jewish scam

Busted: The Orthodox Criminal Network

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by Christopher Bollyn

Some of the members of the international Orthodox Jewish criminal network arrested on July 23, 2009. This network is deeply involved in illegal narcotics and financial crimes.

The FBI’s mass arrest on July 23 of Orthodox rabbis, their partners-in-crime, and the venal and corrupt politicians who accepted bribes from a Jewish gangster-turned-witness provides essential insight into the extensive Othodox Jewish criminal network that dominates Israel, New York, New Jersey, and to a great extent the United States of America. Having written a great deal about this subject, particularly in relation to the false flag terror attacks of 9-11, there are a few important things that need to be pointed out about this developing story.


This is a very important story, not only for the insular and segregated Orthodox Jewish community in which this criminal network operates but for the larger intercommunal relationship between Jews and the U.S. general public, which is incensed and indignant about being ripped off for hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars by notorious Jews like Bernard Madoff, Maurice Greenberg of A.I.G., and Ben Shalom Bernanke of the Federal Reserve. “If the charges against the rabbis are proved to have been correct,” one veteran Brooklyn rabbi told the Israeli press, “it’ll be the worst and most terrible blasphemy that will ever be remembered about the New York Jews.”

While the controlled media wrongly puts the focus on the corrupt minor politicians who allegedly took bribes, the real crooks are those who paid the bribes and used dirty money to corrupt politicians. The main players in this criminal network are among the leading members of the Sephardic Jewish community of Brooklyn, New York City, and Deal, New Jersey. The key players, such as the FBI’s cooperating witness Solomon “Shlomo” Dwek and the 87-year-old “chief rabbi” Shaul J. Kassin, are both high-ranking members of this closed community, which is actually Israeli (or Palestinian prior to 1948). A member of the Dwek clan, Rafi Dwek, for example, is director-general of the Likud party, the extreme right-wing party of Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, and Benjamin Netanyahu.

Shlomo Dwek, the Talmud teacher and Jewish gangster-turned-witness who helped expose a small part of the international Orthodox criminal network

Israeli members of this Syrian Orthodox Jewish community are discussed in my articles about the secret visit of Ehud Olmert to New York City on the very eve of 9-11. During this top-secret visit on September 10, 2001, Ehud Olmert, then the Likud mayor of Jerusalem, met with two other Likudniks from the Syrian Jewish community, namely Shaul and Meir Levy, founders and owners of the “Wings” beach store chain. Having visited one of these massive “Wings” stores in North Miami Beach, I am convinced that the Levy brothers deal in more than beach towels and suntan lotion.

The tiny Syrian Jewish enclave of Deal, New Jersey (population 1,000), has been mentioned in my 9-11 research, for example in the chapter on the Architecture of Terror. When the FBI busted 5 prominent rabbis from this secretive group of Syrian/Israeli Orthodox Jews, I was very interested and watched to see how the media covered this story, which is far more important than many realize. This story reveals the fundamental Jewish method of corruption and political control, which is the subject of my earlier 9-11 article about Italian Gangsters and their Jewish Bosses. While the rabbis and the Jewish “charities” were laundering tens of millions of dollars, venal politicians were being bought off by the rabbi’s son for a few thousand dollars, literally for pennies on the dollar. Two things are striking about this latest story: the depth and extent of the Jewish criminal network and the cheapness and degree of corruption of our political leaders. The Jewish criminal network is just as entrenched in Chicago, Miami, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles as it is in New York and New Jersey.

The Dwek and Kassin families are very close and have been since at least the early years of the 1900s when they studied Talmud and Kabbalah together in the yeshiva in Jerusalem (then part of the district of Syria in the Turkish Ottoman Empire). The Kassin family came to America from Palestine in August 1933. Rabbi Jacob and his wife Mazal arrived in New York with their first four children, the eldest being Shaul, the now indicted rabbi. Mazal, the rabbi’s 30-year-old wife was unable to read or write, according to immigration documents, which is not unusual for this segregated and backwards community. Orthodox Jewish women are known to be treated as untouchable second-class humans and are made to ride in the back of the bus even today in Israel. Non-Jews, “Goyim” or Gentiles, are considered to be even lower and are despised by Orthodox Jews yet they choose to live and carry out their criminal schemes in America, which has a population which is overwhelmingly non-Jewish.


The Syrian Jewish community is known for its strict racial Edict that acts like “an invisible fence” and bans members of the community from marrying anyone outside of the community. “Never accept a convert or a child born of a convert,” the son of rabbi Kassin told Zev Chavets of the New York Times in 2007, summarizing the message of the Edict. “Push them away with strong hands from our community. Why? Because we don’t want gentile characteristics.”

To understand the ties between the key families in this story, I recommend Sarina Roffé’s articles on the Kassin and Labaton rabbinic dynasties. Sarina is an expert on Syrian Jewry and a member of Brooklyn’s Syrian Jewish community and the Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. of New York.

