
Did the SPLC and ADL have a hand in FBI-DHS Militia Raids?

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Michigan Militia member James Schiel, second from left, told AnnArbor.com today {3-28-10} that five people were arrested in the raids. He is pictured with Hutaree member Wendy Lineweaver, a member who goes by the name Chainsaw, a member named Kevin, and Will Bachman. In the photo, they were helping local law enforcement officials search for a Bridgewater Township man who was missing in February. {more}

Feds confirm ‘activities’ in southeastern Michigan

Federal agents conducted raids over the weekend in Lenawee and Wastenaw counties that reports say may be related to some members of Hutaree, a Christian-militia group in Michigan.

“We can confirm that there were law enforcement activities in the Lenawee/Washtenaw County area,” said Detroit FBI Special Agent Sandra Berchtold. But she added that “the federal warrants are sealed and we can not comment at this time.” {more}

Is it a coincidence that on March 25th annarbor.com reported that the SPLC and ADL attacked local officials for requesting and receiving help from a local militia group in searching for missing persons? People helping people is now not acceptable if those helping have a label attached to them that some don’t like.

Who are the real hate groups here?

Bridgewater Township official turns to militia for help; watchdog groups question decision

Bridgewater Township Supervisor Jolea Mull has twice sought help from militia members this year to search for missing township residents.

The move is drawing criticism from militia watchdog groups, who say Mull is legitimizing an extreme right-wing movement that has a history of being associated with criminal activity.

And the partnership comes as the militia movement is exploding across the country, driven by fears of economic collapse and the potential for a crackdown on gun rights under the Obama administration, watchdog groups say.

About 50 militia members from five units live in Washtenaw County, militia leaders say. They are survivalists, who favor larger local government and a smaller federal government. Members are fiercely protective of their free speech and gun rights.

When Mull learned from Washtenaw County sheriff’s deputies that a township woman was missing Jan. 13, she contacted local militia leader Jimmy Schiel.

“She said, ‘Hey, we need help to do a ground search for Anna-Maria Wheeker,” Schiel recalls of their phone conversation that morning. “I said, ‘So you want the militia?’ And she said, ‘Yes.”

Mull, who said she was pleased with the militia’s response, contacted Schiel again Feb. 17 when deputies told her 56-year-old Robert Melvin Wise was missing.

Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Montgomery, Ala.-based Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors extremist groups, questioned why an elected official would reach out to the militia.

The militia movement has been involved in an “enormous amount of criminal violence” and “huge number of domestic terror plots,” Potok said.

“It certainly seems poorly advised to be kind, to ask people who believe in completely false conspiracy theories and see the government largely as an enemy to help in law enforcement matters,” Potok said. “I don’t see how that could work out well.”

Mull, a Republican, turned to the militia because of their training in search and rescue techniques, familiarity with the local community and willingness to help, she said in a prepared statement. About 1,700 people live in Bridgewater Township in southwestern Washtenaw County.

“Unfortunately, in both cases, the searches ended tragically, but there’s an old cliché that says, ‘You are either part of the problem or part of the solution,” she said. “It is clear to me from these experiences that our local militia is part of the solution.”

“Based on what I have observed of our local militia’s efforts, I highly recommend that other municipalities coordinate with and get to know their local militia members.”

The sheriff’s department was grateful for the help, said Derrick Jackson, the department’s director of community engagement.

“The volunteers were helpful whether they were militia, whether they were residents of that community or friends of elected officials,” Jackson said. “They did exactly what we asked of them.”

An elected official seeking help from the militia is “extraordinarily rare,” said Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research for the Anti-Defamation League.

“Most people would stay away from these groups like the plague for very understandable reasons,” he said.

Mull’s decision to reach out to the militia comes as the militia movement is experiencing an “incredible resurgence” across the country, Pitcavage said. The movement gained steam after the government’s siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, in 1993 and later tapered off.

But in the past 18 months, the number of militia groups has quadrupled to 200, Pitcavage said. “They wanna change the world,” “they are not satisfied with the status quo.”

“Certainly, the militia movement has generated a number of violent or otherwise dangerous individuals,” Pitcavage said.

read the entire article with videos at annarbor.com

We just can’t have people in small communities helping each other. That might bring folks together. The hate organizations SPLC and ADL want a divided population. It’s good for their business and the business of those they influence in the FBI and DHS.

Anti-Defamation League defames by innuendo

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David Codrea and friends take on two of the most racist hate spewing propaganda groups this country has ever seen, ADL and SPLC.

