Month: July 2009

Rickey Medlocke, Sean Hannity and Abe Foxman

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Does anyone else long for the days when rock n’ rollers at least gave the appearance of being anti-establishment? Rickey Medlocke on Sean Hannity talking about health care? Ronnie Van Zant may be rolling in his grave. I kept hoping that Rickey would jump up and sing Needle and the Spoon and bitch slap Hannity for the lying shill that he is but it didn’t happen.

Having seen Mr. Medlocke play live with his band Blackfoot in a small club several years ago and Lynyrd Skynard a few times in their early days, I was disappointed. Hannity wants to try and show that he is ‘cool’ and have these guys on his show but this can’t cover up for his warmongering and hateful propaganda ways for which he is well paid.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, I turned off the TV and flipped on the radio just in time for the local ABC news affiliate to give airtime to Abe Foxman spouting something about the domestic extremism threat we are facing. Just another hour in the continuous degenerate agenda of the MSM.


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Ever been broken into? Stolen from on a very personal level? It really pisses you off for a while doesn’t it.

Maybe the glass door isn’t broken right now but robbery and theft go on every day. The thieves are called Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. government and corporations who’s aim is to not break glass but to break our spirit. Control is easier that way.

Scott Crieghton
gives us some numbers from the theft. Some of this money, in theory, is stolen from me….and you. And yet we don’t feel the anger the same as if our physical homes were broken into.

Tarp money, what Tarp money?

NY AG Andrew Cuomo has reported that more than 4,700 employees of the 9 top banks that received Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) money, have been given bonuses in excess of $1 million dollars. 836 of them received more than $3 million.

Citigroup Inc. gave employees $5.33 BILLION in bonuses for 2008

  • reported $27 billion in losses for 2008
  • gave 738 of its employees bonuses of at least $1 million
  • gave 44 of it’s employees bonuses of at least $5 million
  • received total of $45 billion in government money
  • has NOT repaid TARP loans to date

Bank of America Corp. gave employees $3.3 BILLION in bonuses for 2008

  • earned only $2.56 billion in 2008
  • gave 172 of it’s employees bonuses of at least $1 million
  • received total of $45 billion in government money
  • bought Merrill Lynch with $20 BILLION of the TARP money
  • Merrill Lynch lost $30 BILLION in 2008
  • Merrill Lynch paid 696 employees at least $1 million in bonuses
  • has NOT repaid TARP loans to date

JP Morgan Chase. Has not disclosed exactly how much they have paid in bonuses (at least $2.26 BILLION in bonuses for 2008)

  • gave 1,626 of it’s employees bonuses of at least $1 million
  • gave at least 200 employees bonuses of at least $3 million
  • gave out more in bonuses than they made in 2008
  • received $25 billion in TARP funds
  • has paid the TARP funds back

Goldman Sachs. has not disclosed exactly how much they have paid in bonuses (at least $1.6 BILLION in bonuses for 2008)

  • gave 953 of it’s employees bonuses of at least $1 million
  • gave at least 200 employees bonuses of at least $3 million
  • gave out more in bonuses than they made in profits for 2008
  • received $10 billion in TARP funds
  • has paid the TARP funds back [source]

Pretty unbelievable if you really look at it and that’s just one example of the high level theft.

We could go on all day describing the techniques of the breakers and enterers but most folks seem to be resigned to accepting the thievery, lies and war. It’s all so abstract that it’s hard for the masses to grasp. We hope that it really can’t be happening.

Thievery without the broken glass at your doorstep doesn’t piss us off very much. The slow burn of the theft of our future that requires our labor and our lives in incremental doses should be getting us plenty mad but it’s not.

Without anger or some kind of emotional attachment to what is being stolen, we just sort of lie in bed with the covers over our heads and hope that the thieves don’t hurt us too bad.

And that’s just the way the current crop of criminals want it.

Out of Control

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Independence, self reliance and control over our own lives is quickly becoming a mirage that we can somewhat see but can’t seem to reach. Is the big train wreck what we have to look forward to?

Under the guise of ‘health’ there is a potential attempt to control us through military force using mandatory vaccinations, nutricide and food ‘safety’ laws? Disinformation is the rule and even medical journals and the MSM tout false studies to keep us confused such as in the BBC report Organic ‘has no health benefits.’ Controlling the message makes a few a lot of money.