The “Syrian” Jewish community is well known for its notorious criminals. One of the most infamous is Eddie Antar, a.k.a. Crazy Eddie. In the ’70s, he created an empire in the home electronics business. When he was caught defrauding investors of nearly $100 million dollars, he fled to Israel, was extradited, prosecuted (by then U.S. Attorney Michael Chertoff), and sent to prison. Antar, who still lives in the community “enclave”, told the Jewish Week that the recent mass arrest of rabbis doesn’t surprise him at all. “Most people in this community are law-abiding hard-working Americans and the alleged actions of a few people are no reflection on the entire community. But I’m not surprised when I see this kind of thing happen.”

Small, tight-knit communities such as the Syrian Jewish enclave in New Jersey and Brooklyn are particularly prone to financial crime, he said. “It happens all the time in all kinds of closed, insular communities, and these crimes are the toughest to crack,” he said. “The people are bound not just by economic incentives, but cultural, religious, ethnic and family ties. They tend to be highly coordinated, and they can take years to investigate.” When the dust settles “hundreds” of people could be implicated, Antar predicted. Antar’s prediction that many more people are involved comes from a person who knows the Orthodox criminal network from the inside.


The most obvious question that a person would ask after hearing the report of the mass arrest of Orthodox rabbis: What kind of religious community is this Orthodox Jewish community in which its leaders are venal crooks who engage in serious criminal activity as easily as one drinks a glass of water?

“These rings, led by clergymen, cloaked their extensive criminal activities behind a facade of rectitude,” New Jersey District Attorney Ralph Marra said, describing a disgraceful picture of religious leaders heading money-laundering crews and acting as crime bosses. They moved “at least tens of millions of dollars through charitable, nonprofit entities controlled by rabbis in New York and New Jersey,” Marra said. Exactly where the “tens of millions of dollars” came from has not been explained, but connections to the illegal drug trade and the Madoff scam are both very likely.

Crime Boss” Shaul J. Kassin, 87, chief rabbi of the Syrian Jewish community

“Religious leaders allegedly acted like ‘crime bosses'”, was the Marra quote that became the title of a July 26 article in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. “For these defendants, corruption was a way of life.”

Israelis, however, are well aware of the gangster methods and tactics of the Orthodox Jewish community, something most Americans are only becoming aware of as a result of this mass arrest. Small Orthodox Jewish parties, such as Israel’s theocratic Shas Party, have long wielded enormous clout in Israel’s coalition governments and used political extortion to obtain special privileges for the Orthodox community. Orthodox religious practices and conversions, for example, are the only ones recognized in the “Jewish state.” The Shas party’s seed money was raised in rabbi Kassin’s living room in Deal, N.J., in the early ’80s.

In most cases the indicted rabbis used Jewish and Zionist “charitable organizations” to launder money that they believed came from bank fraud and selling counterfeit goods. Dwek told the rabbis he was trying to hide large amounts of cash. In some instances, he said, the money came from the sale of fake Gucci bags. It should be noted, however, that the Orthodox Jewish community has a long and documented history of involvement in the sale of narcotics and illegal drugs, such as Ecstasy. The Syrian Jewish community is very powerful in Latin America. Another Kassin family member, a Miami resident from Colombia named “Victor Tesone Kassin,” for example, was indicted in a $100 million money laundering operation to wash drug profits from Colombian narcotics with drug financier Isaac Kattan in 1982 following a similar investigation called Operation Greenback. This operation involved a bank in Miami and Switzerland. Switzerland and Israel played roles in the recently busted Jewish money-laundering operation and are also thought to be involved in the disappearance of tens of billions of dollars from the Madoff scam as well.

A Brooklyn Jewish man, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, is charged with enticing poor people in Israel to give up a kidney for $10,000 so he could sell their organs for $160,000 each, according to Marra. Some, if not all, of the kidney removal operations were reportedly carried out at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital.

The arrest of the Orthodox rabbis led some to dub the affair “Kosher Nostra.” The rabbis, including two synagogue leaders, are suspected of organizing a money-laundering network that allegedly worked through charities in Deal, Brooklyn and Israel, Ha’aretz reported. The 15 people arrested on money laundering charges were all Orthodox Jews and/or Israelis, including the “kidney trade middleman,” a.k.a. Levi-Yitzhak Rosenbaum. There were so many detainees that a bus was used to transport them. This massive arrest, however, is seen by many as only the tip of the iceberg.

Officials say investigations originally focused on an international Orthodox Jewish network that laundered tens of millions of dollars through charities controlled by rabbis in New Jersey and New York. This money-laundering network is most likely connected to the $50 billion Bernie Madoff scam. Madoff, as I pointed out in my articles about his scam, managed the Sy Syms school of business at the Orthodox Jewish community’s Yeshiva University. Another Sephardic family, the Recanati family, has a great deal of influence in the shipping and selling of crude oil and at the Israel Discount Bank, the corrupt private bank where Sy Syms was a director for many years. Like the 9-11 crime and cover-up, at every key nodal point of this vast criminal financial network — one finds an Orthodox Jew.

