
Deception is the Rule

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The third shooting in the last week in France takes a different turn, this time at a jewish school where reports are a rabbi, his two young sons and a little girl were killed by a lone gunman on a motorbike. The beginning of a real French anti-zionist revolution? It’s hard to say at this moment but most likely not. The narrative of eternal victim sometimes needs a reinforcing event and this shooting very conveniently serves the purpose. It’s certainly a distraction from other current travesties and killing a few to further other agendas has precedents. We’ll stay tuned on this one.

Speaking of eternal victims, a local ‘Christian’ school hosted a ‘holocaust’ survivor to speak to a captive audience of nearly 1,800 students. Her story sounded familiar. Father killed. She, mother and sister sent to the ghetto where the little kids were given no food so they dug a tunnel to get out and get some. Then the escape with days spent in a river until her mother disappeared. The next three years spent wandering the forest like an animal searching for her mother, food and safety. Cheating death but finally saved by the Soviets. Amazing tale eh.

The school’s teachers teach fifth-grade students about the war and ‘holocaust’ by having the students participate in a boot camp.There were no more details on exactly what the boot camp was.

This school will never host a forum for the victims of Israeli land theft, displacement and genocide. No survivor of the USS Liberty will ever be invited to speak and tell that story. The systematic killing of maybe 60 million gentiles by the Russian Bolshevik jews will never be discussed. There can only be one ‘number 1’ set of victims for the kiddies to shout out ‘never again’ to. Selected and distorted history is a hallmark in the war for generation after generation of young minds.

There’s been a number of reports like this one in the alternative media praising the Tennessee legislature for their ‘fight’ against the UN’s Agenda 21. Not that this issue should be swept under the rug. Anytime something is funded by the UN, Rockefeller Foundations subsidiaries and the Clinton Foundation, one knows there are some high level criminal activities going on with the true agendas kept hidden.

That said, let’s not get too excited over a group of right wing, often Christian zionist warmonger representatives taking outside pre-written laws and resolutions and then passing them. Things may not be what they seem.

These are the same lawmakers who push the Islamophobia psyops, especially Rep. Rick Womick who sees a crazed jihad Muslim behind every bush. Getting a few things right doesn’t mean these reps are friends of the people. Their strings are being pulled and they play their part in the grand scheme of the false left/right paradigm. Deception is the rule.

Egyptian secular party leader chops away at some roots

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Egypt party leader: Holocaust is ‘a lie’

9/11 was ‘made in USA,’ he says

A leader of Egypt’s top secular party says the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were “made in the USA,” the Holocaust is “a lie” and Anne Frank’s memoir is “a fake” — comments sure to roil the post-revolution political debate in the Arab world’s most populous country.

Ahmed Ezz El-Arab, a vice chairman of Egypt’s Wafd Party, made the remarks in an exclusive interview with The Washington Times last week while in the Hungarian capital attending the Conference on Democracy and Human Rights.

He denied that the Nazis killed 6 million Jews during World War II.

“The Holocaust is a lie” Mr. Ezz El-Arab said. “The Jews under German occupation were 2.4 million. So if they were all exterminated, where does the remaining 3.6 million come from?”

Mr. Ezz El-Arab said he accepted that the Nazis killed “hundreds of thousands” of Jews. “But gas chambers and skinning them alive and all this? Fanciful stories,” he added. (AUDIO: on the Holocaust)

“It’s a shame that the West — the cradle of liberalism — should have a criminal law incriminating any discussion of any historical fact,” Mr. Ezz El-Arab said. “It’s a sacred cow. The ‘6 million’ is a sacred cow.”

In the interview, Mr. Ezz El-Arab also said that Osama bin Laden was not behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

“He could not have the know-how or the ability to do it,” he said, even though he called the dead al Qaeda leader “an American agent.”

“If he had the ability, one plane only landing on the Knesset would give more effect,” Mr. Ezz El-Arab said.

Asked who was responsible for the attacks, Mr. Ezz El-Arab identified the CIA, Israel’s Mossad intelligence service, and the “military-industrial complex.” (AUDIO: on 9/11)

 Ezz El-Arab also says that Iran’s Ahmadinejad is a “hateful character, so whatever he says can be criticized” and makes the below statement so his motives may be open to question.