Hate crimes, thought crimes, domestic ‘terrorists’ and the multitude of contrived threats are the state’s attempt to get us to shut up and get in line.

The wars of and for the liars who started them and those who perpetuate them are pushed to the background. There’s no anti-war movement to speak of. Innocent people and the ‘volunteer’ soldiers continue to die and there’s barely a squeak out of anybody except for a few in the blogosphere.

Yeah, people are talking about the economy. It’s what effects them the most and is always immediate. Most folks know it’s been a scheme of theft for the bankers but talk is all we get. Will congress stop the Federal Reserve and the Wall Street mafia? Not likely. Those with the most money have many options before they will give up their power. You can count on that.

‘Question everything’ used to be a rallying cry. Now it’s question nothing and maybe you will be safe.

As individuals, we can shut up or we can prepare and be willing to step up, just in case the out of control train leaves its tracks

playlist of some of my personal favorite ‘tools.’

War Crimes, Religion and History

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The ruins of the ancient city Babylon with one of Saddam’s palaces in the background.

by Mike Rivero

One of the great crimes committed against the people of Iraq was the looting of the Baghdad Museum and the destruction of many important ancient sites inside Iraq.

I think that destruction of ancient sites is deliberate policy.

Egypt is literally littered with the ruins of the ancient temples and palaces of her rulers. As much as has been found, it is estimated that only 1/3 of Egypt’s archeological wonders have been uncovered. A newly discovered temple was uncovered while digging a sewer line, and a cache of finely preserved mummies was literally stumbled over by a cow in a pasture.

Iraq’s ancient heritage was enshrined in its ancient sites and museum. As a result of the war, many of those sites have been damaged or destroyed. Part of the ancient city or Ur now lies underneath a US air base runway. Nebuchadnezzar’s palace now lies underneath a US-built parking lot. The treasures of the museum have only partly been recovered. The treasures from the looted archaeological sites have been scattered to the world.

All of this wealth of archaeological treasures must of course annoy Israel. We are raised from birth with Old Testament tales of the greatness of the ancient Israelites, of the powerful kingdoms of Solomon and David and the first temple. Yet Israel, while rich in antiquities, is almost totally devoid of artifacts from this supposedly glorious time in her history. The existence of the fabled First Temple was supported with just two artifacts, a carved staff ornament in the shape of a pomegranate and the Jehoash tablet. Both of these artifacts have been exposed as frauds. We are told that once there was a magnificent temple on that hill, but it “all went away.”

The wonders emerging from the soil of Egypt, Iraq, and Iran serve as a constant reminder that ancient buildings of such a scale as we are told the First Temple was simply do not vanish without a trace.

There is considerable reason to suspect that the tales told in the Old Testament are just that; tales. The Bible is not science, it is the collected stories of a primitive tribal people telling each other how important they are. And like fishermen talking about the one that got away, or Ramses with his temple carvings of the did-not-really-happen victory over the Hittites at Kadesh, the writers of the ancient testaments assumed that the people they were telling stories to had no way to verify the claims for themselves. So “embellishment” was a low-risk activity.

We do know from the available archaeological evidence that the Exodus probably actually happened to the Hyksos, not the Israelites. We know that the story of Moses is suspect because no Egyptian princess would hide a Hebrew child inside Pharaoh’s household, then give the kid a Hebrew name (“Moses” is actually an Egyptian title meaning “Prince” and is included in the names of many Pharaoh’s names such as Tut-Moses, Ah-Moses, Ra-Moses (Ramses) etc.)

Likewise, the story of Masada may be less than accurate. The remains found on the mountain were buried with pig bones, something no proper Jewish funeral would tolerate, which suggests that the bodies found and venerated as heroes of ancient Judea were actually those of dead Romans, for whom burial often involved animals as gifts to the spirit of the dead.

But a good story is a good story and the writers of the ancient texts were probably not thinking much further into the future than the guys who pen the “Celebrity dates space alien” stories you see at supermarket checkout lines. The fact that the celebrity is a real person does not prove the space alien exists. It’s just a story.

Given enough time, even a simple story written in jest can take on a life of its own. Scientology began as a bet between two science fiction writers; look how wide spread that has become in just a short time.