Photo Courtesy Oleg Volk, A Human Right

Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea

We’ve seen how the Southern Poverty Law Center has found smearing Oath Keepers a good tactic to exploit and call attention to themselves, and we’ve seen how some in the media jump at the chance to abet them. No doubt feeling left out on an opportunity for some publicity, the Anti-Defamation League has come out with “Oath Keepers and Three Percenters Part of Growing Anti-Government Movement” as their way of jumping on the bandwagon.

Here’s the thing to keep in mind when ADL spouts off with their fraudulent rhetoric and bluster: It’s not people like us who would deny full enfranchisement of all rights, including the right to keep and bear arms, to racial and religious minorities.

It’s them. The folks with the Orwellian name, who defame their political opponents while pretending to be against the evil practice…

Read the rest: David Codrea – Gun Rights Examiner 

also see: The War on Guns

SPLC vs Vanderbilt black woman professor

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Anytime the hate group SPLC responds to someone challenging their agenda of divide and conquer, you can bet that challenge has merit whether you agree or disagree with all of the points.

Vanderbilt professor slammed for backing film that calls racism a myth

An organization that tracks hate-group activity in the U.S. is accusing Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain, a black scholar known for her conservative stances on race and immigration, of being an apologist for white supremacists.

The incident started last week when the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center posted a blog item critiquing the documentary A Conversation About Race, mentioning that positive comments by Swain lent the film an air of legitimacy.

Swain fired back, making her case against the advocacy group in a blog submitted to the news site The Huffington Post and in a string of messages she sent to followers on her Twitter account.

“There aren’t enough new hate groups 2 keep the #SPLC busy, so they target individuals & conservative organizations 2 raise money,” Swain wrote in a Twitter update Thursday.
Swain, a professor of law and political science, said in an interview with The Tennessean that she feels as if she has “been attacked” by the group.

Mark Potock, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, responded, “If that is what she believes, she is suffering from some sort of low-grade megalomania.”

Potock said the goal of the Hatewatch blog posts about the film was to “spare (Swain) the embarrassment of continuing to endorse the work of a man who has referred to black people — including the president — as monkeys.”

The film in question, A Conversation About Race, opens with a clip of then-Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign speech on race followed by words from the filmmaker, Craig Bodeker.

“I agree with Senator Obama. … I can’t think of another issue facing our country that is more timely or more important today than the issue of racism,” Bodeker says in the film. “I also can’t think of another issue that is more artificial, manufactured and manipulated. … It’s used too often as a tool of intimidation like a hammer against Caucasian whites. “

The Hatewatch blog post described the film as a “a hit among white supremacists looking for a smart-sounding defense of their beliefs. Contrary to its title, A Conversation about Race … (is) a slick 58-minute documentary devoted to proving the thesis that racism is a bogus concept invented to oppress whites.”

Swain sees things differently. If there are going to be conversations about race, she thinks they have to include what the Southern Poverty Law Center may consider extremist or hateful positions.”The new white nationalism that I fear that I see … is not about groups,” Swain said.

“It’s about white people, individuals, thinking that they are under threat and that they have to ban together to protect themselves. My fear is that unless we create forums for people to safely and openly express themselves, then you are going to drive more young people into these extreme groups.”

read the rest at The Tennessean…..also see the great number of comments there

ADL and SPLC talk about Sotomayor

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Philosophical Practice…art by Bas Sebus

Two of the major jewish/zionist ‘thought control by way of the barrel of a gun’ organizations speak out on the Sotomayor confirmation hearings.

The ADL’s approach lays out what is as good a summary of the fascist/communist/neocon/neolib/zionist agenda as we will see concerning thought and free speech control by force of law. The laws they want. Twisting the constitution into a unrecognizable piece of trash that is to them just something that stands in the way.

The ADL influence on our local police training must be stopped. Put bluntly, they are traitors.

Take a look at their plans.

ADL Letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings

The Southern Poverty Law Center shows its agenda. It you are against Sotomayor, you are a racist. They always go after the ‘white supremest’ groups, many of which are infiltrated and/or set-up controlled opposition as part of the game.

https://i0.wp.com/www.moonbattery.com/Sonia-Sotomayor.jpg The SPLC doesn’t like photoshopped satire.

But they don’t mind giving credence to La Raza whose motto has been “For the Race, Everything; Outside the Race, Nothing.” “Por La Raza Todo, Fuera de La Raza Nada.”

“La Raza is hardly a racist group — indeed, it is a thoroughly mainstream human rights organization.” {more}

The ADL and the SPLC are hate proponents, propagandists and anti-American social engineering tools. For them to even mention the Sotomayor hearings through their psychobabble means that her confirmation is not in the best interests of the American people.