Mr. Ezz El-Arab said he thinks that there once was a Jewish temple in Jerusalem and that Israeli Jews deserve to stay put.

You can read the entire article, there’s much more, and see what you think.

One thing is for sure, his remarks will be used against the Egyptian ‘Arab Spring’ in the zionist controlled media.  Israel’s ambassador to the U.S.  Michael Oren has already set the stage.

Another thing for sure is that Bin Laden didn’t pack up the evidence from the WTC without an engineering forensic examination and send it on a slow boat to China.

Merchants of the Myth

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Iranian TV 2006.

An Iranian viewpoint of the ‘holocaust.’ Saved from the soon to be deleted google video. 

For educational and historical purposes only.

 memritv translation. 

International Extortion Remembrance Day

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Bankers fund all sides of conflicts, promote war and people die. An estimated 60 million or more died in WWII alone. There were maybe 160 million killed in wars and genocides in the 20th century although that number is just an educated guess from many sources. One was too many.

For all of this carnage for the profit of an elite few there is only one group of ‘sacrificed’ people who get their own international day of remembrance, the most publicity and funding. There’s only one ‘holocaust’ that really matters and that’s for the ‘chosen ones’ and their magic 6 million number.
The UN designated January 27 as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day  in 2005 “to keep the memory alive in a bid to prevent future acts of genocide.” This was in the middle of the Iraq war genocide of well over a million civilians for the benefit of the U.S. but mainly for Israel. Hypocrisy at best.

There are more ‘holocaust’ museums in the world than I care to count. The one in Washington DC costs taxpayers nearly $50 million a year. Any of those budget/deficit cutting reps in Congress calling to eliminate this? I didn’t think so.

Holocaust education in the public schools of the U.S. is big business.  Some states require it by law, most defer to those who scream 6 million the loudest. The jewish holocaust is a new religion not to be blasphemed against.  No state schoolbook in the country mentions the holocaust of Germans after WWII was over. The holocaust of Native American Indians is not taught as such. The holocausts of Stalin and Mao are glossed over as insignificant compared to that of the jews.

No surprise that  Google has partnered with Israel’s Yad Vashem museum to keep the spin alive as they also appear to be partners with the NSA. Go with the money, eh Google.

Reparation/extortion paid to WWII jews and to Israel estimates vary but I think it’s safe to say that it’s more than all other war time reparations paid to individuals put together. Sort of. Much was stolen and taken by lawyer’s fees.

No other event in history has to have Western world  laws that make it a crime to question the numbers or the details. Ernst Zundel is the most dramatic example of the persecution of this ‘thought crime.’  Even where there are no laws against free speech, groups such as the ADL make it their purpose to demonize those who just ask the questions. If the planned U.S. internet censorship comes to be you can bet holocaust revisionists will be near the top of the list to be banned.

Now it’s becoming slanderous to even use certain words in unacceptable ways. Holocaust and Nazis are nearly trademarked terms that can’t be used to describe anything or anyone else outside the realm of how some jews want them used. Even the degenerate media propagandist Glenn Beck is feeling the wrath of the rabbis for non-kosher use of the words in a $100,000 full page ad in the WSJ calling for his boss Rupert Murdoch to ‘sanction’ him.  This is part of the the continuing attempt to control the words to control the masses.

The days of jews crying victim at every turn and the world nodding in agreement are coming to an end. Many in the world already see through the lies. The extortion racket of international banking and corrupt governments with their wars and genocide and thefts must end.  It’s coming down to us or them. One fact is that we outnumber them by far.

A friend of mine always says “It’s not all jews, it’s the criminal jews.” OK … it’s also the criminals of every race and creed that collaborate to enslave the world and those by their silence and inaction that are complicit. 

Connecting the dots reveals that Zionists, bankers and Nazis worked hand in hand. It’s probably the most taboo tale in the world. It needs to be told.

‘Artist’ displays Auschwitz model made from gold teeth of Holocau$t victims

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The name ‘Rolexgate’ for this piece of ‘art’ depicting the entrance to Auschwitz couldn’t be more fitting. The stories of the holocau$t and Auschwitz have put many a Rolex on the wrists of Jewish profiteers in the industry of history/guilt modification and extortion.

more photos at Haaretz

Jewish/Danish/Chilean artist Marco Evaristti is also looking for a pay day. He’ll probably want to sell his ‘art’ to a well heeled collector or holocaust museum and continue the tradition of making money in the ‘Shoah business.’