But, over time, entire religions with attendant wealth and power structures have been built on the premise that these old testament stories really happened exactly as written. And today, here in the 21st century world, science has started to catch up with these ancient legends and call many of them into doubt.

So, for a nation that justifies its existence on the writings of the Torah, the plethora of sites and artifacts confirming the ancient histories of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, etc. etc. etc. must seem a dire political threat for a nation whose own ancient history seems to have left little if any traces at all.

In that context, the strange behavior of the US military which posted guards around the Iraq oil ministry while bulldozing Iraq’s archaeological sites starts to make sense, if the supporters of a very insecure nation decide that leveling the archaeological playing field is preferable to allowing the obvious disparity in artifacts to remain visible to the world.

Baby’s First Job

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Healthy adults and the elderly will be tested before the swine flu vaccine is tried in children as young as 6 months old.

$50 a pop. I’m rich!
Can I get that in cash?
Roll the dice mama…..Baby needs a new pair of shoes!

12,000 Oklahoma children to be tested with new H1N1 flu vaccine to see any side effects.

Because H1N1 flu is a novel virus, parents are concerned as 12,000 children in Oklahoma are going to be tested with vaccinations for H1N1 to see whether there are any serious side effects. Some parents are complaining the only benefit is going to be for the vaccine manufacturers.

The tension is in the waiting to see whether the 12,000 children going to be vaccinated will come down with side effects and what effects, even though most manufacturers say the vaccine probably will be safe.

What is certain is that children are going to be used to test the new flu vaccine. {more}

A white patsy to distract us

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Better keep an eye on that neighbor of yours. You know, the one with an AK47. Jihadists come in all sorts of flavors these days….. ‘Ringleader’ Daniel Boyd

Conspiracy to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons abroad.” “The men do not appear to be connected to any larger terror group or any plot against U.S. targets.”

How nice of them to not want to kill anyone here in the states.

Boyd and some of the others traveled to Israel in June 2007 intending to wage “violent jihad,” but returned home without success.”

Israel is a tough place for a white terrorist I suppose. And how with his alleged past history and being under federal surveillance was he allowed entry?

An informant, yes there’s always an ‘informant,’ has been providing information to authorities on this white jihadist for years.

I wonder why the arrests come at this moment?

The first thing that may come to mind is to divert attention away from the rabbi/government mafia mob crimes in New Jersey and Israel.

There are many other crimes, schemes and scams that should be a focus of our attention but the media would rather play up the old Islamic ‘terrorist’ threats.

Greg Bacon gives us some of the “Yes We Can” agenda that government and mainstream media would rather we not talk about.

“Yes We Can”

Keep illegally spying on people, using the same tactics developed by GW Bush and Cheney.

Keep the illegal and immoral wars against Iraq and Afghanistan going and start another against Pakistan.

Keep assassinating people around the world who stand in our way of global conquest.

Keep shoveling tons of money to our buddies on Wall Street.

Keep silent about the trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve is giving away to its friends.

Keep plans for safe energy stalled while we push for the construction of over 100 nuclear plants.

Keep torturing prisoners in Gitmo and at other secret torture facilities.

Keep the health insurance companies making 400+ billion a year by denying care.

Keep hiring Wall Street lobbyists and tools to run federal agencies.

Keep providing the Apartheid state of hate Israel, with billions of dollars of weapons and billions of dollars of money.

Keep plans for bombing Iran on schedule.

Keep Muslims captured overseas in prison indefinitely without charging them with anything.

Keep letting Wall Street flunkies head the SEC so as to not interfere with the ongoing theft of pension funds and retirement accounts.

Keep using manufactured ‘boogiemen’ like Iran, N. Korea and the Taliban to keep Americans scared out of their wits.

Keep our borders open, flooding this country with millions of illegal immigrants to help keep down wages.

Keep ignoring pleas and calls for a truly independent 9/11 investigation.

Keep telling lie after lie and filling Americans with fear and paranoia. {source}

As if ‘domestic terrorists’ aren’t enough, there’s still that swine flu issue. But to keep your mind on more important things like jihad, do not, I repeat DO NOT read this Mike Adams piece on the Ten Things You’re Not Supposed to Know About Swine Flu Vaccine. It might distract you.

And be sure not to go to There Are No Sunglasses where Peter Chamberlin focuses on the US wars of aggression in the middle east. It could be very distracting.