Levy Itzhak Rosenbaum used his gun to threaten poor kidney donors who got cold feet. He made more than $150,000 for each kidney he traded.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, “The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11

Bollyn, Christopher, “Ehud Olmert Was in New York on 9-11,” December 2, 2007

Bollyn, Christopher, 9-11: The Israeli Network in Florida,” May 21, 2008

Bollyn, Christopher, “The Italian Gangsters and Their Jewish Bosses,” October 1, 2007

Chavets, Zev, “The Sy Empire,” New York Times Magazine, October 14, 2007

Roffé, Sarina, “Kassin Rabbinic Dynasty” and “Labaton Rabbinic Dynasty

Source: Christopher Bollyn

The Bollyn 9/11 archives are Here.

JIDF hate group attacks free speech

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The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) is a non-violent protest group who share concerns about antisemitic online content, as well as content which promotes terrorism on sites including Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Google Earth, Blogger, and other sites and forums throughout the internet. The JIDF believes in direct action both to eradicate the problems we face online and to create the publicity that will cause those with the power (companies like Facebook and Google) to take the needed action themselves.

A jewish group, the JIDF, taking issue with the jewish internet moguls….yeah right.

Facebook – Mark Zuckerberg

Google, youtube, blogger – Sergey BrinLarry Page

Wikipedia – Jimmy Wales

The enemies huh…

Before you slobber all over yourself, the JIDF can help.



A non-violent protest group…I’ll have to question that. Attacking free speech, creating false history and trolling the internet to censor any criticism of jewish criminals and their allies plus Israeli genocide and war crimes may not be physically violent but it sure as hell is violent against freedom and truth.

“eradicate the problems we face online” means shutting down anyone who would dare to express their first amendment rights.

The JIDF, google, wikipedia, youtube…..

working together to create an antisemitic free internet….. one where the truth has no place.

The Law of Compensation Regarding Conservatives and Zionism.

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A comment from a previous post recommended A World Of Our Own. Here is an interesting essay. Food for thought.

You Bet Your Life

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The tribe has been deceived by one of their own.

Wolf Blitzer reported tonight that the Bernard Madoff scams have put some very rich Jewish investors in a bind. Some had put 100% of their liquid assets with him and now need money to live on.

Let me repeat that. Wealthy just a few days ago. Can’t pay the light bill today?

Sorry but I just had to laugh. Very loud…

The Times reports:
In the wealthy enclaves of Long Island and Palm Beach, people spent years trying to get on to Bernie Madoff’s client list. Some even joined the blue-blooded golf clubs where he was a member – and where he recruited many of his investors – just for the chance of meeting him.

Inside this world of predominately older, less flashy investors, there is not just shock and panic over the huge losses inflicted by Mr Madoff’s colossal swindle. There is a profound sense of betrayal. To many he was not just a philanthropic pillar of the community: many considered him a friend.

In Palm Beach, Florida, many were happy to part with hundreds of thousands of dollars of membership fees each year in the hope of an encounter with Mr Madoff. Roughly a third of the club’s members had invested with him.

One of the most prominent victims of the scheme is Mort Zuckerman, owner of the New York Daily News and US News & World Report, who ran a fund with considerable sums invested. Steven Spielberg, the Hollywood director, has also been affected; his charity, the Wunderkinder Foundation, was a client.

The membership of the Palm Beach Country Club is, like Mr Madoff, actively involved in charitable concerns. Philanthropic interest is a requisite to join the club, which was established in the 1950s by Jews excluded from Anglo-Saxon clubs. Mr Madoff ran the Madoff Family Foundation, which donated money to numerous Jewish charities. Jewish schools and charities have been particularly badly hit. One is the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity, founded by the Holocaust survivor. Yeshiva University, in New York, where Mr Madoff served on the board, also had investments with him. Some charities have already had to close down.

The shock and distress throughout Palm Beach was widespread and profound yesterday. Dozens of investors, and entire families, face ruin.

What has the world come to when a Jew can’t trust a Jew with his money?

It’s what the majority of us have had to deal with for a long time.

The backlash is coming.

You Bet Your Life

Hebrewnomics — Helping To Expose The Jewish Exploiters

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SO IT TURNS OUT THAT ONE OF THE LARGEST PONZI SCHEMES IN HISTORY was run by the Jew Bernard L. Madoff. Who knows how many billions were transferred out of the country to Israel, Switzerland, or some Caribbean island before this wicked scheme came crashing down. At least we can take solace in the fact that many of his Jewish family members, friends, and coworkers will be well cared for during his stay in prison: “Madoff said he had about $200 million to $300 million left and planned to distribute money to select employees, family and friends before surrendering to authorities in about a week, the government said.” Quite hilariously, Madoff was a major benefactor and supporter of the Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University (he was the treasurer of the board of directors there…what chutzpah The Chosen have!), though his name was promptly removed from their website once the scandal broke; however, it’s still viewable in the cached versions of some webpages or by highlighting the blank spot where his name once was.