Part of Evaristti’s story as in the Copenhagen Post

A proportion of the model’s materials come from gold teeth fillings of the camp’s prisoners, which included Evaristti’s own grandmother. It also includes a train car made of diamonds, while a Rolex watch showing the time a five minutes to 12 adorning the model’s entrance.

The exhibit was first displayed in late October at a gallery in Berlin, where it created such a furore that it was removed after just a few hours.

Evaristti said the exhibit wasn’t just a reminder of the death associated with the Holocaust, but also of the looting the Nazis conducted. He said he bought the teeth from an Austrian man a couple of years ago.

‘I had to appear to him to be a Nazi myself,’ said the artist. ‘I disguised myself and cut my hair very short.’

‘I’m just glad I was able to buy those gold teeth myself, rather than them ending up in the hands of Nazis.’ {more}

Be sure to see: Danish Hollywood-Holocaust: Macabre Auschwitz exhibition made of Jewish tooth gold

In a TV program January 13  Evaristti explained that he had been invited to do the project by the Mosaisk Trosssamfund, the major Jewish organization in Denmark.

The Auschwitz entrance also contains teeth from Evaristti’s grandmother. She survived the extermination camp, so Evaristi has according to himself, not bought, but inherited them. {more}

Hmm, the jewish tradition of extracting the gold from the teeth of their dead family members never occurred to me. I’ve missed out on saving some ‘art’ materials in the past. I’ll have to remember that for any future pre-funeral arraignments.

Sign of the Times

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Arbeit macht Frei – work sets you free

It’s very convenient that just as the world is really waking up to the war crimes, corruption and inordinate influence that Israel has over a number of groveling governments that an opportunity arises to once again ‘show and tell’ who the real ‘victims’ are.

A symbol, a sign of the massive extortion racket that has allowed Israel to slither away from their own crimes against humanity is stolen. I think Abe Foxman and the ADL are preparing their statement of “I told you so” right now. Desecration of their ‘holy site’ is not something they take lightly and of course ever eager to use for their purposes of diversion and anti-semitic rhetoric.

If one was to look at this theft with a wary eye, one might think that this could be an ‘inside job.’ Deception is always the first option when looking for talking points to perpetuate the theme of ‘neverending persecution.’

From the Times Online

“This is not only a theft but a horrible profanation in a place where more than a million people were murdered, in the biggest such site in this part of the world. It is a disgraceful act.”

Holocaust deniers {historians preferring facts} have long targeted Auschwitz in an attempt to demonstrate that the systematic murder of Jews has been invented or exaggerated. Deniers, seeking to bolster their arguments, have previously taken soil samples from the camp and made measurements in order to argue that the number of victims gassed and cremated were far smaller than claimed.

There has always been a danger – as Holocaust survivors and their Nazi murderers die out – that the authenticity of the sites themselves will be questioned.

Auschwitz is made up primarily of red-brick buildings that formed part of Habsburgian barracks – used initially to imprison Polish political prisoners – and the wooden prisoner huts of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Birkenau was the location of the gas chambers, but both parts of the old Nazi camp are showing signs of wear and tear as many hundreds of thousands of tourists visit the site, near Cracow, every year.

The critical question has been how far to restore the buildings and the crumbling personal possessions – the spectacles for example, removed from the corpses of those gassed to death, some 80,000 shoes, 3,800 suitcases – and risk opening up the museum to charges of falsification. In all there are 155 buildings – including crematoria – and some 300 ruins on the sprawling site.

The theft – if it is indeed politically motivated – could be linked to the decision this week by Germans authorities to pay half the cost of patching up the buildings. Some 60 million euros have been earmarked by Germany’s 16 federal states and by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s federal government. The Auschwitz-Birkenau International Memorial Foundation has appealed for a total of 120 million euros.

Jaroslaw Mensfelt, the Auschwitz museum’s spokesman says …

“This is not only a theft but a horrible profanation in a place where more than a million people were murdered, in the biggest such site in this part of the world. It is a disgraceful act.” {more}

I wonder when there will be a sign put up at a memorial to remind us of another ‘holocaust?’

Just about a year ago, wasn’t it?

One guess…What specific ‘history lessons’ are funded by stimulus money?