And never, ever go to any of the other blogs and websites listed on the right of this page and for that matter any alternative news sites and blogs. Distraction after distraction.

Just turn on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, they’re all pretty much the same, and get the news you are fed/led to believe.

Because, as Chris Matthews says, if you listen to those conspiracy nuts, you have “psychological problems.”

Obese DOD Needs a Crash Diet

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While most of the talk has been on health care ‘reform,’ there is the annual budget vote “Making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 201o, and for other purposes” that really exemplifies what our country is all about.

Death, destruction, theft of land and big contracts for the killing machine.

Washington Watch puts the cost on a more personal level.
Cost per average family: $6,268.24

Over $640 billion dedicated to perpetual war.

I don’t think this even includes the interest on the debt that will be paid to the Federal Reserve.

That’s only the monetary costs. For the average family that will lose a son, daughter, father or mother the costs cannot be measured. No one measures the costs of broken spirit and heart for those that survive.

For the sake of transparency, I suggest we rename the DOD to the Department of Offense.
There’s no defense in fighting wars of aggression and empire that are more for Israel than for us.

Also for the support of our troops, I suggest we bring them all home where they belong.

Let’s hope Jennifer makes it home. Not all will be so lucky.

And we continue to pay for the damn lies.

Art for Art’s Sake

Posted on art by Edward Hopper

Len Hart’s Cheers and Chris Botti: When I Fall in Love featuring the art of Edward Hopper et al….

ADL – The Dark Side of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith

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Seems to be censored by youtube. 8-2-09
An 8 part playlist. The dark history of the ADL.

Under the guise of fighting “antisemitism” the ADL is out to remove channels on youtube not just videos but channels for speaking out against Israel. You so much as show a picture in war it’s removed under the gross clause, you use music the wrong way its removed for that, you get flagged enough even for no reason at all and they remove it for that. And there are groups that just mass email one another and go around and flag videos that criticize Israel. The ones they leave alone are actual racist because it only helps their cause. Meanwhile they can support racial cleansing and colonization as Zionism because you see it’s OK to be racist so long at it’s your religion.
from wrh and anti-neocons

From youtube itself


Beating youtube at Its Game of Censorship

Busted: The Orthodox Criminal Network

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by Christopher Bollyn

Some of the members of the international Orthodox Jewish criminal network arrested on July 23, 2009. This network is deeply involved in illegal narcotics and financial crimes.

The FBI’s mass arrest on July 23 of Orthodox rabbis, their partners-in-crime, and the venal and corrupt politicians who accepted bribes from a Jewish gangster-turned-witness provides essential insight into the extensive Othodox Jewish criminal network that dominates Israel, New York, New Jersey, and to a great extent the United States of America. Having written a great deal about this subject, particularly in relation to the false flag terror attacks of 9-11, there are a few important things that need to be pointed out about this developing story.


This is a very important story, not only for the insular and segregated Orthodox Jewish community in which this criminal network operates but for the larger intercommunal relationship between Jews and the U.S. general public, which is incensed and indignant about being ripped off for hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars by notorious Jews like Bernard Madoff, Maurice Greenberg of A.I.G., and Ben Shalom Bernanke of the Federal Reserve. “If the charges against the rabbis are proved to have been correct,” one veteran Brooklyn rabbi told the Israeli press, “it’ll be the worst and most terrible blasphemy that will ever be remembered about the New York Jews.”

While the controlled media wrongly puts the focus on the corrupt minor politicians who allegedly took bribes, the real crooks are those who paid the bribes and used dirty money to corrupt politicians. The main players in this criminal network are among the leading members of the Sephardic Jewish community of Brooklyn, New York City, and Deal, New Jersey. The key players, such as the FBI’s cooperating witness Solomon “Shlomo” Dwek and the 87-year-old “chief rabbi” Shaul J. Kassin, are both high-ranking members of this closed community, which is actually Israeli (or Palestinian prior to 1948). A member of the Dwek clan, Rafi Dwek, for example, is director-general of the Likud party, the extreme right-wing party of Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, and Benjamin Netanyahu.

