
A 9/11 Thank You

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The 12th anniversary of the game changing event of 9/11 provides an opportunity for me to say Thanks to all of those who have kept the faith and who haven’t wavered in the face of the enormous pressure to conform to the big lies.

Some of you have been at it since day one. You have looked at evidence, at facts, at disinformation and using discernment and common sense came to some conclusions while still open to the many questions that have and still will arise.

Beyond that, you have spoken out. In writings that have spread around the world, in person with friends and family and sometimes with strangers.

You have been ridiculed, mocked and laughed at. Sometimes attacked. Sure, it may have stung but never enough to quit. The importance of speaking truth to power overrides the naysayers.

By addressing the 9/11 issue head on you have opened up other avenues that lead out of the darkness into light. A myriad of other issues that once were delegated to the nether-lands of taboos have crept into the consciousness of many who once were afraid but now have the courage of conviction.

Very importantly, you have given us some semblance of solidarity, the feeling that we are not alone, the realization that we have allies where disagreements are minor compared to our similarities.

So THANK YOU! Humanity will thank you one day. It’s coming.


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Some alleged unseen photos from the 9/11 event have surfaced. They are supposedly from a NASA employee.

A new leak obtained exclusively by Al Jazeera shows Bin Laden’s ‘hidden life,’ an investigation into AQ chief’s life on the run. It “outlines how “routine” incompetence at every level of civil governance structure allowed the once world’s most wanted man to move to six different locations within the country.”

There’s that incompetence meme again. The ‘leaked’ report is 337 pages and I haven’t read much of it but I’m calling BS. It seems to prop up all the official stories and we’re always trying to point the finger at Pakistan for their involvement in one thing or the other. Always remember that we want to break up this country into factions as well and steal take necessary control of their nuclear weapons so the terrorists won’t get them.

Also. on the bin Laden psyop..

The nation’s top special operations commander ordered military files about the Navy SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden’s hideout to be purged from Defense Department computers and sent to the CIA, where they could be more easily shielded from ever being made public.

Of course they can never be made public. It’s one of those lies that just can’t be leaked.


Spying on the lawyers of a ‘terrorist’ is AOK. Since everyone is a potential terrorist, this looks like an attempt to set a precedent that could be used against anyone who has to go to court. If the NSA has the phone calls, emails and the like of a defendant, why not allow prosecutors to take a look at them? Government logic.

A federal judge on Monday declined to temporarily block U.S. government agencies from conducting special surveillance on lawyers representing Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law, which those lawyers view as illegal spying. 

Even if the agencies monitor the communications of lawyers for Suleiman Abu Ghaith, “there isn’t a shred of evidence” that prosecutors are privy to that information and using it to Abu Ghaith’s disadvantage, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan in Manhattan said at a hearing.

“There’s just no reason to think that this occurred or that it will occur,” Kaplan said.
“Suppose it is going on, and the prosecution team doesn’t know anything about it, what’s the harm to your client?” Kaplan asked in a sometimes heated debate.

Federal prosecutor John Cronan denied that the case against Abu Ghaith has been tainted by any surveillance program.

“Let me be perfectly clear, the prosecution team had absolutely no exposure” to communications among Abu Ghaith’s lawyers, he said.

Kaplan will never allow anything contrary to the government’s tale. Besides that, it seems that Abu Ghaith has some dubious lawyers. Calling this a show trial is an understatement.

Coup, coup, ca-choo

Can’t call it a coup in Egypt. Can’t cut off aid to the military.  They have some more killing to do. More strife to foment.  
♫ Breaking up is hard to do.♫
This act of rebranding, (the coup that wasn’t) will guarantee the divide is widened amongst the people. Without it appearing to be tied to any western backed manipulations. On the surface. The discord will come straight from the people. Who because of the way they have been manipulated will very naturally feel cheated and resentful.
Therefore, the discord of the people will simply have to be dealt with by the western powers, who created the disenchantment in the first place.  more from Penny

Mass resignations at Al Jazeera over “biased” Egypt coverage

The War on Terror is a Fraud: How the West has Fostered Radical Islam and Actively Keeps it Alive 

The people of the world are being lied to by those with an incentive to maintain militarism and hegemony. The first step towards dismantling the beast that has been created is to become informed and then inform.

Twenty-six ways to slander and intimidate conspiracy advocates

The Dancing Israelis Docs

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andie was so kind to allow me access to the pdf files she received via a FOIA request…..