This is in no way surprising: Jews are disproportionately white-collar criminals and have comprised the highly exploitative hypercapitalist class in every single country they have ever settled in (there used to be a whole lot of Jewish blue-collar criminals too…maybe there still are?). They move fluidly between the role of predator, parasite, or scavenger depending on their overall situation in the host country. At any given time the individual Jew or groups of Jews in a society are playing one or more of these different roles, but there is always an elite core of ultra-plutocratic Jews who manage to claw, cheat, steal, deceive, and/or kill their way to the top of the economic food chain at which point they commence to vampirically bleed the country dry of as much money as they can and begin to hoard it for themselves and the Jewish community.

Many of these plutocratic Jews do indeed give much money to charities, but the vast majority of these charities ‘just happen to be’ Jewish charities which support Jewish enrichment activities even though Jews are already one of the wealthiest and most successful ethnic groups in the world (i.e., they hardly need any charity). In addition to these organizations related exclusively to Jewish education, Jewish business endeavors, Jewish health issues, Israel/Zionism, etc., a whole lot of wealthy Jews also send many billions per year to support legions of highly unproductive Talmud scholars and other Yeshiva bochers (all of these schools are registered as tax-free nonprofits, of course) which serves to sharpen the collective Jewish mind at the expense of non-Jewish money; the most learned and intelligent scholars also tend to have the most children in these communities, which eugenically enriches the overall Jewish gene pool with very intelligent (but so often devious) DNA. Along with the billions given to them by their wealthy co-ethnics, these Talmudic parasites also manage to collect lots of government welfare because they often officially fall below the poverty line due to their very large families and lack of employment (because of their extreme non-assimilation within the wider society). To make matters worse, a lot of money is laundered by these Talmudists for the very wealthy secular Jews and they cooperatively deal in various black-markets: illegal tax-evading diamonds (along with precious metals), expensive jewelry, drugs, rare art works, valuable archaeological artifacts, and other high-priced but easily hidden and transported goods are constantly traded hands under the table amongst these people as they seek to avoid government tax collectors (many of who are actually, SURPRISE!, Jewish).

Unfortunately, a fairly large amount of these Talmudists eventually leave the ghettoized Yeshivas (or their kids do) for the secular world (recent examples include Chertoff, Mukasey, Shalom Weiss, etc etc.) and commence to use their sharply analytical, highly suspicious, hyperintense, and greedy-scheming-materialistic minds to figure out even more ways to economically rip-off non-Jews and/or worm their way in to high-paying and influential positions in the arenas of business, the media, and government with the help of their ethnic networks — thus these Yeshivas often account to nothing more than breeding grounds (remember, they are largely funded by the money of ripped-off Gentiles) for generation after generation of hucksters, swindlers, con-artists, schemers, fraudsters, and criminals of all stripes…in short, new generations of corrupt bankers, lying lawyers, unjust journalists, Occidental-hating professors, dishonest politicians, and so on. This allows them to further cement and centralize their control over an already prostrate society.

Here’s another article: read it but do not weep — instead, read that article (noting all of the Jews found therein) and get very angry over the greed and hubris of the most materialistic, scheming, and avaricious group of human beings to ever walk planet Earth. Next, take a few minutes and learn how various peoples and nations in the past rewarded them for their economic terrorism.


Your Shylock Eyes Will Tell On You

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You’ll crouch beneath the bridge you’re building
The walkway to your starlit dreams.
You’ll curse the One who laughs and watches
The blotches of your bitter scene.

John Huston playing the character of Jon Davies in costume as Shylock (2000)

By Patrick Grimm

Every single time you turn on the television and watch the spectacle of President Bush flanked by his Jewish financial handlers, you can see these powerbrokers attempting to look serious and sober-minded, but they just can’t keep the smirk out of their eyes. They are glowing with pride and an insouciant mischievousness that can’t be disguised. It’s a game to them, a game they’ve been playing and winning for probably 4,000 years of human history. The Tribe, these desert nomads who slithered their way into Egypt and plundered its treasures and made one last steal when they escaped with the gold and silver, are good at theft. This time, however, it’s not quite as flagrant. They aren’t spilling blood, poisoning the water and cattle and smiting your first-born, yet. Unless of course you count Iraq.

It’s all about usury. It’s as simple as that. Jewish power and Zion’s configuration of control are only propagated by usury and loan-sharking. Sometimes we make the Jewish Problem much more difficult and convoluted than it needs to be. We have complicated something that is childishly simple. If you are utterly broke and I loan you a sizeable chunk of change all while charging you an obscene rate of interest, then you become my slave. In fact, you become more broke, more in debt, and you are bound to me because of the debt you owe. If I am an unforgiving man, I will take everything you own.