Shlomo Dwek, the Talmud teacher and Jewish gangster-turned-witness who helped expose a small part of the international Orthodox criminal network

Israeli members of this Syrian Orthodox Jewish community are discussed in my articles about the secret visit of Ehud Olmert to New York City on the very eve of 9-11. During this top-secret visit on September 10, 2001, Ehud Olmert, then the Likud mayor of Jerusalem, met with two other Likudniks from the Syrian Jewish community, namely Shaul and Meir Levy, founders and owners of the “Wings” beach store chain. Having visited one of these massive “Wings” stores in North Miami Beach, I am convinced that the Levy brothers deal in more than beach towels and suntan lotion.

The tiny Syrian Jewish enclave of Deal, New Jersey (population 1,000), has been mentioned in my 9-11 research, for example in the chapter on the Architecture of Terror. When the FBI busted 5 prominent rabbis from this secretive group of Syrian/Israeli Orthodox Jews, I was very interested and watched to see how the media covered this story, which is far more important than many realize. This story reveals the fundamental Jewish method of corruption and political control, which is the subject of my earlier 9-11 article about Italian Gangsters and their Jewish Bosses. While the rabbis and the Jewish “charities” were laundering tens of millions of dollars, venal politicians were being bought off by the rabbi’s son for a few thousand dollars, literally for pennies on the dollar. Two things are striking about this latest story: the depth and extent of the Jewish criminal network and the cheapness and degree of corruption of our political leaders. The Jewish criminal network is just as entrenched in Chicago, Miami, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles as it is in New York and New Jersey.

The Dwek and Kassin families are very close and have been since at least the early years of the 1900s when they studied Talmud and Kabbalah together in the yeshiva in Jerusalem (then part of the district of Syria in the Turkish Ottoman Empire). The Kassin family came to America from Palestine in August 1933. Rabbi Jacob and his wife Mazal arrived in New York with their first four children, the eldest being Shaul, the now indicted rabbi. Mazal, the rabbi’s 30-year-old wife was unable to read or write, according to immigration documents, which is not unusual for this segregated and backwards community. Orthodox Jewish women are known to be treated as untouchable second-class humans and are made to ride in the back of the bus even today in Israel. Non-Jews, “Goyim” or Gentiles, are considered to be even lower and are despised by Orthodox Jews yet they choose to live and carry out their criminal schemes in America, which has a population which is overwhelmingly non-Jewish.


The Syrian Jewish community is known for its strict racial Edict that acts like “an invisible fence” and bans members of the community from marrying anyone outside of the community. “Never accept a convert or a child born of a convert,” the son of rabbi Kassin told Zev Chavets of the New York Times in 2007, summarizing the message of the Edict. “Push them away with strong hands from our community. Why? Because we don’t want gentile characteristics.”

To understand the ties between the key families in this story, I recommend Sarina Roffé’s articles on the Kassin and Labaton rabbinic dynasties. Sarina is an expert on Syrian Jewry and a member of Brooklyn’s Syrian Jewish community and the Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. of New York.

The “Syrian” Jewish community is well known for its notorious criminals. One of the most infamous is Eddie Antar, a.k.a. Crazy Eddie. In the ’70s, he created an empire in the home electronics business. When he was caught defrauding investors of nearly $100 million dollars, he fled to Israel, was extradited, prosecuted (by then U.S. Attorney Michael Chertoff), and sent to prison. Antar, who still lives in the community “enclave”, told the Jewish Week that the recent mass arrest of rabbis doesn’t surprise him at all. “Most people in this community are law-abiding hard-working Americans and the alleged actions of a few people are no reflection on the entire community. But I’m not surprised when I see this kind of thing happen.”

Small, tight-knit communities such as the Syrian Jewish enclave in New Jersey and Brooklyn are particularly prone to financial crime, he said. “It happens all the time in all kinds of closed, insular communities, and these crimes are the toughest to crack,” he said. “The people are bound not just by economic incentives, but cultural, religious, ethnic and family ties. They tend to be highly coordinated, and they can take years to investigate.” When the dust settles “hundreds” of people could be implicated, Antar predicted. Antar’s prediction that many more people are involved comes from a person who knows the Orthodox criminal network from the inside.


The most obvious question that a person would ask after hearing the report of the mass arrest of Orthodox rabbis: What kind of religious community is this Orthodox Jewish community in which its leaders are venal crooks who engage in serious criminal activity as easily as one drinks a glass of water?