The official 2001 FBI docs on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis incident 

The files were on Scribd but it seems like they won’t allow us to download them without having a paid account so I have uploaded them to an open public account.

Here they are:

Police Report

Dancing Israelis FBI Document Section 1

Dancing Israelis FBI Document Section 2

Dancing Israelis FBI Document Section 3

Dancing Israelis FBI Document Section 4

Dancing Israelis FBI Document Section 5

Dancing Israelis FBI Document Section 6  

The files are fairly heavily redacted but still are important historical documents that you may want to save and pass around.

9/11: Israel did it (with help)

The Mossad Role in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy

9/11 Thug Bernard Kerik Released From Prison

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Mobster Kerik thought he was above the law but was too stupid to hide his relatively petty money corruptions and tax evasions.

After serving more than three years of a four year sentence, he was released early from a federal pen and will be allowed to serve the rest of his time in sort of a house arrest with perks.

Bernie wasn’t dumb enough to spill his guts on what he knew of 9/11 to try and save himself, that would have been his death sentence, and is now going to continue on with his life just as all the other high level perps and cover-up accessories to the September 11th crime have.

In case anyone has forgotten, let’s review a little about Bernie.

Kerik was Giuliani’s sidekick on 9/11 and in the days and weeks following. Always at his side then and a business partner cashing in on their notoriety later. If he didn’t have foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks he certainly was a big part of cover-up.

Kerik has said both he and Giuliani were big fans of “The Godfather” and he wondered if the Mayor “noticed how much becoming part of his team resembled becoming part of a Mafia family. I was being made. I was now part of the Giuliani family, getting the endorsement of the other family members, the other capos.” So Kerik wrote in his autobiography.

Kerik went on a four day trip to Israel on Aug. 26, 2001 to discuss anti-terror tactics and met with Israeli billionaire Eitan Wertheimer. Kerik himself is no stranger to the Middle East and traveled to Israel before becoming commissioner. Before joining the NYPD, he coordinated security for the Saudi royal family.

While in Israel on Aug. 29, 2001 Kerik called on Israel to show the world “you can’t be intimidated by terrorism.”

New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik said Sunday (Sept. 16, 2001) a passport belonging to one of the hijackers was discovered a few days ago several blocks from the crash site by a passerby. {more}

Mr. Kerik was an exploiter of 9/11 in his own right: he had commandeered an apartment assigned to ground zero police and rescue workers to carry out his extramarital tryst with the publisher Judith Regan. {more}

Kerik’s troubling ties –Links to company in mobster probe –When he headed the city’s jails, Bernard Kerik became deeply entangled with a New Jersey construction company long under fire for its alleged mob ties, a Daily News investigation found. Kerik’s troubling connection to the company, Interstate Industrial, began in the fall of 1998, when the company held major city contracts, including one to cover the massive Fresh Kills landfill. Kerik recommended his close friend, Lawrence Ray, for a job helping Interstate cope with mob-leery regulators here and in Atlantic City.

Kerik was the Chairman of The Kerik Group LLC, a consulting firm specializing in Crisis Management and Risk Mitigation, Counter-Terrorism and Law Enforcement and Jail/Prison Management strategies. {more}

Kerik made $6.7 million by selling stock given him by Taser International. {more}

George Bush nominated Kerik to head the Dept. of Homeland security as payback for his successful 9/11 cover up role but due to his many crimes had to withdraw. {MSM said it was due to his illegal immigrant nanny}

Here is some more on ‘Crybaby’ Kerik.

History Commons has a profile on the criminal.

Ha Ha…On 60 minutes days after 9/11, Kerik says his ‘most wanted’ was finding the black boxes…among other lies and bullshit.

Kerik Says There Were No Bombs In WTC

Bernie Kerik Saying No Choice For Civil Liberty Loss

Kerik was allegedly involved with FEMA in WTC demolition “war games” called Operation Code Angel.

Several … intelligence sources who spoke to longtime federal whistleblower Stewart Webb, alleged that the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 was called ‘Operation Code Angel,’ also known as Tripod II – a U.S. Department of Justice ‘war games’ exercise involving the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) …

Running with the big boys in the cover-up…Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Kerik, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Governor George Pataki, and FBI Director Robert Mueller at the World Trade Center just 10 days after 9/11

On Sept. 11, 2001, Bush ponders if Kerik is up to the task of being a vital component in the conspiracy.
OK, Kerik is relatively minor in the big scheme of the post 9/11 world but he is a traitor, an accomplice to murder and he is free. Something tells me he has plenty of money and will do quite well as long as he keeps his mouth shut. 
In an world of justice, there would be a gallows inscribed with Kerik’s name as well as several more who were behind the false flag hoax and cover-up of 9/11.
But this is Amerika and justice is as of yet not one of our strong points.