Somewhere thousands of years ago, buried within the mysterious and hoary annals of history, a Jew came upon a system of enslavement, a system whereby he might increase his wealth without soiling his Self-Chosen hands. We can’t say exactly who this Jew might have been, but he was clever. He probably loaned out whatever was used for currency at that time to a poor non-Jewish peasant. He made this peasant promise to pay him back at an exorbitant rate of interest. This Jew soon found that his usury yielded him quite a profit, certainly more profit than he could gain from tilling the soil and he cared little that the non-Jewish peasant was left destitute and probably perished as a result of his poverty. After all, there wasn’t a generous welfare state to keep this poor soul from starvation.

And so the scheme gathered steam and another thousand years later, Jews were storing gold for the hapless Goyim and then issuing them paper for their market transactions. Of course, as it is contemporaneously, there was more paper than there was gold to back it up. But the Goy, an economic neophyte, didn’t understand this and frankly, he probably didn’t care. He was ignorant, fat and happy with the arrangement, all while the Jew made a killing from the interest on the gold, gold that he readily used to compound his own profits.

As someone more economically savvy that I explained so well, today we are enslaved by a Jewish-run system and are being bankrupted all for the price of some ink, paper and a few bookkeepers. This is the travesty of our central banking counterfeit scheme, brought to us by the same folks who have given us so many other little societal treasures.

White people, those of European heritage had their chance to make it to the farthest star, as David Duke is often fond of writing. Sadly, our wings were clipped a long time ago. The path upward has now become a slippery slope leading to wreck and to ruin. Our Icarus barely made it into the air, but it wasn’t the sun that brought him down.

The power that has stymied and stifled us is fueled by nothing more complicated than usury, by loan-sharking, by greed and bribery and the control that only money can buy. Every mode of communication, every newspaper, every publishing company, every government official and politician, every TV network, every phony conservative talk show host, every journal, magazine and periodical, every movie on the Silver Screen, every televangelist, every university, every major nation and every word that is allowed to be consumed by the public has been bought and paid for by the highest bidder and the highest bidder is always the Jew. He owned the means of transaction right from the get-go. Who can compete with that? No one.

This moneyed elite have brought kings, emperors and dictators to their knees. They held the Romans hostage and made a George Bush-like stooge out of Julius Caesar. Is it any wonder that Brutus and Cassius did what they had to do? And yet we think that simply creating a white media is the answer to our problems. Nonsense. We are up against a Jewish fortress of Mammon so all-encompassing as to make the most powerful men on earth tremble at its might. Only the bravest or most foolish souls dare to mention this looting leviathan that is robbing us blind. There is not a whisper of it in the public square.

Yet even the Jewish tribalists themselves know that this avaricious feeding frenzy cannot go on forever. The structure is collapsing. The axe is being taken to the root of the tree. And yes, a few of the Goyim are awakening, broke, hung-over and looking for someone to blame. Let us hope that they don’t place the blame upon the Illuminati, the Trilateralists, the Freemasons or God forbid, the Vatican. Yet these are the false paths that many of our people are being led down by the gatekeepers who have weaseled their way into the information stream.

No, we must point our fingers at the real culprits, to the Jewish Mammon empire that is enslaving us with debt, with inflation and with the theft of our wealth and our property. Eminent essayist John Kaminski declares that “Your God is in your wallet” and “Your money is your life.” These are sad truisms, but they are only true because of the centralized, Judaized system that has stacked the odds against us right from the beginning. The game is rigged, the cards are marked and the Jewish economic elite are glowing with insouciant mischief. Can’t you see the smirks emanating from their Shylock eyes?


The myth of the ‘Jewish people’

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Thursday, October 09, 2008


Jonathan Cook describes (or here) the Israeli best seller When and How Was the Jewish People Invented? There does not appear to have been any serious attempt to refute the main points made by its author, Shlomo Sand (who waited until he was a professor to publish the book, as “There is a price to be paid in Israeli academia for expressing views of this sort.”):

  1. the idea that Jews existed as a people separate from their religion is completely new, with no basis in Jewish thought, and was created by Zionist ideologues in the nineteenth century (presumably inspired by the popularity of various ethnic nationalisms in vogue at the time, concepts which caused great tragedy in the following century);
  2. the kingdoms of David and Solomon are legends;
  3. there never was an exile as the Romans did not exile people and all evidence shows that the Jews stayed on their lands (other have pointed out that there never was an expulsion from Egypt as no contemporary Egyptian records make mention of it, and the whole concept of exodus is fishy as the area where Moses supposedly headed, Palestine, was also under Egyptian control at the time);
  4. the idea of exile may have come from early Christians, who used it as a conversion tool in explaining that the exile was punishment from God;
  5. the modern Zionist idea of Jews being obligated to return from exile to the Promised Land was entirely alien to Judaism, and is in fact senseless as there was no exile to return from (the history of Jews spreading around the world comes from the religious necessity of the time of proselytizing);
  6. most of today’s Jews have no historical connection to Israel;
  7. It is not taught in Israeli schools but most of the early Zionist leaders, including David Ben Gurion [Israel’s first prime minister], believed that the Palestinians were the descendants of the area’s original Jews. They believed the Jews had later converted to Islam.