“These rings, led by clergymen, cloaked their extensive criminal activities behind a facade of rectitude,” New Jersey District Attorney Ralph Marra said, describing a disgraceful picture of religious leaders heading money-laundering crews and acting as crime bosses. They moved “at least tens of millions of dollars through charitable, nonprofit entities controlled by rabbis in New York and New Jersey,” Marra said. Exactly where the “tens of millions of dollars” came from has not been explained, but connections to the illegal drug trade and the Madoff scam are both very likely.

Crime Boss” Shaul J. Kassin, 87, chief rabbi of the Syrian Jewish community

“Religious leaders allegedly acted like ‘crime bosses'”, was the Marra quote that became the title of a July 26 article in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. “For these defendants, corruption was a way of life.”

Israelis, however, are well aware of the gangster methods and tactics of the Orthodox Jewish community, something most Americans are only becoming aware of as a result of this mass arrest. Small Orthodox Jewish parties, such as Israel’s theocratic Shas Party, have long wielded enormous clout in Israel’s coalition governments and used political extortion to obtain special privileges for the Orthodox community. Orthodox religious practices and conversions, for example, are the only ones recognized in the “Jewish state.” The Shas party’s seed money was raised in rabbi Kassin’s living room in Deal, N.J., in the early ’80s.

In most cases the indicted rabbis used Jewish and Zionist “charitable organizations” to launder money that they believed came from bank fraud and selling counterfeit goods. Dwek told the rabbis he was trying to hide large amounts of cash. In some instances, he said, the money came from the sale of fake Gucci bags. It should be noted, however, that the Orthodox Jewish community has a long and documented history of involvement in the sale of narcotics and illegal drugs, such as Ecstasy. The Syrian Jewish community is very powerful in Latin America. Another Kassin family member, a Miami resident from Colombia named “Victor Tesone Kassin,” for example, was indicted in a $100 million money laundering operation to wash drug profits from Colombian narcotics with drug financier Isaac Kattan in 1982 following a similar investigation called Operation Greenback. This operation involved a bank in Miami and Switzerland. Switzerland and Israel played roles in the recently busted Jewish money-laundering operation and are also thought to be involved in the disappearance of tens of billions of dollars from the Madoff scam as well.

A Brooklyn Jewish man, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, is charged with enticing poor people in Israel to give up a kidney for $10,000 so he could sell their organs for $160,000 each, according to Marra. Some, if not all, of the kidney removal operations were reportedly carried out at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital.

The arrest of the Orthodox rabbis led some to dub the affair “Kosher Nostra.” The rabbis, including two synagogue leaders, are suspected of organizing a money-laundering network that allegedly worked through charities in Deal, Brooklyn and Israel, Ha’aretz reported. The 15 people arrested on money laundering charges were all Orthodox Jews and/or Israelis, including the “kidney trade middleman,” a.k.a. Levi-Yitzhak Rosenbaum. There were so many detainees that a bus was used to transport them. This massive arrest, however, is seen by many as only the tip of the iceberg.

Officials say investigations originally focused on an international Orthodox Jewish network that laundered tens of millions of dollars through charities controlled by rabbis in New Jersey and New York. This money-laundering network is most likely connected to the $50 billion Bernie Madoff scam. Madoff, as I pointed out in my articles about his scam, managed the Sy Syms school of business at the Orthodox Jewish community’s Yeshiva University. Another Sephardic family, the Recanati family, has a great deal of influence in the shipping and selling of crude oil and at the Israel Discount Bank, the corrupt private bank where Sy Syms was a director for many years. Like the 9-11 crime and cover-up, at every key nodal point of this vast criminal financial network — one finds an Orthodox Jew.

Levy Itzhak Rosenbaum used his gun to threaten poor kidney donors who got cold feet. He made more than $150,000 for each kidney he traded.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, “The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11

Bollyn, Christopher, “Ehud Olmert Was in New York on 9-11,” December 2, 2007

Bollyn, Christopher, 9-11: The Israeli Network in Florida,” May 21, 2008

Bollyn, Christopher, “The Italian Gangsters and Their Jewish Bosses,” October 1, 2007

Chavets, Zev, “The Sy Empire,” New York Times Magazine, October 14, 2007

Roffé, Sarina, “Kassin Rabbinic Dynasty” and “Labaton Rabbinic Dynasty

Source: Christopher Bollyn

The Bollyn 9/11 archives are Here.