Sandy and Erin

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Sandy is getting a lot of attention.

Sandy’s path is not that much different from the one that Hurricane Erin was on in September of 2001.

Erin stayed out at sea and 9/11 was a beautiful sunny day in New York City.

Had Erin turned west as Sandy is projected to do it would have been a sloppy wet day for a false flag.

Did the perps catch a break? Just lucky I guess. The date was important and the photos needed to be clear to have the proper effect.

Timing is everything. 

Conspiracy theories and facts aside, best of luck to all those that may be affected by Sandy.

9/11 ~ Where Do We Go From Here?

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MTSU students and alumni are ‘beaming’ with pride over 9/11 memorial

For those of us who watched the events of September 11, 2001 unfold and were aware that everything we were about to be told would be a lie, there has been a vindication of sorts. Our eyes and gut feel did not fail us that day and although it was a slow motion ride heading to the truth at first, the train did pick up speed even if it has been uphill all the way.

Some of us over the last 11 years have read what seems like a million words, watched hundreds of videos, studied thousands of images, posted and re-posted things we felt were relevant, made comments all over the internet, gained friends and allies, made enemies, got ridiculed and called names, evolved in our thinking, picked flyspecks out of pepper, waded through the muck of disinformation, debated and argued the hows, watched as the trolls and paid provocateurs came around to infiltrate the narrative, became frustrated, exhilarated, encouraged and discouraged and never once thought of giving up. We never made a nickel out of it. Our schooling didn’t get us a degree. We did it because we had to. We had no choice. When we were told ‘you are with us or you are against us,’ we chose the against side. It was the side of right, not might.  We may not be the brightest light bulb around but we haven’t burnt out yet. We continue just because someone has to and we aren’t afraid.

We pick and choose our battles. We walk away at times if that’s what is needed. There will be another day. In our daily lives we try and speak calmly and clearly as if the truth is matter of fact. It is. We don’t raise our voice while others raise theirs. We reject the arrogance of know it alls both in and out of the truth movement. Those who say they have all the answers usually don’t. We try to keep in mind that there are many who have a hard time overcoming a lifetime of deception. Satire and humor are useful tools. We like to laugh and use that medicine to make us and others feel better. If we can’t have fun in our pursuit of knowledge and truth then we’ve missed a most important part of the process. We will never win over everyone. If it’s only one we hope they will carry on and do better than we have.  We don’t have a problem saying ‘I don’t know’ because there is so much we don’t.

Justice is a funny thing. In the case of 9/11 it’s elusive, almost a ghost at the peripheral of our vision. It’s there but when we reach out for it our hands grab hold of nothing and we doubt it exists at all. That’s by design. We fall in with the crowd and say ‘there’s nothing I can do’ or ‘I don’t want to hear it, it’s too scary.’ or ‘it’s out of my control.’ When the seeds of doubt get planted and well rooted, the chaos can never be overcome. Justice is all we’re asking for. Not only for 9/11 but for the wars and the financial crimes. If we get it for those eventually everything else will fall into place. Much easier said than done but without goals we get no results. Without results we get the same over and over again but it gets progressively worse with each spin of the cycle. We have the names, the faces. They are etched in our collective consciousness. We just can’t seem to get them rounded up for their turn to cry for mercy. 

So what can we do differently? Where do we go from here? How do we stop the madness?

Having another 9/11 memorial to a lie is certainly not going to get us anywhere although this one may be a good symbolic reminder of our police state and loss of rights situation as it sits right in front of the jailhouse.

They Should Have Hired Experienced Professionals

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Saturday 01 September 2012

The demolition of an old Philips office in Eindhoven, Holland at the weekend was only a partial success, after part of the building refused to collapse.

It is not yet clear what went wrong, local media reported. According to Nos television, the building had been due to collapse yn its entirety in an easterly direction.

A large crowd had turned out to watch the 70-metre high tower brought down. The demolition company charged with the task had drilled 400 holes into the structure and loaded it with 100 kilos of dynamite.