Here is more Cook, this time on the misuse of Biblical archaeology in the ‘City of David’.


My Quest Remains the Same

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By Patrick Grimm

During the last four and a half months while I have been away from the work of Zionist Watch, many things have happened. I have starred in two different plays, acquired a new job, have begun dating a wonderful new woman who is also involved in this cause and I have also had several kidney stones, one of which required surgery to break up. So many terrible things have been wrought by the Jewish supremacists since I stepped away from my job as an essayist and I will try my best to touch on many of them while giving my own insights and thoughts on these outrages and abuses.

Jewish supremacism is a worldwide global disease of opportunism by a band of Jewish psychopaths who have conned their way into positions of control, influence and dominion over the rest of us. What chagrins me most is the fact that the American and European people still seem frozen in their thought processes and ability to identify the menace behind the economic collapse, the illegal immigrant invasion of white nations and the new wars just on the horizon, the Russia/Georgia conflict being only one recent contemporary example.

My job is clear. I must labor on in my quest and that quest has remained the same since the day I wrote my first essay. That quest rests on the pillars of truth-telling and honesty. Exposure is my goal and my purpose in penning my numerous bromides against the criminal network working through the religion of Judaism. This network is well-oiled and carefully organized, their synchronized machine honed and perfected to a smooth-running instrument of destruction. It is my job and the job of every anti-Zionist in every nation, of every race, religion and creed to bring to the fore the facts of this Tribe of miscreant thieves, usurpers and subverters, these purloiners of every form of higher life, higher thought and higher values. Hanging in the balance is our survival, for our demise is surely the intent of Big Jewry and all those people and groups who pledge allegiance to its precepts of death.

Yes, I am glad to be back. I am happy for the new advancements and positive circumstances in my own life, but I am committed to defeating Zionism and Jewish supremacism. We all must do what we are able to do to bring to light the works of those who yearn for nothing more than a world of slavery with a population of chattel serving their whims and perceived needs. Stand with me. If you can write, then write with all your heart. If you can create videos, then use your technological skill. If you can orate, then speak with passion and conviction and tell the horrible truth to the benighted. We all must do what we do best. I am doing exactly that.

The Savage Nature of Big Jewry

By Patrick Grimm

An organism with a savage nature now draws blood and sustenance from our nation. This parasitic beast is never referred to publicly and is only spoken of in hushed tones and fearful whispers by those few enlightened persons amongst the addled public. But silence and fear do not change reality or the sinister “personality” traits of this creature that now grips and drains us. Yes, there is a name to our pain; it is Big Jewry. Big Jewry’s savagery and callousness is remarkable and grows more wretched and excessive with every passing day.

Michael Savage, a right-wing Zionist Jew, has a nightly radio program called the Savage Nation. On this program, the San Francisco host insists that we need “a more Savage Nation.” He may throw out some perfunctory barbs against modern liberalism and rail against its excesses with his Brooklyn accent, but he will not identify the true “enemy within.” That enemy is Big Jewry. What Dr. Savage seems not to notice or what he chooses to bury within his mostly neo-conservative rants is that we do have a more savage nation. America, under the control of Big Jewry is, next to Israel, the most hated nation on planet earth, and I must say, it is rightfully hated and despised by people of good will everywhere. The savagery of Big Jewry has made it so. We are a “more savage nation” in every possible way. Our savagery knows no bounds. Michael Savage may identify the effects, but with true Jewish clannishness, he dares not identify the Cause, the Primary Mover that has pushed us into the maelstrom, the national catastrophe we are besieged by. This catastrophe has been brought on by one group.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. The mortgage bubble has popped. Our banking institutions collapse daily. Foreclosures and bankruptcy will soon be the norm in America. We are a country held up by a precarious pyramid counterfeiting scheme run by a Federal Reserve headed up entirely by the Zionist agents of Big Jewry. Paulson, Bernanke and their ilk steer the American economic machine straight through a guard rail. We are bankrupt and wading in enough red ink to reach a horse’s bridle. Our plastique politicians, also agents of Zion and Big Jewry, now submit and bow to the magnates of Jewish power and global Zionism. They reward the robbery, the banditry of the thieving Jews of Wall Street by reaching into the public purse and snatching hundreds of billions of our devalued dollars to pay this Pied Viper. There will be trillions more forthcoming. Do you doubt it?