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Gotta pony up the funds Tennessee. The ADL will be accusing you of a ‘hate crime’ by not teaching the kiddies a one sided account of ‘history.’ They may even call you anti-semitic. Are there any other specific stimulus monies or state taxpayer funds that are used to ‘indoctrinate’ a single aspect of events in the past?


Holocaust lessons are at risk as Tennessee alters funding

Jill Coble never skips the Holocaust in her social studies classes, using the event as a gateway to class discussions about the dangers of propaganda and creating scapegoats.

The Smyrna Middle School teacher is the unofficial coordinator of about 12 teachers trying to help the Tennessee Commission on Holocaust Education fulfill its core mission — making sure Holocaust victims are remembered and the public receives and grasps lessons about hate and human rights.

“Many of my students, they arrive with basically no knowledge of the Holocaust,” Coble said. “But interestingly enough, here in Smyrna and I’m sure in other parts of the state, we have people who have … experienced some type of persecution first hand. So, I think what the Holocaust has to teach us really resonates.”

The 25-year-old group is facing a new challenge this year. It saw its $128,300 in state funding move from the state’s annual spending plan to the “non-recurring” expense column, meaning a fight for the money each year and likely a need for more private donations.

Adding to the agency’s challenges is that the state is steadily losing the small number of Holocaust survivors and military liberators, people whom the commission once frequently connected with schools for living lessons.

This year, a portion of the federal stimulus package is covering the commission’s budget, said Felicia Anchor, commission chairwoman.

“We are kind of on notice that we are either going to have to re-establish ourselves with the state or be looking for our funding elsewhere,” Anchor said. {more – The Tennessean}

Response to Hungary Rejecting a Holocaust Denial Law to Their Constitution – Good

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By My Hate Speech

With Hungary rejecting a proposed constitutional “Holocaust Denial” law we thought we would clarify a few points. The Mainstream Media always uses negative catch phrases such as “Holocaust Denial” or “Holocaust Deniers”. This label is used by those who control the MSM so they can keep reminding us that there is no need to question it, even though history is not a science, and those who would question it are supposedly crazy, and therefore we do not need to engage them in open debate or conversation.

In reality what the mainstream media refers to as “Holocaust Denial” or “Holocaust Deniers”, would be correctly termed, if you want to add a category, as Revisionist Historians. We at My Hate Speech refer to them as historians. Why? Because all history is revised, from the Civil War, to the Slave Trade, to Ancient Rome, and Ancient Greece. As new documents come to lite, through historical research, scientific research, or by pure accident, history is always open to revision because History, unlike Mathematics, is not a science.

In Math you do not need to ask why 2+2 equals 4. You just need to know that is what it is. You do not need to know why A squared x B squared = C squared, you just need to memorize it and apply it. But the Study of History requires its students to always ask the question why, so that we may come closer to, but never reaching a historical fact.

So what do Historians who doubt the “Official Version” of the Holocaust believe?

Claims about “Holocaust Deniers” Fact
They deny that Jews were persecuted WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny that Jews were deprived of civil rights WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny that Jews were deported WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny the Jews were herded into ghettos WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny the existence of concentration camps WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny that Jews were put to forced labor WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny the existence of crematoria in concentration camps WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny that Jews died for a great number of reasons: epidemics, malnutrition, diseases, mistreatment WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny that other minorities were also persecuted as well, such as gypsies and political dissenters WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny that the treatment of the Jews was unjust WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny the victims their dignity WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny the victims to be remembered WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny to show compassion for the victims WRONG. They do NOT deny this
They deny that there was a plan to murder all Jews This is what they claim
They deny that Jews were murdered systematically This is what they claim
They deny the existence of gas chambers for mass murder This is what they claim
They deny that six million Jews died in the Holocaust This is what they claim

Learn more about it here

It is amazing to us that in today’s age, when you look back on all the persecution that has gone on throughout European History, such as persecutions against scientists like Galileo, religious persecutions by all sides, and witch trials, that such events are still more than alive in Democracies today. In countries Like Germany, Austria, and France, just to name the main culprits, you can be sent to Jail or have your life completely ruined if you question or present evidence of a contradictory nature regarding historical events.