People living in 30 homes close to the tower, who had been evacuated as a precaution, will now not be allowed back into their homes until further notice.

(Failed) demolition of the Philips VH Building, Eindhoven  {another view}

When it comes to demolitions, you get what you pay for.

An Easy Day in Disinfo Nation

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Image from Genie’s place

 Yeah, it’s been a fairly easy last 24 hours for the gamers in the sport of the 9/11 myth as many in the media have coordinated  publicly releases touting a book allegedly by a SEAL who was there.

 “No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama Bin Laden”

set to hit shelves on Sept 11. It is penned under the pseudonym “Mark Owen,” according to the publisher, but multiple sources told Fox News his name is in fact Matt Bissonnette, 36, of Wrangell, Alaska. Bissonnette could be exposing himself to legal trouble, as the Pentagon has not vetted the account.
It was co-written by Kevin Maurer who already has a number of dubious books under his belt.
Government ‘officials’ feigned surprise that such a book could ever happen.  Legal troubles and threats? Questions of ‘Do SEALS have freedom of speech?’ and ‘Is this guy a traitor?’ enter into the mix to stir up worthless talk.
And we get our almost daily dose of ‘official’ story of 9/11.
Let’s not make it completely easy on them because it’s nothing but a very poor attempt at telling the same lies over and over again. Did Obama’s team put this book together? “Instant best-seller” says ABC news.

As of right now the only info on this Bissonnett guy is from Fox. Here’s what they say is a DOD photo of him. Face not recognizable of course.This is one lucky grunt to not have gotten killed in the copter crash a little over a year ago where several of his special ops buddies proved the old adage of ‘dead men tell no tales.’
We have just as much proof to say that the account of Bin Laden’s killing is a big lie psyops as the government has proof that it actually happened. That would be none. We have more proof that Bin Laden and his merry band of hijackers didn’t pull off 9/11 than the government has to say they did. Much more.
Unless there’s a mass awakening of 9/11 truth and barring a total societal collapse, we’re going to be seeing this kind of thing for the rest of our lives. ‘They’ will never let up. It props up their corrupt system and it is a weak link.
There’s also a fictional movie of Bin Laden’s demise scheduled to come out in December, “Zero Dark Thirty.” Why not release this before the election? Maybe Barry’s think tank decided it was a little early to have folks relating Hollywood, fiction and Obama’s greatest moment in the same thought? A good ‘non-fiction’ book will suffice for now.

Archives Part Two

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911 FEMA Photos

PDF files ….. 


THE COMMITTEE OF 300 – Dr. John Coleman

Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians pdf
To which is Added an Interpretation of the Crata Repoa Initiation Rite & the Initiation of Plato
By Manly P Hall

The secret teachings of all ages by Manley P-Hall pdf

William Cooper’s Mystery Babylon Series, Transcribed


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Waters Flowing Eastward  

Words in red Holly Bible

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The Manuals of Buddhism 


The actual Illuminati card game 

Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry pdf
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An Outline of Occult Science by Rudolf Steiner

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Dave McGowan – Programmed to Kill

Dave McGowan – The Pedophocracy

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And The Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition – David Icke

Alice in Wonderland and the WTC Disaster – David Icke

I am me I_am free-The_Robots’_Guide_to_Freedom – David Icke

The_Robots_Rebellion – David Icke

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The Hymns of Hermes (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol.II)

The Hymn of Jesus (Echoes from the GnosisVol. IV)

A Mithriac Ritual (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. VI)

The Hymn of the Robe of Glory (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. X)

Hallucinogenic Plants- A Golden Guide

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Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol 1 Walking Between The Worlds

Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol 2 Walking Between The Worlds

Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol 3 Walking Between The Worlds

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Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present

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Global Governance 2025: at a Critical Juncture

Oracle Illuminati – coincidence. cocreation. contact by William Henry

The Household Cyclopedia of General Information – All the Useful and Domestic Arts

 Earths Forbidden History Part1 Searching for the Past – Max Igan

Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy by George G. M. James 


 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

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Also see Archives Part One

 “If you are thinking 1 year ahead, plant seeds
If you are thinking 10 years ahead, plant a tree
If you are thinking 100 years ahead, educate the people.”
                                                 – Chinese Emperor Kuan Tsu, 5th century BC

911: America Nuked – Jeff Prager

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Over the last 10 years researchers have developed a decent narrative of the whos and whys of 9/11.

Where we continue to spin round and round chasing our tails is with the hows. That’s by design.