SPLC ‘Intelligence’ Report BS

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Along with the ADL, the SPLC is an organization that has a purpose; to destroy free speech and advance an agenda of control over the whole population for their ‘overlords.’ Whatever the steps to be proposed and possibly taken through legislative action are usually presaged in the writings of their shills. They are lobbying on the local level and even training/thought controlling law enforcement. Homeland security money and equipment adds the incentive to comply.

These groups are anti-American traitors and need to be watched and exposed for their hate and lies.

They are watching us and…..we are watching them.

The Southern Poverty Lawcenter – SPLC
https://i0.wp.com/balder.org/judea/billeder-judea/Morris-Seligman-Dees-SPLC-Founder-120.jpgMorris Dees – SPLC Alleged child molester?

A millitant organization concerned with immigrant rights, anti-racism, monitoring ‘right wing organizations’ the usual lot.

Founded in 1971 by Jewish lawyers Joe Levin and Morris Seligman Dees, currently headed by Julian Bond (black, communist sympathiser. Bond’s father’s first experience with racism in 1916 was with a Jew.. )

Two of the center’s most well known activists are Mark Potok and Heidi Beirich. (both Jewish)

The SPLC has a long-standing reputation for manipulating statistics and exaggerating the extent of “racism” or “hate” in America. The group earns millions a year by making false claims about ‘hate groups’ and the dangers they pose to America. {more}

The SPLC ‘Intelligence’ Report – Summer 2009 – is a classic example of deceiving those who they say they are trying to protect and laying the bullshit on thick.

‘National Anarchism’

California Racists Claim They’re Anarchists
By Casey Sanchez / Illustration by Peter Horvath


San Francisco — At this year’s Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair, held in Golden Gate Park in mid-March, there was plenty of discord among the 6,000 or so anarchists in attendance. The militant vegans of the Animal Liberation Front, for instance, sold books advocating violence in defense of animal rights while a nearby “anarcho-steampunk” (a survivalist with a fetish for Victorian-era steam-powered contraptions) casually skinned a roadkill raccoon. “It’s good protein,” he offered.

Unifying anarchists has been likened to herding cats. But if there is one theme that most anarchists will rally around, it is that of stamping out racism, especially organized racism driven by white nationalist ideology. Many younger anarchists are members of Anti-Racist Action, a national coalition of direct-action “antifa” (short for “anti-fascist”) groups that confront neo-Nazis and racist skinheads in the street, often resulting in violence. At the Golden Gate book fair, one antifa crew handed out stickers with a telephone hotline number that called out the racist skinhead groups Volksfront and the Hammerskins and encouraged fellow anarchists to report in with “Information on Racist/Fascist activity in your area.”

But also lurking at the book fair was a handful of little-noticed anarchists of a different sort — so-called “national anarchists,” who advocate racial separatism and white racial purity. They’re also fiercely anti-gay and anti-Israel. Calling themselves the Bay Area National Anarchists (BANA), they envision a future race war leading to neo-tribal, whites-only enclaves to be called “National Autonomous Zones.”

Andrew Yeoman
Andrew Yeoman

“We are racial separatists for a number of reasons, such as our desire to maintain our cultural continuity, the principle of voluntary association, and as a self-defensive measure to protect each other from being victimized by crime from other races,” BANA co-founder Andrew Yeoman told the Intelligence Report.

Members of BANA and other likeminded national anarchists cloak their bigotry in the language of radical environmentalism and mystical tribalism, pulling recruits from both the extreme right and the far left.

“It’s an extremely diverse group,” said Yeoman, with no hint of irony. “We have ex-liberals, ex-neo-cons, we have Ron Paul supporters, we have ex-skinheads, we have apolitical people that have been turned on to our causes.”

Although national anarchism in the U.S. remains a relatively obscure movement, made up of probably fewer than 200 individuals in BANA and a couple of other groups in northern California and Idaho, organizations based on national anarchist ideology have gained a foothold in Russia and sown turmoil in the environmental movement in Germany. There are enthusiasts in Britain, Spain and Australia, among other overseas nations. Now, national anarchists in the U.S. are carefully studying the successes and failures of their more prominent international counterparts as they attempt to similarly win converts from the radical environmentalist and white nationalist movements in this country.

“The danger National Anarchists represent is not in their marginal political strength, but in their potential to show an innovative way that fascist groups can re-brand themselves and reset their project on a new footing,” said a report issued last December by Political Research Associates, a Massachusetts-based progressive think tank. “They have abandoned many traditional fascist practices — including the use of overt neo-Nazi references. In [their] place they offer a more toned down, sophisticated approach … often claiming not to be ‘fascist’ at all.”