We have all heard the saying that “It is the victor who writes history.” This why history is always being revised. Only in places like the former Soviet Union, Communist China, and North Korea has history been so extremely legislated, just to name the big ones. But these governments were and are not Democracies. So why then would Democracies attempt to legislate history. Possibly because when you realize that it is “the Victor who writes history,” they need to demonize an enemy so that the eyes of future generations will not see their own crimes and culpability in those events.

Another reason could be, regarding the Holocaust, is that it is a major industry worth billions of dollars. Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstien writes of this in his book, “The Holocaust Industry.” Which we highly recommend you read. Take for instance the recent Holocaust Book to come out, “Angel Girl,” which even Oprah jumped on the bandwagon with. Despite it being revealed that the account was fake, and it being practically pulled from the shelves, there is still a possible movie deal in the works.

Much of the Holocaust has already been revised to some extent, but most people are not aware of it and still continue to report wartime propaganda as fact, confuse several facts as if they were the same incident, or just twist them around. Just watch a skit of Jay Leno’s “Man on The Street” and you can see how that is done with history that is actually closer to home. Even the famous Nazi Hunter Simon Weisenthal said that no extermination camps existed in Germany. Jewish Professor Deborah Lipstadt, Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University has also stated this. It is only in the East, which happen to be in the Soviet occupied zones, See Map, where extermination camps are said to have existed. Yet most people believe they were all over Germany. Despite this, year after year, gullible people leaving Dachau always seem to explain how awful it was that people were exterminated in gas chambers there, even though there is a sign to the left of the gas chambers, which were used to fumigate typhus carrying lice from bedding and clothing, that states no one was ever gassed there.

Despite the revision done on the subject, every year in Germany, France and Austria, people are fined and jailed for simply discussing an aspect of history.

So a BIG thumbs up and kudos to countries like Hungary and Spain, who have rejected such laws, because they realize Freedom of Speech, Thought and Expression are what truly makes democratic nations democratic. Who also realize that laws forbidding such expression, found in Draconian Holocaust Denial Laws, not only violate their own constitutions, but also violate article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which all Western Nations are bound by. It states;

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” – Article 19

Believe in what you choose to believe in. Some people regardless of the facts will still cling to their beliefs, and good for them as well. As Voltaire so aptly put it, “Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.”

Source: My Hate Speech

Obama calls out Holocaust deniers

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Obama pledges to confront Holocaust deniers

WASHINGTON (AFP) — At a ceremony Thursday remembering millions of Jews slaughtered in World War II, President Barack Obama reaffirmed the strong US bond with Israel and vowed to confront Holocaust deniers.

“There are those who insist the Holocaust never happened, who perpetrate every form of intolerance — racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism and more,” Obama told a gathering in the Capitol Rotunda organized by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

“We have an opportunity and an obligation to confront these scourges,” Obama said.

“We have the opportunity … to commit ourselves to resisting injustice, intolerance and indifference in whatever forms they may take, whether confronting those who tells lies about history or doing everything we can to prevent and end atrocities like those that took place in Rwanda, those taking place in Darfur,” he said.

The US president’s speech came just days after a UN conference on racism where Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denounced Israel as “the most cruel and repressive racist regime.”

Obama reaffirmed the “strong and enduring” bonds between the United States and Israel.

“The nation of Israel rising from the destruction of the Holocaust” was a source of hope to all those who commit to fighting intolerance, he said.

Among those at the gathering, which was part of the US Holocaust Museum’s Days of Remembrance, were five Poles who between them saved the lives of scores of Jews and have been awarded the title of Righteous among the Nations by the Holocaust remembrance organization, Yad Vashem.

Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, who survived the Nazi death camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, used his time at the podium in the Rotunda to take on Ahmadinejad.

The Iranian leader was “the number one Holocaust denier in the world,” said Wiesel, whose mother and sister died at Auschwitz, his father at Buchenwald.

“He used the solemn setting of a United Nations gathering again to insult the state of Israel in a way that no civilized person should ever do,” he said, thanking the United States for boycotting the UN meeting in Geneva. {more AFP}

The players all come together. Did we do good master?

President Obama applauded Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel during the Holocaust remembrance ceremony yesterday.

President Obama applauded Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel during the Holocaust remembrance ceremony yesterday. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (L) listens during the Holocaust Days of Remembrance Ceremony

US Senator Joseph Lieberman (C-rear) looks on as Etta Katz lights a memorial candle