Big Jewry is a savage beast. Its Talmudic satellite states, puppet governments for the criminal headquarters of the internationalist Diaspora, a speck of stolen land called Israel, wage war against nationalism wherever it rears its long overdue head. The Jew-stocked media then disseminate their usual cover-up and lies and provide more subterfuge for the Terrible Tribe. The beastly eternal war state of Zionism arms these Zio-America-friendly nations and they then instigate wars against countries attempting to wrest themselves free of the yoke of Jewry. This was what we witnessed with the orchestrated conflict between Georgia and Russia. Georgia killed Russian peace-keepers after being armed to the teeth by Israeli weaponry and technology. When Russia justifiably reacted, the Big Jewry media presented the entire conflagration as an unprovoked attack by Russia against an innocent country that was an ally of the United States. Of course, what they didn’t tell the viewer is that Georgia is a haven for Jews with Israeli dual citizenship and its entire government is rife with them. Georgia is a smaller version of what so many other countries have morphed into after an infusion of Jewish people and Jewish money; it is a Talmudic satellite state of Israel.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. It demands 100% fealty to its agenda or destruction will ensue. Sarah Palin, a pretty, but empty-headed Christian fundamentalist who is, surprise, surprise, a Zionist, swears her “love for Israel” and assures the Jews that she is on board for their agenda. Of course, she had already been vetted to ensure that she would always put the interests of Israel before the United States. In fact, in recent years while governor of Alaska, the proud hockey mom even met with rabbis from the Chabad Lubavitch sect of Hasidic Orthodox Judaism. The Lubavitchers are a racist, fanatically anti-Gentile organization which declares non-Jews not to even be human beings at all, but refuse and animals. Yet there is not a peep from the Jew Tube about this radical Jewish sect which courts presidents and prime ministers. Governor Palin is surely bright enough to know that she must bend to the will of Big Jewry or be obliterated by its beast-like machine of defamation and slander. And so she does, smiling her adorably cute smile and winking at the Goyim knowingly as she embraces the Jewish tribalists who loathe every value she holds dear and who especially hate every white person who draws breath. We can be sure that if elected, Palin will continue to carry out the savage aims of Jewish supremacism or be immediately damned by the media.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. As we speak, a brave and courageous academic and activist, a man I have met personally, Dr. Frederick Toben is being held by the acolytes of worldwide Big Jewry after having been seized at an airport in London. He will soon be deported to Germany where he will be tried by Jewish extremists for daring to question their version of what took place during World War II. The sheer brazenness of this power play by Big Jewry against this brave man shows that their audacity and chutzpah has only been ballooned by their success at imprisoning other academics who expose their Holocaust lies and their fantastically powerful control over both the economies and media apparatuses of America, Canada and Europe. The beast has only grown stronger as we have been weakened by its societal toxins. Our laziness, fear and hesitation to oppose this behemoth has paved the way for the imprisonment of Toben, Zundel, Rudolf and Irving, among many, many others. Soon any critics of Jews and Zionism, whether abroad or in the United States, will be thrown into FEMA style concentration camps without trial and with no hope of ever being released. This is not fantasy. It is an eventuality. The gulag is coming to a town near you. If you don’t believe this then you don’t know Jewish history very well.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. To ensconce themselves in the highest seats of power, they have used bribery, blackmail, murder, espionage and intimidation against our government officials. To stymie our will to stop them, they have utilized pornography, mass media, the drugging of our young men and the poisoning of our food, water and pharmaceuticals. They have seized the once white-run universities and now scrape off the last slivers of any racial pride that could still conceivably be hanging on. They have infiltrated our white nationalist activist groups with their Jew agents, dirty and compromised individuals like pseudo-Nazi Bill White (Weiss) and the FBI informant Hal Turner. Big Jewry hates white unity and racial awareness and tries to stamp it out at every turn. Why? Because it is potentially one of the most powerful ways that we could unite to smash their power base in the media, in academia and in Hollywood. We have not succeeded on this front and our children and communities now pay the price as our youth are brainwashed, chemically lobotomized and neutered, or are maimed or killed as they spill their blood for the Jew in the Middle East. Our once serene neighborhoods now ring out with the gunfire of minority criminals and are strewn with the garbage tossed into the streets by the Third World dregs welcomed into America by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

Things grow more precarious and more tragic for our nation and people by the day. The parasitic organism, the beast of Big Jewry tears at every last shred of our dignity and our institutions, unleashing a flood of scatology, socialism, sickness and swill into the faces of our families. America is sick, bankrupt financially and morally, and literally dying as a nation. It is a rotting corpse that the rest of the world gazes upon with disgust, fascination and pity. We are the perennially interesting car crash. We are no more significant in our decay than this.

Yet the enemy, the culprits, the parasitic Ones must be named. One group has done this, has purposefully and malignantly orchestrated this death knell for our nation-state and our people. They are the same Tribe that rotted away Egypt and Rome from within. They were tossed out of Greece before Christianity was even a thought. Spain drove them violently from their borders. England dismissed them from its kingdom in the 13th century, only to have this Tribe finagle their way back in later. France expelled them numerous times, always to return. Napoleon Bonaparte was tricked into granting them the rights of full citizens. Russia was besieged, imprisoned and its people finally mass murdered by this Tribe. The Palestinians were displaced and slaughtered by them and British soldiers were hung from piano wire by this enemy when they wanted to stop the carnage. They are, and always have been, the Jews.