‘Entryism’ and the Left
Indeed, one of national anarchists’ principal tactics is called “entryism,” defined in one of the movement’s how-to guides as “the name given to the process of entering or infiltrating bona fide organizations, institutions and political parties with the intention of gaining control of them for our own ends.”

In The Case for National-Anarchist Entryism, leading national anarchist ideologue Troy Southgate, a Briton, called for national anarchists to join political groups and then “misdirect or disrupt them for our own purposes or convert sections of their memberships to our cause.”

Anti-racist anarchists on the West Coast have been aware of national anarchists attempting to infiltrate and exploit their scene since at least 2005, when the Oregon eco-anarchist magazine Green Anarchy issued a warning: “If you encounter these people, don’t be fooled by the surface similarities; treat them as if they were Klan members or Nazis.”

Nevertheless, the doctrines of national anarchism seem to be making inroads into what Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, a longtime researcher of esoteric Aryan racial cults, has called “a folkish or tribal revival among white youth who are beset by an acute sense of disenfranchisement.”

National anarchists appeal to these youths in part by avoiding the trappings of skinhead culture — flight jackets, shaved heads and combat boots — in favor of hooded sweatshirts and bandanas. They act the part of stereotypical anarchists, as envisioned by most Americans outside of far-left circles: black-clad protesters wreaking havoc at political conventions and anti-globalization rallies.

In reality, although militant street action has been a favored and much-noticed tactic of some anarchist groups, most anarchists are less interested in smashing the state than in learning to live outside it. They scavenge surplus groceries for their meals, squat in abandoned buildings and construct pirate radio stations.

Yeoman said it was this do-it-yourself ethos that inspired him to become involved with the anarchist movement not long after the sometimes-violent 1999 anti-globalization demonstrations in Seattle drew international notice. But it didn’t take him long to move towards white separatism. In 2003, “the Anarchist People of Color had a well-known meeting in Detroit in which they prohibited white people from entering,” Yeoman recounted. “It was seen as this progressive thing not to allow white people into their meeting so they could pursue their black agenda or whatever. I really saw that as a huge contradiction between behavior that was allowable for certain kinds of people but not people of my descent.”

Coming Out
BANA first began appearing in public in San Francisco only in late 2007. Since then, BANA members with “Keep Our Children Safe” signs have protested alongside Christian Right demonstrators outside a gay leather subculture festival in San Francisco and organized a cleanup of San Francisco Bay shores. “Just because you’re proud to be white doesn’t mean you have to let everything go to waste,” one BANA member stated in a YouTube video documenting the beach cleanup.

The group also recently formed at least a fleeting alliance with the American Front, a skinhead group based in Sacramento, Calif. American Front leader David Lynch credits BANA online with helping raise funds on behalf of a member of the domestic extreme-right terrorist group The Order who’s due to be released from prison early next year.

Last Dec. 28, BANA members donned their national anarchist hoodies —emblazoned with “Smash All Dogmas” on the back and “New Right” on both sleeves — tied bandanas over their faces, unfurled a banner reading “Yes We Can, Bay Area National Anarchists” and joined a protest of several thousand against Israel’s bombing of the Gaza Strip. Practicing full-blown entryism, they marched between groups carrying the Palestinian flag and the gay-pride flag, while shouting, “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck Zionism!”

More recently, BANA members have started carrying a black flag with the letter Q in one corner. That’s a reference to Yeoman’s claim that his ancestors rode with Quantrill’s Raiders, a notoriously violent pro-Confederate guerrilla outfit that battled for control of the border state of Missouri during the Civil War.

Like their late hero Julius Evola, an esoteric Italian writer and “spiritual racist” lionized by modern-day fascists, BANA members believe themselves to be in revolt against the modern world. The group’s website carries notes of high praise for neo-Confederate secessionist groups like the League of the South and the Republic of South Carolina. Some of the site’s content is unintentionally comical. For example, BANA exalts the lily-white town of Mayberry in the 1960s TV sitcom “The Andy Griffith Show” as “a realized anarchist society.”

Yearning for Eden
The bulk of the BANA website, in fact, consists of long-winded blog posts predicting the imminent collapse of multicultural liberalism. Most illustrative of BANA’s worldview — and its hopes for the future — is a short piece of urban apocalyptic fiction that Yeoman penned for BANA and cross-posted at the white nationalist website Stormfront.org. It’s titled, “The Clock Strikes High Noon.”

The story begins on a San Francisco morning with a young white woman on a bicycle. She witnesses a fight break out between a black man and a Latino. An anti-fascist street punk steps in to break up the fight, only to be beaten down. The bicyclist turns away and pulls out her laptop to discover the country is collapsing: the president has been assassinated, the stock market is in free fall, and the Constitution has been suspended.