Some of us are just curious in a scientific way so the hows will always be relevant.

I’m not in the business of trying to convince anyone of certain viewpoints so I’ll just link this new emagazine by Jeff Prager and anyone interested can take it how they will.

9/11 America Nuked part 1

9/11 America Nuked part 2

At 247 pages and very detailed it’s not an easy read but there are lot of excellent photos that make the downloads worthwhile even if you don’t or can’t take the time to read it. Since it’s free, the only cost is in time.

Mr. Prager has been variously described as one of the best 9/11 researchers ever to a disinfo shill. I’ll leave it to each individual to make up their own mind. Input would be appreciated.

Mr. Prager describes his philosophy as this:

9/11 was a Zionist, Mossad, CIA, NeoCon Conspiracy. If you don’t get it I probably can’t help you but I promise, I’m going to try.

In The Beginning … Fine tuning geopolitics using dead civilians – from the America Nuked preface

Unlike aristocrats capitalists are not tied to a country or to the maintenance of a country. Capital is disloyal and mobile – it flows to where the most growth can be found, as it flowed from Holland to Britain, then from Britain to the USA, and most recently from everywhere to China. Just as a copper mine might be exploited and then abandoned, so under capitalism a whole nation can be exploited and then abandoned, as we see in the rusting industrial areas of dying America and already dead Britain. And we see capital flowing to Africa, Iraq, Kazakhstan and many other countries in the form of resource extraction; oil, gases, minerals, water, agricultural, manufacturing – even human resources are usurped for capital gains. 

This detachment from country and people leads to a different kind of geopolitics under capitalism, as compared to aristocracy. A king goes to war when he sees an advantage to his nation in doing so. Historians can ‘explain’ the wars of pre-capitalist days, in terms of the aggrandizement of monarchs and nations.

A capitalist stirs up a war in order to make profits, and in fact our elite banking families have financed both sides of most military conflicts since at least World War One and before. Hence historians have a hard time ‘explaining’ World War 1 in terms of national motivations and objectives. Explaining it and any other wars since means admitting the mass murder of millions under the disguise of war. Propaganda still works, even in the alleged enlightened, intellectual and learned 20th and 21st centuries.

In pre-capitalist days warfare was like chess, each side trying to win. Under capitalism warfare is more like a casino, where the players battle it out as long as they can get credit for more chips, and the real winner always turns out to be the house – the bankers who finance both sides of the war (with the corporations that make the bullets and bombs) and they decide who will be the last man standing. Not only are wars the most profitable of all capitalist ventures; the most profitable of all human endeavors, but by choosing the winners, and managing the reconstruction, the elite banking families are able, over time, to tune the geopolitical configuration to suit their own interests and gobble up even more currencies and resources. Gold, silver, oil, gas, timber, minerals, agriculture, water, cheap labor (humans) … these are their currencies. Nations and populations are but pawns in their games. Millions die in wars, infrastructures are destroyed, and while the world mourns, the bankers are counting their winnings and making plans for their postwar reconstruction investments. It doesn’t really matter who wins although that’s decided well in advance. What matters is how much money is loaned to whom and what the price for those loans really is in terms of lost lives; murders for capitalism, essentially. The spoils matter.

From their position of power, as the financiers of governments, the banking elite have over time perfected their methods of control. Staying always behind the scenes, they pull the strings controlling the media, the political parties, the intelligence agencies, the stock markets, and the offices of government. And perhaps their greatest lever of power is their control over currencies. By means of their central-bank scam, they engineer boom and bust cycles, and they print money from nothing and then loan it at interest to governments. The power of the banking elites is both absolute and wholly concealed … much like the explosives in the Twin Towers … wholly concealed. As an anarchist I’m opposed to capitalism and all of its components. While capitalism is an absurdity I’ve made it a point to include integrity and accuracy within these pages in spite of the capitalists urge to suppress it.

Photos from the book

Other Prager links:

Dust part 1

Dust part 2

Dust part 3

Conclusions And Thoughts  On Radiation Fission And Known Demolition Anomalies . . .

The Dust Whispers

The China Syndrome

Nuclear 911 (2011) – Detailed Exposure of the Thermonuclear Demolition

 Murdering Liberty, Killing Hope – When Psychopaths Rule the World

Collection of 31 Nuke Articles from Wtcdemolition.blogspot.com (2009)

comments from Mr. Prager

Facebook page