For you see, it is not enough, my friends, to rail against the blood they have spilled. We must point out the parasite. It is not enough to only indicate their crimes and the trillions stolen and the more than a billion people murdered historically either directly or indirectly by their machinations, deceit and money power. NO! OUR PAIN MUST BE NAMED. It is, and has always been, BIG JEWRY. It is the beast, the savage and callous creature that is the Eternal Jew.


Damage control

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Friday, August 01, 2008

False-flag self-hating? There is a rather obvious attempt at damage control orchestrated by World Jewry and fronted by Zionist – not to mention, huge Iraq attack cheerleader – Joe Klein. The fear is that the Iraq/Iran war debacle, which is now directly impinging on the privileged lifestyle of the average American, will end up being blamed on the two-faced American Jewish community, and in particular on its Jewish Billionaire ‘leaders’. It is thus time to throw Doug Feith and his fellow war criminal co-conspirators under the bus (“. . . a small group of Jewish neoconservatives”), and save the larger group so it may continue to scheme for future war crimes. The idea is to put all the blame on a handful of neocons, making sure to emphasize that the real blame still lies with Gentiles Bush and Cheney, increase the credibility of the charge by having the usual suspects like Foxman throw the slur around, and thus limit the damage to a tiny group of ‘dual loyalists’. This campaign is being led by lite Zionists with the help of the Israeli Zionist establishment, but is receiving support from the usual ‘anti-war’ crowd as well. Note the spin from Levy:

“Were the Jewish neocons in control and did they make the fatal decisions? No. Are all Jews neoconservatives or are all neoconservatives Jews? Please! Are the Jews or Israel to blame for the Bush Middle East debacle? Get outta here.

Something did happen though – there was a failure within the mainstream, Jewish and non-Jewish, to identify the existence of a particular Jewish neoconservative narrative and then to challenge that narrative as being fundamentally flawed in its reading of both American and Israeli interests.”

The JStreet survey proves that Americans who self-identify as Jewish – and I note that decent Jewish Americans are tending to assimilate partly to avoid being associated with the deep two-faced immorality of the American Jewish community – are clearly against sharing Jerusalem, which is code for support of all the settler movement eliminationist positions, including, however they may deceive themselves, the Zionist attacks on Iraq and Iran.


Some revealing quotes by Benjamin Disraeli…

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Friday, July 18, 2008 The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The Jew Benjamin Disraeli was a long-time thorn in the side of the British Government over many decades in Victorian England. He was an agitator (typical Jewish trait) who eventually brow-beat enough good folk in the House of Commons into making him Prime Minister. This final crown of achievement came in the latter part of the 1800s, whilst Queen Victoria presided over the greatest Empire the world had ever seen. Disraeli was a self-admitted groveler to his superiors (he fawningly suggested the title of “Empress of India” be bestowed on Victoria; she loved the idea and from then on Disraeli could do no wrong in her view). He also openly admitted he only married a very rich woman for her money as he felt it would advance his political career. This guy was a sychophantic slimer of the Nth degree. But what makes Disraeli of particular interest to us here today is some of the curious quotes he came out with during his noteworthy life. We are pleased to reproduce some of them herewith with apposite observations on each…

“Frank and explicit – that is the right line to take when you wish to conceal your own mind and confuse the minds of others.”


“Colonies do not cease to be colonies because they are independent.”


“Damn your principles! Stick to your party.”


“In politics nothing is contemptible.”


“London is a modern Babylon.”


“London is a roost for every bird.”


“Real politics are the possession and distribution of power.”


“The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans.”


“The more you are talked about the less powerful you are.”


“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”


Disraeli’s premiership degraded the high watermark of Liberalism in late Victorian England. This is TRUE Liberalism we’re talking about here: freedom of individual, unfettered speech and thought, the freedom to bear arms routinely in the street; the freedom to buy drugs and poisons legitimately over-the-counter from any apothecary. Freedoms that carried great responsibility. Abuse them and in those days you paid with your life. But the presumption was that you would NOT abuse them, so there were no controls, and with no Negroes around to speak of at that time, very few people misused these valuable liberties.

The measures that the Jew Disraeli was instrumental in introducing through Parliament began a long, slow decline in Britain’s strength as a world power. When Disraeli initially got into 10 Downing Street, this strength and freedom was at its all-time zenith. The years and decades following his gerrymandering and meddling with the country’s fundamental political structure presaged an age of decline from which Britain, to this day, has never, ever recovered. All this long, long decline can be traced back ultimately to none other than the Jew Disraeli himself. Jews HATE personal freedoms for others. Always have; always will. They NEVER cease working to undermine them and the fabric of society as a whole.

The most valuable lesson we can learn from Disraeli is that there must be NO place for the Jew in ANY sphere of public influence, for all time, period.