Horrified, she speeds home on her bike into the gentrified section of the predominantly Latino Mission district, or “what she likes to call the ‘whiter and brighter’ side of the Mission.” Inside the house, tuning into dire radio and police dispatches, she decides it’s a “better time then [sic] ever to activate the network,” apparently a fictional surrogate for BANA. The “network” has caches of food stashed throughout the Bay Area, which members collect and bring together at a “National Autonomous Zone, where people can be trusted to keep the zombies away.”

The “zombies” are non-whites, who “emerge from the confines of the projects and barrios where the city likes to keep their surplus labor contained.” The story ends with the woman on her way out the door to a safe house, chambering a round into her .45 pistol, and proclaiming, “It’s time to get out of Dodge.”

White nationalists taken with this kind of scenario have long proposed creating white homelands or what have been called “Pioneer Little Europes.” The “PLE” movement encourages white nationalists to consolidate their presence in white neighborhoods, creating a communal atmosphere whose insularity will repel ethnic minorities. H. Michael Barrett, the originator of the Pioneer Little Europe idea, has engaged in discussions with national anarchists about the shape of his plan. For his part, Yeoman conceded that BANA’s National Autonomous Zones are similar to PLEs, but he claims BANA’s enclaves will be superior because residents will be selected far more carefully.

“A PLE has all the problems inherent with an open-door hippie commune in the 1970s, with the free-love mentality,” Yeoman said. “We’re what a PLE would be if it had higher standards.”

Strait is the Gate
The reality is that BANA’s philosophy is such that it has thus far drawn few followers and many enemies. Hard-liners on both the far left and the far right have expressed their disdain for national anarchism in no uncertain terms.

“I am totally dedicated to finding an equitable solution to the Jewish question. But I will be damned if I will bust my ass and sacrifice my individual desires so that a bunch of social leftists can co-opt the struggle,” said one poster at Stormfront.org, the world’s largest racist Web forum. “You want the flash of calling yourselves ‘anarchists’ without any of the philosophical baggage that accompanies such a claim. The name ‘anarchist’ has a pseudo revolutionary flair. You want that, but do not want to be linked with 19th century Jewish bomb tossers.”

“Our role with the white nationalist movement is a transformative one rather than symbiotic one,” Yeoman responded in an interview. “We have friends in the white nationalist movement but we have just as many enemies.”

Even some who are ideological BANA allies do not agree with its recruiting aims. One of the few other national anarchist groups in the United States, Idaho Falls, Idaho-based Folk and Faith, has no interest in recruiting “left-wing scum,” in the words of its leader, a former skinhead who uses the name “Joe Hadenuff.” (BANA’s magazine Hadenuff was named in his honor.)

In a forum post, Hadenuff made clear who he thinks potential recruits to the movement should be. “Try ex-skinheads that have all grown up and are raising families, try ex-reactionary racialists now moving on to folk-centered idealism, try ex-NS’ers [National Socialists] that just got worn out on ’88’ [neo-Nazi code for “Heil Hitler”] and Sieg Heiling cameras as a purported answer to our folk’s problems,” he wrote. (Last year, Hadenuff, a former soldier whose real name is Jeremy T. Wilcox, had part of an Army court martial verdict against him — for attending a Klan rally and posting racist material in 2000 — set aside.)

On most of the far left, BANA is even more despised.

One of the few non-BANA anarchists to express support for the philosophy is Keith Preston, who runs attackthesytem.com, an online gathering place for anarchists critical of far-left anarchism — a philosophy that Preston has sneeringly suggested is held by “throwaways from exurbia who think they are doing their part to bring down the System by renouncing deodorant, gorging themselves with tofu and calling their bourgeois parents Nazis for voting Republican.” Preston seeks to build tactical alliances with separatists of every stripe, including Christian theocrats, white nationalists and black separatists.

That attitude — the willingness to seek out recruits from other political sectors, many of them non-racist — is what has many observers worried about the potential for national anarchists and their small but growing movement.

“The National Anarchist idea has spread around the world over the Internet,” is how the Political Research Associates report puts it. “The United States has only a few websites, but the trend so far has been toward a steady increase.”

The movement, PRA concluded, could become the new face of the radical right.

source: {SPLC}

Despite labels such as ‘radical right’ ‘anti-semitic,’ ‘terrorists,’ etc, etc, applied to dissenters, most people that I know are just anti-criminal….

The criminals always make the attempt to divert the attention away from them and on to us.