of the tactics the Israelis are capable of and willing to use with impunity and without remorse. That time they fired machine guns, cannon, rockets, napalm, and torpedoes on us, then deliberately machine-gunned life rafts we had dropped over the side in anticipation of abandoning ship. And the only response from the American government was to impose a gag order on the crew of the USS Liberty.”

“This time, too,” Meadors continued, “the Israelis have shown no remorse, and I fear that the US government is again granting them impunity.” {more}

and …

“All of our cameras and digital media devices were confiscated, the Israelis are controlling the images that people are seeing on TV. Many people seem unaware that one of the ships, the Challenger I, is a U.S.-flagged vessel. … Talk about an investigation of this brings home to me that the U.S. government still has not conducted an investigation of the USS Liberty attack by Israel which killed 34 Americans in 1967.” {more}

I doubt if we’re going to see a CNN or Fox interview with Mr. Meadors.

The latest report is that a US citizen was killed, shot 5 times in the Israeli flotilla massacre.

As with Rachel Corrie and the USS Liberty …

Israel doing what it does best ….. getting by with murder.


Update from Freegaza via Mantiq

And sabotage happens with more than deeds. It also happens with words. In today’s Haaretz, Barak Ravid reported,

“A diplomatic solution seems imminent to allow the humanitarian aid vessel the Rachel Corrie to dock without incident at the Ashdod Port. According to European diplomats and senior Foreign Ministry officials in Jerusalem, quiet messages have been exchanged over the past few days between Israel and the group operating the ship, to allow it to dock.”

This, too, is sabotage in writing. We called Haaretz and the reporter. He did not return our call.
We have no intention nor would we ever have any intention of ever docking in Ashdod. {more}

Insane Israeli ambassador: Attack was "perfectly legal, perfectly humane – and very responsible".

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Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, has compared the Gaza flotilla attack with America’s fight against Nazi Germany in the Second World War.

He should be expelled …..

From someone who was there …..

Israeli Massacre on Gaza Peace Flotilla – The World Must Act!

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This is the story that matters on this ‘Memorial Day’.

This is what the murderous Israeli government is. A zionist land theft death cult hell bent on anything but peace.

The world must take action.

What excuses will Obama and the traitorous US congress make for this  attack?

How will the jewish controlled US media spin this? The massacre happened in international waters.

It’s time to put the Zionazis in their place, once and for all.

End the US money and all support for the criminal state of Israel.

Nazi Israel

Zionazis of Israel Murder at Least 19 Peace Activists

Flotilla Massacre

Memorial Day Massacre

Desert Peace reports

Continued Coverage at Uprooted Palestinians 

Israeli troops reportedly killed several people as they lay asleep aboard the Turkish-registered Mavi Marmara, according to eye witensses.

Israel’s lying reaction.

Netanyahu won’t show at his scheduled White House meeting Tues. Damage control in high gear. 

George Galloway speaks

Arabs & Muslims Called On To Rise Up In Front of Israeli Embassies – video 

A Heinous Crime Committed By Israeli Forces! – video with lying Likud shill

Israeli Butchery at Sea by Gilad Atzmon

“I hope this begins the biggest wave of  ‘anti-semitism’ the world has ever known” How Dare I …..

Stop U.S. Support of Israeli Terrorism

‘Aid’ to Israel –better described as a ‘rogue’ or ‘terrorist’ nation than a ‘state’ –must end!

The time has come to cut off all ‘aid’ to Israel.

By supporting Israel, the U.S. is itself in violation of the law, specifically, the ‘Symington Amendment’ in which aid of any type is forbidden to ‘Nuclear states’ which are not signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty‘. Moreover, ‘Dual-citizen’ Israelis now serve in U.S. government positions, obvious instances of conflict of interest but worse –allegiance! Clearly –this practice is subversive of U.S. security and should have been considered ‘treasonous’ if the U.S. had been truly at ‘war’ against ‘terrorist’ nations. Rather, a convincing case that Israel itself is a terrorist nation in partnership with the United States. I find it hard to believe that any other nation has allowed any other nation the access allowed Israel by the United States.

It is time that people themselves began to demand an end to the un-holy CIA/Israel partnership even if there is precious little that mere ‘people’ can do against that other ‘terrorist’ organization: Mossad. There is, however, tremendous political pressure that might be applied to members of Congress and the various ‘consulate’ offices that the client state of Israel maintains on U.S. soil. {more – Len Hart}

Obama is a pussy!

Obama should have been the one to cancel tomorrow’s meeting.

If Obama were a real man of principles, like Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, or John Kennedy, he would stop being such a pussy with Israel and sever all diplomatic relations with Israel for so misusing the military equipment the US gave them.

Setting aside the recent revelation that Israel attempted to sell a nuclear weapon to South Africa, which means ALL US aid to Israel is illegal, the military aid granted to Israel is specifically to be used for defense. Attacking a humanitarian aid convoy in international waters is not defense; it is piracy. Netenyahu has made the US an accessory to this crime because the US supplied the weapons and equipment used to kill the peace activists.

The longer limp-dick Obama wimps out and “studies the situation” the more obvious it becomes that Israel is indeed blackmailing the United States government with 9-11 to enslave our nation.

Obama is a pussy! {Mike Rivero

Rumours about Obama: Blackmail Threat

fork, israel, done